Network: Spielberg's new project - a reality tv show set in Jerusalem            IRAN - We won't fall for it, we're staying with NPT            LEBANON: New Hezbollah platform - seeking freedom from US and Israeli hegemony            How Dubai's burst bubble has left behind the last days of Rome            Tony Blair - Now Paid off by Kuwait and Obscure Others!            Clinton to World: Help us in Afghanistan or Beware!            Israeli Lobby Gets Its Way Again - Congress plans Iran sanctions            FlashBack 2003 - A Tale of Two Iraq Photos - Pentagon Lies            Historic New Manifesto Denoucing U.S. Domination and Hegemony since 1945            Domination and Hegemony Denounces U.S. and Israel in the Middle East.            Barghouti Should Reconsider - Call the Israeli Bluff!            Settlers reject Netanyahu plea to respect settlement freeze - Haaretz - Israel News            US Expanding Stealth WAR in Pakistan - More CIA Agents and Secret Hit Squads            Also read WASHREPORT.COM daily. And use the Calendar to read previous days.            Settlement construction freeze is 'temporary' and 'one time.'           
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