Network: By day, I shot my boss Hosni Mubarak. By night, I dreamt of dictator's downfall            Arab League suspends Syria following US designs            Jewish Poll: Most Americans back Israeli strike on Iran            Iran: Here We Go Again? - Damn Us for Listening!            US speeds up militarization of Iran's neighbors            Breitbart outs Michael Moore            Iran sees nuclear program as last line of defense against West, expert says                       China mocks U.S. political model            Mark Bruzonsky on RT in Moscow - Arabic to Middle East            Haaretz editorial on Iran simplistic, bumbling, behind the curve            Israel's Dimona as well as EU and US will be targeted if IRAN Attacked            Qaeda to produce film on Awlaqi's life            TURKEY: A Rising Influence Among Arab Nations            ISRAEL: To Strike Iran or Not, With the US or Not           
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