Washington's Realities Illuminated and Exposed

"I've never heard anyone who has made this stuff as clear as you... It was like somebody
had just opened the windows and the light came pouring in."
Keith Morrison - host of CANADA AM, now with Dateline NBC

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Washington's 'New America'
Rita Hauser Blocks 'New America' from calling it straight on Israel & Jews

Fri - 21 Oct - Mentioning JEWS and ISRAEL Still Off Limits at New America despite escalating Republican Civil War: Wednesday at the New America Foundation in downtown Washington was not the first time the Republican 'moderates' lashed out at the Republican neocon 'cabal' with special darts aimed at VP Cheney and Pentagon chief Rumsfeld.
New America some time ago purposefully became a sounding board for those hoping to take back the Republican party from its far right-wing crusading ideologues. Like Brookings for liberals and AEI for neocons, New America has aspirations of power for its people in new administration to come. And as activist think-tanks go it even enjoys mixing mainly conservative Democrats with liberal Republicans -- a very centrist approach in polarized Washington.
BUT there is a big BUT to New America's self-professed allegiance to serious and open discussion about what's gone so wrong with the current America. Even though the key Washington neocons are intimately linked to the Israelis in general and Ariel Sharon specifically; you'd never know this from listening to New America forums. Even though the neocons are primarily Jewish by religion, right-wing Zionists by ideology, and intimately tied to a number of leading American Jewish lobbying and propaganda organizations by politics, you'd never know this from listening to New America discussions. These crucial subjects are off limits at New America just like at other corporate and foundation sponsored think-tanks in Washington. There's the considerable fear factor operating here; and of course the money factor as well.
But the main reason for New America's blockage is a woman by the name of Rita Hauser (that's her in the picture at a Mayflower Hotel New America forum she helped sponsor last month). Hauser has long been part of a 'cabal' herself -- this one associated with a number of key Jewish organizations and tied to the Council on Foreign Relations which itself is now hooked big-time into Washington affairs. On the whole those associated with this other 'cabal' have long fronted in the U.S. for Israel's Labor-party; just as others provide a similar service for Israel's Likud party. With money grants coming from the Hauser Foundation among like-minded others New America has essentially allowed itself to be bought off when it comes to open and honest discussion about the Israeli and Jewish influences and connections that are a major aspect to how the U.S. got pushed into pursuing such disastrous policies. So even when New America's speakers and writers loudly castagate the crusading neocons -- as Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff did so boldly Wednesday at New America -- any serious and oh-so-needed focus on the Jewish and Israeli aspects to who is whom and who is behind what is off limits at New America. Not so different after all from the old America -- just a little more hypocritical and 'bi-partisan'.

"Colin Powell, Have you no shame?"
- Univ Photographer, Univ of Buffalo yesterday
Thu - 20 Oct - SHAMELESS WASHINGTON FRACTURING AT THE TOP: With Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff at the State Department and long-time friend breaking ranks and viciously assaulting the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush 'cabal' in public yesterday, it's more clear then ever that we have a government exploding from within not witnessed here since the second-term Nixon days. Colonel Wilkenson unloaded on the 'cabal' at the New American Foundation in downtown Washington yesterday. Then Colin Powell himself raced forward to salute one more time last evening, once again trying to deflect the attacks on those he so dutifully served. As a black man there is the inescapable Uncle Tom ring to things, no matter how few dare to say so in public. Noteably Wilkenson did comment about how 'loyalty to country' should trump loyalty to government or personal career -- but apparently after all those years of Pentagon saluting and being a token black man at the highest levels of white power in Washington Powell just doesn't get it...even now (see 14 Oct).
Meanwhile Mahmoud Abbas is in town to get his marching orders, more money, more CIA help...and just about anything the Americans can think of to keep him in power against Hamas. But the more they embrace him the more there is fear about the 'kiss of death'...

