Network: Settlers reject Netanyahu plea to respect settlement freeze - Haaretz - Israel News            US Expanding Stealth WAR in Pakistan - More CIA Agents and Secret Hit Squads            Also read WASHREPORT.COM daily. And use the Calendar to read previous days.            Settlement construction freeze is 'temporary' and 'one time.'            Obama the Subordinate - The World's Least Powerful Man            Haaretz Exclusive: EU draft document on division of Jerusalem            Obama: Failed Speech, Failed Policy, Failing Presidency?            Ahmadinejad: Israel can't do 'damn thing' to stop Iran nuclear program            Rightist MK blasts 'racist' Obama demands on East Jerusalem            Israel mulls freeing Barghouti and forcing him into exile            Israel stripped thousands of Jerusalem Arabs of residency in 2008            Nato has lost its way in Afghanistan, Army chief tells Muslims            EU envoys recommend starter 'sanctions' because: Israel trying to sever East Jerusalem from West Bank            Obama Approval only 35% on Afghanistan            Having Killed the Founders of Hamas and Fateh, the Israelis have also killed any real Palestinian State           
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