Network: The new Ottomans?            Expect Israel Shake-Up. Livni as FM and Bibi Roles On            FM: Israel will renounce past agreements if Palestinians seek unilateral statehood            Peres warns: Israel in danger of ceasing to exist as Jewish state            Forget about peace - Manage the Unendable Conflict            The US and Israel - NO REAL CHANGE from Obama            Israel threatens to abrogate Oslo and returns to escalating war hysteria about Iran -- www.MiddleEast.Org            Jewish Senator Targets PAKISTAN - DO WHAT WE SAY OR ELSE            Sounds of NEW Middle East Being Born            Lebanon Turns - Hezbollah says era of American influence over            ISRAELIS RAISING THE STAKES - IRAN THE TARGET            European Parliament: East Jerusalem should be Palestinian capital            Iran's president calls on Russia and China for anti-West alliance alliance against West - Yahoo! News            U.S. said to be pressuring Netanyahu to accept Obama's peace plan - Reality?            The Bin Laden Assassination Saga           
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