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August 2000 - Current Index Complete Index This Month         MiddleEast.Org  8/03/00
News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
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               "All of us that live in the silent democracies are
          responsible for sustained genocide in Iraq."
                            Former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 8/3/00:
Every week the U.S. and Britain continue bombing Iraq.  Every week over 1000 Iraq children die because of the "sanctions" imposed by the Americans, with continuing Israeli encouragement, on Iraq.  It is "Genocide" -- a term the former U.N. Assistant Secretary General Denis Halliday has used after very careful consideration and first-hand experience.  To understand what is going on, and why, some of the past MER articles are now available at - http://www.MiddleEast.Org/iraq.htm.  These include:

* MER Editorial - America the Brutal, the Ugly
* Edward Said: "Apocalypse Now"
* Christmas in Baghdad - Is This Not A Crime?
* "Unjust, Arrogant, Contemptuous and Illogical" - MER Quote of the WEEK
* MER Readers Speak Up about U.S. Policies
* Jewish Composer Speaks Out on Genocide against Iraq
* The Year 1997: Hypocrisy, Deceit and Preparations for War..
* Torturing Iraq
* End Iraq Sanctions Now
* Genocide on Iraq: As If 12 to 20 Million Americans Had Been Killed by
  Sanctions Since 1990
* Madelein's Tour For Israel
* "SlaughterHouse" in Persian Gulf Predicted
* Kosher White House
* MER FLASHBACK - Fisk Remembers 1996


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All rights reserved.  POBox 18367 - Washington, DC 20036.    MER@MiddleEast.Org
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