Network: Israel's settlements are ethnic cleansing            Iran's Revolutionary Guard increasing control of naval forces            Iran Leader: Occupiers and Colonizers are Root of Terrorism            Palestinian Refugees - Failure of UN and Failure of US and UK, the most histoically responsible countries.            Bully Tactics In Full Swing Against Iran - Bully, Sanction, Discredit, Regime Change, WAR            'Saddam' riseth on TV            Swiss ban mosque minarets in surprise vote            Pakistan's president told to give up powers            IRAN SAYS NO to U.S. and IAEA            Bin Laden was 'within grasp' in Dec 2001 but military decided against            On This Day 62 Years Ago UN Votes to Partition Palestine            OBAMA caving to both Israel/Jewish Lobby and Military-Industrial Complex. and            Pakistan Taliban regrouping outside Waziristan            Taliban Leader Warns and Threatens Obama            Hugo Chavez: Israel plans to 'terminate the Palestinian people' - Haaretz - Israel News           
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