Network: Saudi-Iran Cold War Getting Hotter            Clinton says Iran trying to hijack Mideast revolts            al-Qaida in Yemen adapts and thrives            Julian Schnabel's Miral: Muddle-East Politics            Hamas official hints Israel killed Italian activist to intimidate future Gaza flotilla members            Obama: What the **CK? No democracy in Qatar but OK.            Why Pakistan Resists CIA Strikes            U.S., Allies Raise Ante on Ouster of Gadhafi            FRANCE 24 - Israel searches for its place amid Arab Spring            Bahrain orders biggest Shiite party dissolved            Palestinian PM claims Statehood looms            FLASHBACK: Netanyahu Speech to US Congress September 24, 2001 | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED            Israeli education geared to extreme Zionist indoctrination            Tourist Arrested For Giving Nazi Salute Outside German Parliament            Statement issued by members of UN mission on Gaza war           
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