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American Empire Set To Strike Once Again



MER - Washington - 12 February, 1998:

   Secretary of Defense Cohen has been to Moscow and in his restrained but firm style read them the riot act.  There's been no more loose talk of World War III and indeed the Russians have said there is no worry of them taking any military action -- not to mention that their military forces and economy are in shambles.

   Meanwhile, using its inimitable combination of brawn and manipulation, the U.S. has successfully rendered the U.N. not only impotent but complicitous.  It's a miserable performance by the so-called "international community" with the American-chosen Secretary-General showing his passive qualities (which of course got him the job in the first place), the Security Council remarkably discrediting itself, and the General Assembly asleep at the wheel.

   And Secretary of State Albright has been to the Middle East and in her duplicitous and cranky style has lectured the Arabs with the firm American rules of the game.
   Appropriately, the most lengthy talks were held with the Israelis who are in fact totally behind what the American are doing throughout the region.  Indeed the Clinton Administration -- from the White House and the State Department to the Pentagon and the CIA -- is literally filled with senior officials having long-standing and intimate ties to the Israeli-Jewish lobby.  In a very real sense the Americans have adopted Israeli policies -- thus there's no need for the Israelis to fire a shot (not now anyway).

Listen to a discussion of these realities on Pacifica Radio --
program available from MER Website at:  http://www.MiddleEast.Org
    The Arab "client regimes" are all lined up, allowed to speak a few oh-so-public disclaimers pretending to "deny" use of their countries for American designs.  What takes place is front of the cameras however is agreed-in-advance political theatrics -- the mainstream press all too gullibly playing along.  The reality is that the Arab regimes are very much in bed with the Americans, or in a few cases totally afraid of them.  The Saudis for instance will not have bombing missions launched directly from their country; but support, refueling, and reconnaissance flights will use Saudi air bases and airspace.  The well-paid P.R. agents love it all; as do the "defense" contractors (the U.S. and Britain together sell about 2/3rds of the world's armaments).

    Albright also visited the Palestinians.  She screamed at Arafat, twice threatened to walk out on him, and in the end ordered him to end Palestinian demonstrations of support for Iraq.  Shortly after her departure Arafat in turn ordered an unprecedented end to public demonstrations -- his role as American/Israeli "policeman" of the Palestinians once again clearly confirmed for all to see.
    What's ahead in the Middle East is not really war.  War requires two sides -- two armies, two air forces.  Iraq is prostrate, all but defenseless, already terribly battered and on its knees.  American weaponry and technology is totally overwhelming.  The Americans are planning to drop huge numbers of bombs on what was the most powerful Arab country and no serious military opposition is possible.
    For the Americans its a "turkey shoot" -- and they can't wait to try out their new high-tech weaponry and pulverize the demonic enemy.

   It needs to be remembered that the roots of the American army are very deep in treachery, deception, and massacre -- just ask the American Indians.

M I D - E A S T  R E A L I T I E S
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