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September 1998 
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"We have no evidence -- or have seen no products, commercial products that are sold out of this facility."

Senior CIA official shortly after the bombing


"There may have been better places to go, that doesn't mean it was the wrong place to go."

Senior Pentagon official a few days after the attack


"Of all the targets we looked at, I was convinced beyond a doubt that we selected the right ones, and I am to this day.

Gen. H. Hugh Shelton
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 28 August


Thousands of people and media from all over the world have walked all over and extensively searched through the ruins of the pharmaceutical factory destroyed by the Americans in Sudan. Not a single person has become ill in any way, not a single person has found any evidence of any kind to validate American claims.

Moreover, if such an American attack is accepted, there are literallyhundreds of such factories -- and thousands of such "targets" -- in countries all over the world. If this one was the "right one", who's next?

And moreover still, the President of the United States now claims he stayed up until 2:30 am the night of the bombing trying to make sure that the night shift was not at the factory so few innocent persons would be killed. But tens of thousands, if not millions, of Africans will suffer -- and many will undoubtedly die -- because it now turns out the factory did produce all kinds of pharmaceuticals desperately needed by people in Sudan and surrounding countries.

The "new war" is just beginning -- both sides agree only on this.The Americans are readying many more bombs and missiles. Hints are being sent to allies, including the Arab client-regimes, that more bombing of Iraq is likely next month.

And the Israelis who have pushed for this "new war" for some time, and their Israeli/Jewish lobby in the U.S. which has top officials throughout the Clinton Administration who have worked tireless to bring about this result -- couldn't be more pleased.



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