Network: Why is Britain ramping up sanctions against Iran?            GULF WAR, Middle East Conflagation, Read for Ignition            History haunts Egypt's revolution            Recognizing that Israel Exists is not Recognizing Israel's RIGHT to EXIST            US and Israel dance toward IRAN and REGIONAL WAR            Major CHINA Warning to US in 2011            Taliban factions regroup to fight US forces            As Jordan Talks Start Israel announces more Jerusalem Settlements            It's really the US Vs China and Russia in a war for Resources and Power            Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: Fate of Israel peace treaty may be decided in referendum - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Isr...            IDF predicts missile attacks on Jerusalem in future wars            Watch Mark Bruzonsky interview PA Chief Negotiator Erekat 2010            Israel and the Crime of Apartheid: Towards a Comprehensive Analysis            Resigned and Disgraced Erekat still at it!            Abbas: All Options Open if Nothing Comes out of Quartet           
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