SADDAM, SHARON, and the USA Flash! VP Cheney Out, Connie In?
Wed - 19 Oct - JUSTICE DENIED and IMPERIALISM ASSAULTED: In 1982 after an assassination attempt the brutal ruthless Saddam Hussein had maybe 150 Iraqi men and boys arrested, tortured and killed. For that today he finally goes on trial. In 1982 after very public American promises to protect Palestinian refugees in Israeli-invaded Lebanon, the brutal and ruthless Ariel Sharon coordinated the massacre of thousands of defenseless Palestinian woman and children by the Christian Lebanese Phalange fighting on Israel's side. Though an official Israeli Commssion of Inquiry found Sharon 'indirectly responsible' and recommended he never again serve in government Sharon is today the Prime Minister of Israel. More recently in 1988 Saddam Hussein ordered chemical weapons used on the Kurdish city of Hallabjah and many thousands of civilians were horribly killed. But Saddam is not being tried for this more horrendous crime, and that may be because Saddam was not only then the ally of the United States but the weapons he used were purchased from, and the money he used to do so came from, the U.S. and other western countries. Selective crimes and prosecutions make the trial of Saddam Hussein that begins today more than problematical. And what is taking place today in heavily occupied by American troops Baghdad is hardly to be considered justice.
Meanwhile brigades are training in Venezuela, Iran, and Syria for anticipated U.S. attacks if further CIA 'regime-change' efforts fail, as they did in Iraq for more than a decade. Two days after he probably watched Louis Farakhan denounce U.S. imperialism in front of the U.S. capitol -- along with a far milder and much more diplomatic Prime Minister of Jamaica who himself followed Fidel Castro's man, Ricardo Allarcon, from Havana -- Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe lashed out at the U.S. and Great Britain from a U.N. forum in Rome. Hugo Chavez did much the same from the rostrum of the General Assembly at the U.N. in New York last month. Mugabe's ruthless and abominable policies in his own country notwithstanding, these are speeches deserving of being read and the underlying realities need to be far more openly discussed and debated.

Tue - 18 Oct - Washington Smelling, Bumbling, Fearing: Everywhere there are so many forms of duplicity and corruption now in official as well as unofficial Washington. Finally Judith Miller is being exposed for what she really has been for some time -- an on-the-take and on-the-make agenda-driven deceitful 'journalist' propagating shit loads of neocon disinformation through the lead pages of the NYTimes causing so much harm to world affairs, to her newspaper, and finally so deservedly to herself. It's time journalistic complicity and corrupting connections to big power, big money, and special interest lobbies were themselves the subject of some big media investigations.

"Commanders had sought to play down the role of the U.S. military

in the referendum, portraying the vote as a critical step in the transfer
of authority to Iraqi forces. But when the day finally showed
precisely the reverse: how the U.S. military remains an
all-encompassing presence in Iraq's political process."

The purging and coveruping at the CIA is ongoing and far more important at th end of the day than JudyGate. From the White House, State Department and Pentagon it's one distortion and misrepresentation after another -- I'm purposefully choosing the most charitable expressions for the dastardly realities. Nearly every day now if one carefully reads even the Washington Post it's one scandal, lie, corruption seeping out after another. Sunday on the front page for instance there was the sorry tale of one of Washington's top lobbyists exposing -- in a way rarely done in such detail -- the legalized legislative corruption and the miserable campaign finance 'system' that have so badly undermined government credibility and American democracy. As for Iraq the American imposed Constitution, with the American military pretending to be 'invisible', has already partitioned the country in reality if not yet on the map, with an escalating civil war already the result. A generation ago the Americans did much the same in Southeast Asia killing 50,000+ of their own and many millions of 'gooks' in those days...all based on the gross lies, deceptions, and hubristic imperialism now recreated even worse than before.
As for Christian Evangelist Harriet Miers, now that we know she thinks George Bush was 'the greatest governor ever' in Texas, not to mention 'the smartest person she's ever known', such stupidities ought to be enough for everyone to conclude this is a woman not up to the Supreme Court job regardless of her views, assuming she has them, about specific Constitutional issues. As I said quite some time ago now the likelihood is Ms. Miers will find one way or another to pull out of this mess before she is subjected to a ruthlessly grueling public dissection. But then, who knows, she just might conclude that if Clarence Thomas could get through it all with such terrible embarrassments so can she. For the sheer spectacle of it all let's hope she does come to the fight...and then let's pray she gets knocked out before the bell sounds.

