Network: The devastating affects of appeasing India and kowtowing to the USA            Pres Ahmadinejad Blasts Western Liberalism            Egypt's gov't and opposition vie for favor of women            As Saudi King Abdullah ails, all eyes are on the heir            Israel, Itself an International Outlaw and Nuke Proliferator, Fingers IRAN a la N Korea            U.S. launches largest-ever spy satellite on back of Delta 4-Heavy rocket            Israel breaks tourist volume record            Israel must hold poll on any peace plan withdrawal even after Knesset vote            Fake Taliban leader 'dupes Nato negotiators'            America Heads to Major Poliical Breakdown            Obama's Frantic Mideast Peace Gamble            Afghans losing patience in war            OPERATION HEMORRHAGE to bleed America to death            Most Palestinians say NO to JEWISH STATE and 2-States            Biden on Afghanistan: 'Daddy is Going to Start to Take the Training Wheels Off.' - Political Punch           
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