Network: OBSCENE ABSURDITY! That's the headline for what is happening in DCat the moment whether the shut down lives or dies.            WikiLeaks: Israel expects next war to bring 100 missiles per day on Tel Aviv            Playing poker over 'Palestine'            Gates: U.S. troops could stay in Iraq for years !            Merkel urges Netanyahu to make 2-state solution            This is a great deal TODAY only in Washington: Bikeshare Year Membership for nly $37 -            Peres' peace push in Washington is hopeless            How a Jewish Zionist philosopher swayed France on Libya            Brandeis Students Disrupt Israeli MK Calling For His Arrest            Jewish Al Jazeera on the way            Top Israeli: 'UN recognition of Palestine is no less grave than war'            Jesus vs. Mohammed            Now NATO wants Mercenaries to oust Gaddafi!            Terry Jones burns the Quran after a 'Trail'            Text of Gadhafi letter to Obama           
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