Mon - 17 Oct - Insulting China + the real CIA scandals: At last check the Communist Party still ruled in the world's most populous country. Even so the Americans are intent on rubbing more salt into the 'defeat of communism' with a new Washington monument near Capitol Hill. They haven't however chosen a replica of the Berlin Wall, or for that matter of Sputnik or the U-2. The haven't chosen anything relating to the Soviet Union of old at all in fact. They've instead chosen the "Goddess of Democracy" to cast in bronze.
Now the "Goddess", otherwise known as Lady Liberty, was a crude Statue of Liberty off-shoot. It was erected by protesting students in 1989 in Tianamen Square. That's in the heart of Beijing. It was destroyed in a ruthless bloody suppression which history records as one of the dark moments of resurgent post-Cultural Revolution China. Yet at last check a big portrait of Mao and lots of big red flags continue to fly over Tianamen, regardless of the pretentions and presumptions of Evangelical Neocon Crusading Washington. And just who is on course to defeat whom in this contempoary world of ours is not very clear at all anymore.
Meanwhile, Washington is all abuzz about the MillerGate/CIAgate Joe Wilson/Valerie Plame affair that is threatening to bring down the top Presidential and Vice-Presidential aides Rove and Libby. As tintillating interesting as this buzz is it's really quite a sideshow masking the purging, the expanding, and the covering-up that is actually redefining the CIA's role in world affairs and in American foreign policy for some time to come. With the agency on a big-time hiring and infiltrating binge more and more all Americans abroad -- and many right here at home -- are going to be suspect...and treated accordingly. Read more...even if I do have to refer to a Wash Times Op Ed in this case.

Sun - 16 Oct - Washington and Middle East Exploding: Now we learn that neocon Israeli-connected NYTimes journalist Judy Miller had at least three private meetings with the Vice-President's Chief of Staff, including a private two-hour breakfast at the St. Regis two blocks from the White House, about the Ambassador Wilson-wife-WMD-CIA scandal. But the real question that should be asked and answered in view of the role Miller, the NYTimes, and top officials in the Bush Administration jointly played in stacking the deck with lies to push the invasion/occupation of Iraq is HOW MANY PRIVATE MEETINGS did Miller have with leading Bush/Cheney/Pentagon/CIA officials in the months leading up to the Iraq invasion and which lead to all the disingenuous and deceitful and falacious stories published in the NYTimes at that crucial period of history.
The Bush/Cheney Administration has never been more unpopular nor more afraid. It's all about power and politics in Washington, not really about 'terrorism' or 'demoracy' or 'freedom'...all disengenuous conceptual smokescreens in fact. Iraq is effectively partitioned in reality even if one name still remains on the map -- escalating ongoing civil war is the most likely future now. The two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is essential over; apartheid the actual reality and escalating civil war more and more likely there as well.
Today on ever-more-fearful PBS another leading neocon and Israeli-appologist, Ben Wattenberg of AEI (American Enterprise Institute), interviewed his own boss who heads up AEI, and did quite a job of whitewashing and obscuring the realities of the Neocon conservative corporate-sponsored AEI think-rank that has played such a role in hyping and promoting Bush/Cheney policies, as well as masking and obscuring the important think-tank phenomena in Washington. The program Think-Tank is itself another of the increasingly inadequate and right-wing programs on PBS, the result of a withering right-wing assault on the once far more independent public network. Wattenberg himself is getting olding and more bumbling as he goes, was clearly unwilling and maybe unable, to ask really serious and probing questions with his follow-ups pathetic when even existent.
A few days ago the Bush propaganda machine was publicly exposed more than usual. The Persident had been portrayed having an improptu discussion with troops in Iraq by sattelite hook-up. But shortly after it was touted and squeezed for political gain a video emerged of the scripting, coaching, and set-up of questions and answers that took place with the troops prior to the discussion with the President.

Sat - 15 Oct - Abdullahs of Arabia and the CIA: The al-Saud Dynasty knows from whence it came, and knows who keeps it in power and in sub-control. It's a complicated subject of course but at the end of the day the answer is the CIA. And with so many advisers, public relations types, and former diplomats and agents on the Saudi American payroll in Washington the explanation for why King Abdullah 'chose' a prominent American Jewish journalist for his first television interview as King is not such a mystery really. The other Abdullah of course is the Hashemite King of Jordan, even more directly tied to and kept in power by 'the company', 'the agency', you know who. The following from a very concerned observant reader in Florida about the Barbara Walters interview with Abdullah of Arabia broadcast on ABC's 20/20 last evening. I'll have abit to say about my own trip with Barbara to Egypt nearly twenty years ago later this:

