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May 1998
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Washington Scene:



MER - Washington - 5/12:
For some years now, very close relations have developed in Washington between Ambassadors for some of the key Arab client-regimes in the Middle East and key personalities in the Israeli/Jewish lobby, especially those associated with the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)

What's involved is that these regimes, increasingly looking to Washington as their protector and patron, have also decided that by cozzying up to the infamous lobby they can try to get more arms and money from the Americans.

Some of the relationships involved are extraordinarily close and equally extraordinary politically scandalous. Saudi Ambassador Bandar, for instance, has been among the leaders of the cozzy-up-to-Israel approach, but he has done so primarily behind closed doors.

The Jordanian Hashemite regime on the other hand seems to know no shame; its level of collaboration and what can truthfully be called political prostitution unexcelled past or present. This Sunday,  opening day, Ambassador Muasher will actually be one of the major speakers at the Israeli/Jewish Lobby's annual convention!


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