Network: UN Human Rights Council passes 3 resolutions condemning Israel            PM Netanyahu's speech to AIPAC conference            Israel Itself Now In Question            VIDEO: Son of Hamas Founder: Biggest Terrorist in This World is the God of Islam            Palestinian support for 'two-state' solution drops            Israel's survival at stake, Clinton warns - Really?            Britain to expel Mossad's man in London            EU Boosts Israel Ties, Ignores Illegal Settlements, Wall, et. al.            U.S.-Israel row clouds opening day of AIPAC conference            PENTAGON J-Street - Generals and Mossad types behind the scenes            Israelis Twist So Jews Everywhere Associated With Them            Iranians train Taliban to use roadside bombs            Arab channels to broadcast show depicting IDF soldiers as murderers            US and Pakistan Sabatoge Secret UN and Karzai Talks with Taliban for Political Settlement            Peres: Israel has every right to build in Jerusalem           
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