As I watched Barbara Walter's interview with King Abdullah, I was reminded of what is so wrong with U.S media, why Americans are so misinformed with regard to our history of involvement in the Middle East and why the world views us with such distrust!
In tonight's segment, Barbara Walters placed a great deal of emphasis on the repression, subjugation and general mistreatment of women in Arab countries. In short, it was more of the same negative images of Arab peoples which are so pervasive in this society.
Images which have helped reinforce the many negative stereotypes and made it impossible for serious dialogue and cross-cultural understanding to occur between Americans and Arabs.
What I found interesting (if not appalling!) during this interview, was the fact Ms. Walters neglected to mention both Karen Hughes and Mrs. Bush's visits to the Middle East. Visits in which both Ms. Bush and Ms. Hughes received an earful from Arab women for the negative images of them and Arabs in general presented by U.S media as well as the wars in Iraq and a foreign policy which has created enemies for generations to come.
But perhaps what was most telling was that at the end of the interview, the host asked Ms. Walters if Arabs (specifically in Saudi Arabia) were influenced by American television. She commented on the number of television sets (34) that were located in the Palace and that U.S television has had a profound effect of Arabs. At the end of her comment, the host chimed in with "maybe we can make a difference (in reference to creating change in Arab culture)".
Not only did I find these comments condescending and arrogant, but also a grossly overvalued image of America in the region and an outright denial of reality! International research and opinion polls world wide consistently show an increasing hostility of the U.S not only in Arab countries, but African, Asian, Latin American and European countries as well.
Until we face up to our actions and take a serious approach to correcting behaviors which, have resulted in these negative opinions of this country at the international level, world's anger of us will continue to persist if not worsen.
The only way that these changes are going to occur is if, our political leadership and our media become willing to assume their responsibilities and somehow find the moral courage to tell us the truth about ourselves!
Timothy Stinson
Miami Lakes, Florida

"Make no mistake about it, information is a weapon...
Information dominance. Defining the future."
- Northrup Grumman Ad on WTOP Radio this morning

Fri - 14 Oct - Incestuous, Inbred, Controlling Washington: More and more the war corporations, the profiteering oil conglomerates, and the government-sponsored-and-or-manipulated think-tanks, NGOs, and 'private organizations', are collectively attempting to dominate and control the major media, especially in so far as how Washington is covered. Owning and controlling the means of information has become a sub-category of owning and controlling the means of production. Crafting and hyping, spinning and projecting 'the message' has become more and more an integral part of policy formulation and implimentation in corporate Washington.
When a few thousand of the well-healed Washington insiders gathered last night at the Washington Hilton this too was a part of the ever-expanding increasingly incestuous Washington game -- one filled with incessant self-congratulations, with awards exchanged with each other, and with making sure the darker and much more truthful side of contemporary affairs both at home and abroad remain heavily fogged from view. Last night at the Hilton it was the Black establishment's turn to pay tribute to themselves, proclaim they are indeed significantly helping the desperately ill and dying on the African continent, and annoint one of
their own, former Secretary of State General Colin Powell, as Africare's great 'humanitarian' champion. No matter that just the day before an astounding poll revealed that just 2% of American Blacks approve of the policies of the regime General Powell not only served, but the one for which he so disastrously prostrated himself in front of the whole world at the United Nations Security Council. Indeed you know that political incest and inbreeding have reached rather unconscionable levels in Washington when there's the blatant and unchallenged 'chutzpah' to give a 'humanitarian' award to a man like General Powell. True, he's quite a salesman and showman. True he knows how to politically dance the two-step. True he has projected himself as far more personable than many of the others around him. But after all there's a grim and bloody historical record and result to what Powell and his have actually done and to what Powell, even after being pushed out of Foggy Bottom, continues to front for as he did again last evening. Ironically, upon leaving the Hilton dinner and driving home up Connecticut Avenue I found myself behind a late model SUV with a prominent bumper sticker (the picture on the right, Powell is on the left) proclaiming 'ReDefeat Bush'. I found myself actually laughing out loud...but sighing inside.


