Network: Palestinians test out Gandhi-style protest            BBC News - Comedian Frankie Boyle criticises BBC 'rebuke'            Clinton: Syria's provocations may plunge Middle East into war            Fear and foreboding in the Middle East            Obama and Clintono claim success with 'Proximity Talks' - just how gullible are we supposed to be?            Banned by Taliban, Back with the Americans: Boy Prostitution in Afghanistan            Occupation Magazine - Alienation and Estrangement            Israel's new SKUNG and SCREAM weapons            Iran will never agree to nuclear fuel swap            Nonsense from Israel about Bibi, Barak and 'the Peace Process'            Obama to call world summit if Mideast peace talks fail            Israelis Nukes and Non NPT Status to be Highlighted at UN Meeting            Knesset Speaker Calls for ONE STATE SOLUTION            Iran, Egypt ready for battle at UN nuclear meet            Chomsky on Obama and 'Palestinian State'           
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