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July 1998 
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MER - Washington - 7/7/98 

Just listen to this guy, Ambassador Bill Richardson, as he twists and turns his hypocritical path at the United Nations these days.  

"All I'm saying is we wish that [senior aides to Secretary-General Kofi Annan] were as resolute and strong as the U.N. weapons inspectors, and as strong as their boss is... If they do that, then we won't have problems"  

Richardson proclaims to diplomatically threaten the senior U.N. leadership after published reports that practically without exception they all oppose continuing sanctions against Iraq and are all pressuring their boss, Kofi Annan, to stop U.N. involvement in the sanctions. In essence, though their phrasing is usually quite "diplomatic", at least this time the highest ranks of the U.N. have had enough of fronting for the Americans. 

But then let's not forget who Kofi Annan is and how he got his job in the first place. Annan is a career U.N.-civil servant who over many decades has learned to continually bend in the political wind at America's U.N. Then, a few years, ago, an African being needed, Annan was pushed into the Secretary-General's chair by the Americans after a rather brutal U.S. attack against former Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. The entire rest of the world wanted Boutros-Ghali to stay put; but the Americans essentially vetoed his second term. Though Boutros-Ghali had bent over backwards to accommodate the Americans -- himself having a lengthy history of collusion with American policies in the Middle East -- he had not obeyed all orders without challenge and so he was told to get out and make way. 

George Bush told his Generals in January 1991 to stand down from the "Turkey Shoot" after 100 hours of murderous warfare -- the American giant against the puny Iraqis. The American forces were quite literally committing a   massacre against the Iraqis, Bush felt the world was watching in horror, and so the American President told his military to bring it to a quick end. 

Since that time American "sanctions" policies, unprecedented in history, have killed more than a million Iraqis -- mostly civilians, mostly children. Thousands more die each month; with many more terribly suffering medically and economically in ways few Americans could possibly understand or accept. 

"We believe because they've been violating chemical and biological initiatives ..that we'll be able to keep the sanctions on," Richardson proclaims. "But we're going to be facing a threat on this...when in the months ahead the Iraqis try to lift sanctions and try to weaken some of the disarmament standards in the U.N. Security Council." It's "very premature" to do that Ambassador Richardson insists. 

What a crock of you know what! 

Israeli military forces are even now being considerably expanded, including new nuclear missile-carrying submarines; and America continues to sell billions yearly in the most sophisticated arms to the "friendly" Arab regimes. But when it comes to those who won't bow down to American dictate the situation is turned upside down and its "very premature" to stop the slaughter!  

The Americans continue to think they can indefinitely play the same games of yesteryear. In decades past the Americans put the Shah of Iran on his throne, kept King Hussein and the al-Saud dynasty on theirs, restored the al-Sabah family to Kuwait, and nurtured Israel into regional American-surrogate strongman. 

The U.S. has constantly and continually meddled throughout the region with untold covert and militaristic operations. But now the whole facade of "client regimes," "dual containment", nuclear "non-proliferation", and disengenuous "Peace Process", is coming unraveled as a wave of populist, nationalist, and Islamic sentiments begin to sweep across the entire region. 

It took decades for pressures to build in Iran leading to the anti-American revolution of 1979; the single most significant development in the region since World War II.  It may take still more decades for the pressures building today to bring about further revolutionary changes in the region. But one thing for sure, American duplicity, hypocrisy, brutality, and chicanery, are not going unfelt or unnoticed. 


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