Thu - 13 Oct - Bush/Cheney CIA/Pentagon Deceptions and Manipulations Everywhere: From Washington to Iraq the heavy-handed propaganda orchestrated from official Washington and associated groups and organizations has never been more extensive. But even so, and despite so much money and effort, the poll numbers for the Washington officials have rarely been more ominous -- at home as well as abroad. Amazingly, 'astoundingly' according to NBC Meet the Press Host Tim Russert, only 2% of Black Americans -- that's right 2% it's not a misprint -- approve of the way George Bush is leading the country. Overall only 39% of all Americans approve.
Things are so bad for Bush Washington now that unprecedented low poll numbers are resulting in unprecedentedly controversial Presidential steps. A few days ago (see 11 Oct) there was the 6am rather corny TV photo op in Khakis on the Today Show. But earlier today things reached a new unprecedented low level. With the Harriet Miers confirmation in doubt, and with the Bush/Cheney Presidency now on the line, for the first time in anyone's memory a President said in public he had selected a Supreme Court nominee because of religion! Just weeks ago the White House was loudly and repeatedly insisting that a person's religion was off-limits when talking about the Supreme Court and the confirmation process. Now, facing a humiliating defeat that would in essence mark the effective end of the Bush/Cheney Presidency, Bush himself came forward to applaud his lawyers religion -- which, by the way, is for many Americans a rather far-right extreme know, the the born-again, Apacalypse-coming, Left-behind kind of thing which also includes a kind of near-fanatical adherence to 'life at conception' and rabbid anti-abortionism.
It still seems hard to imagine this really happening next year, BUT it now does seem possible the Democratic party could take control of the House, and at least narrow the gap in the Senate. And if such a reversal of political fortunes should really occur with the Bush/Cheney administration unable to reverse the harshly negative polls, the whispered talk of impeachment might quickly become much more mainstream and primetime.

Wed - 12 Oct - 'Don't Worry Be Happy' Bush Assures Gullible VIP Palestinians: Gullible indeed for they have been sold such lies and tricks for so long by so with George Bush handing out lots of meaningless reassurances and the VIP on-the-take Palestinians sitting in their assigned seats. Especially when it comes to Bush, words and photo-ops and gestures are all he's really got to offer. And so he and his keep right on going with the political-historical charade bringing about so much death and destruction and hatred as a result. The latest 'impromptu' White House meeting last week with 'Palestinian Authority' types was first reported yesterday. While these VIP types were serving the Bush Administration's needs in Washington their weakman, Mahmoud Abbas, was getting stood up stood up again by Ariel Sharon in the shriveled/cut-to-pieces homeland -- the guns and bombs, the fences and walls, speaking the actual apartheid realities that the Americans have not only brought about but paid for and covered up. As for the involvement of Karen Hughes in all this here's a bit of what has been said about her recent 'listening tour' -- her first and only visit ever to the Middle East by the way.
"Painfully clueless . . . pedestrian . . . vapid . . . gushy." Arab News
"The marquee clown [in] America's circus diplomacy . . . total ineptitude . . . total disconnect." Al-Jazeerah
"Preachy, culturally insensitive, superficial PR blitz." USA Today
"Faux Pas Trifecta; saying too much, saying the wrong thing, saying anything at all." Washington Times op-ed page "Non-answers, canned message, macabre." Los Angeles Times
"Fiasco, lame attempt at bonding."

As for Bush's overall credibility, these quotes today from a Washington Times story about the White House selling of Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court sum things up. The Palestinian VIPs should, but with past history the guide won't, take note:

"I don't know anybody who is buying what the White House is selling here," said one Republican
staffer. "They're putting out a bunch of positive rhetoric, but they're not putting any substance behind it," said another.

Miserable U.N. Failures: Disaster after disaster - most recently the worst earthquake disaster since the U.N.'s founding - the world organization just can't seem to get its act together. If ever there was something the 'United Nations' should have come forward to prepare for and coordinate it's natural disasters -- especially those that occur in the poorest and most needy areas of the world. Yet 60 years after being founded the U.N. is hardly involved in any serious and independent way, always falling back on the pathetic excuse that 'we can only do what the member states let us and tell us'.

Tue - 11 Oct - Bush at 6am: When George Bush is up at 6am dressed in khakis, wife Laura giving him the nods and cues, very much acting as the 'Twit' he is -- to quote Kurt Vonnegut again (see 9 Oct) -- you know he's in the biggest trouble of his Presidency. There he was this morning hammer in his pocket pretending to be a workman building a house in the devastated areas he so badly neglected and mismanaged until his poll numbers skydived on him. There he was this morning bright and early on the Today Show from Louisiana speaking and gesturing more twit-like than usual in fact as it was all live and semi-spontaneous for maybe 10 minutes or so. But if the polls don't start bouncing back, if Iraq continues to explode (regardless of 'election' outcome on Saturday), if Rove and/or Libby or underlings are indicted in CIAgate/IRAQgate, and maybe if something further 'unexpected' should happen, we better all fear what a wounded and bleeding Bush/Cheney White House might try to do in this world sooner rather than later.


