Network: ARAB SPRING to ISRAELI JEWISH SUMMER            FIG LEAF - PERES THE FRONT MAN AGAIN            GAZA'S GLEAMING AND EMPTY 5-STAR HOTEL            Fayyad and Abbas Keep On Begging and Following Israeli Designs            Egypt military police break up Tahrir 'iftar'            SYRIA: The people want the execution of the president            Palestinians will soon come full circle            BAHRAIN Revolution Crushed - Shouting in the dark            More Liberal Lies from the Times about 'Palestinian State'            Neocon Zionist Warriors Attack Obama Doctrine            Mubarak in Cage on Trial            Turkey's Kurdish Problem            Robert Fisk: Egypt awaits first trial of an Arab Spring dictator            HIV epidemics emerging in Middle East, North Africa            Bin Laden Group to build world's tallest building and in Saudi Arabia!           
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