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AuthorTopic: Attack Syria Next Insists Former NATO Commander and White House Chief of Staff
topic by
mer article
(111 posts)
Washington, DC
1/9/2002 (07:32)
I feel goodremove topic editreply top
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Reponses: 1
reply by
james algrant
(1 posts)
Camden, ME
1/9/2002 (13:59)
I feel sarcasticdelete editreply top
Reponse to topic written by mer article

I think Al Haig is a raving lunatic! First he blames Clinton's weak policy vis-a-vis Iraq which left Sadaam Hussain in power. This was not Clinton's policy but Bush père's, if I remember correctly. Incidentally, I'm no partisan of Clinton's but let's place blame where it's due. Second,' Nation states converted guerrilla warfare into terrorism to conduct asymmetrical warfare against the world's only superpower.' The cause of terrorism in the Middle East is the result of the frustration and hate not only of the poor but also the well-educated youth who can't find jobs and who are trying to change the appaling poverty in their countries which is the result of corruption of their governments and by extension the hate and the envy they feel against the world's superpower with which their governments are allied. They have tried, unsuccessfully, to effect change by political means and are forced to terrorism as a last resort. Eliminating or helping to eliminate these conditions is a step to doing away with terrorism, IMHO. There are admittedly other factors which enter the equation. Third, of course Syria has/is supporting terrorism, but is Syria more of a threat than Iraq??? Or is Syria less than a problem militarily? Really I could go on but what's the use? I'm thankful Al Haig is no longer in a position where he can do damage.

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