Network: Saudis and US repeatedly condemn IRAN            IRAN WAR! A War to End All Middle East Wars?            CIA Man: Israel & Saudi Arabia more dangerous to US than Iran            Iran's former president warns of possible US attack            FlashBack: Ariel Sharon and Yasir Arafat symbolize the reasons why it is so difficult for the Israelis and the Pales...            Security Council still has not acted on Palestine            IRAN WAR hysteria growing in Washington as well as Saudi and Israelton Post            why is dc handling it like they are.....and why is NYC bloomberg handling it likehe is? @occupydc            Israel: Another Major East Jerusalem Settlement            US and Israel Want Palestinian BANTUSTANS Recognized!            The religious roots of Iran's rivalry with Saudi Arabia            The Israeli View on PEACE            Egypt Pushes Beyond Treaty with Israel about Sinai            Trying to keep Peace with Egypt, Israel apologises            Neocons Push to treat Pakistan ISI like Iran Quds Force! Cathail           
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IRAN WAR! A War to End All Middle East Wars?

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