Mon - 10 Oct - White House Depression:
If indicted Karl Rove, a.k.a. 'Bush's Brain', and the key political operative in Bush Washington, will have to leave the White House...and that just might push the President over the edge. Add to what to expect in the weeks ahead the growing possibiity that Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers may well be forced to withdraw rather than attempt to stand up to murderous questions in a Senate hearing. On her own things would be dicey enough, but following so soon after John Roberts it's hard to imagine her coming out very well with so many knives out to get her. Meanwhile rumors of collective chaos and depression in the Bush/Cheney White House, and in the Oval Office itself, are growing in visibility and credibility. At the same time more and more the 'rumors' about striking Iran seem to be taking on a life of there own even as other whispers of a Bush Booze Crisis escalate. Back in 1973 a beleaguered Nixon White House set up mechanisms of control and double-check so that a drinking and increasingly paranoid President could not ignite World War III -- with Henry Kissinger monitoring and the Secretary of Defense himself alerting the Chiefs that he personally had to verify any orders that might come from the Commander-in-Chief. More soon.... This Washington crisis is hardly is in fact really just beginning.


Sun - 9 Oct - Bush the "TWIT": Kurt Vonnegut (remember him from SlaughterHouse Five, et. al.?) showed what you can do when you're 83, just about finished, and decide to have your say. On PBS during Prime-Time in fact on Friday eve Vonnegut in fact summed up things with our God-instructed President with a single word, uttered quite a few times in fact...he's a "twit". And it took Vonnegut only a few more words to describe the bleak realities of our current American polity - sham democracy indeed. Vonnegut is as close to a modern-day Mark Twain as we're ever going to get.
Meanwhile the contradictions inherent in U.S./Israeli policies in the Middle East are becoming more evident as
the days go on. The civil war in Iraq is now well underway; indeed it's no longer likely the country can hold together other than maybe on the map, though the Americans will insist they did all they could with the Washington-imposed Constitution said to be the best that was possible. In Palestine as well civil war lurks more than ever -- something the Israelis have tried for years to bring about and now with Bush's help, masked by all his duplicitously sanctimonious rhetoric about a false 'Palestinian State' -- it is nearly here. Palestinian groups in Gaza came together yesterday (see picture above) for a rare joint Press Conference letting it be known, however obliquely, that if the U.S., Israel, and P.A. push any further for civil war they will get it with all the popular opposition groups united in an alignment against them. Meanwhile weak and corrupted Mahmoud Abbas, who still must appear in public with pictures of Arafat to maintain his marginal legimacy (see picture to right also yesterday), has been put on notice many times by his own, but never so publicly, and never with the situation so near ignition. In Washington a private newsletter is circulating saying that private the U.S. government is warning on Capitol Hill and elsewhere that a Hamas take-over of the U.S.-Israeli established and funded 'Palestinian Authority' is now possible, maybe even likely.

Sat - 8 Oct - Bush's Stupid Veto Threat: The political wobbliness of the current Bush/Cheney/Rove White House is evident in many ways these days, but never more than the meaningless and rather stupid 'veto' threat in the past few days. With a Senate vote of 90 out of a 100 in favor, for the White House to publicly threaten to veto the Pentagon spending bill over an anti-Abu Ghraib anti-torture anti-prisoner abuse provision is a remarkably sloppy blunder. True the White House is still hoping to manuever things on Capitol Hill in conference committee to either water-down or eliminate the anti-torture provision; but even so doing it in public in such a way while at the same time sending Karen Hughes to the Middle East to 'repair' America's image shows how confused and bumbling the Bush team is at this point, even after so many years of practice. Like a boxer in the ring hit from many sides -- still standing, but noticeably dizzy -- the Bush Presidency itself is now at stake. With Iraq deadlocked in quasi-civil war, more indictments of top Bush/Cheney officials looming, just 37% of the public now approving of Bush's reign, a major challenge from the right over Harriet Miers the President's friend for the Supreme Court, and the national budget way out of wack -- another big hurricane, or terrorist success, or further oil price escalation, or political scandal -- could do more than just neuter what's left of the Bush/Cheney Presidency; such could even bring down the current Washington Regime or alternatively push it to light the fuse for a much bigger yet Middle East imbloglio.

George Bush believes he is on a mission from God, according to the politician Nabil Shaath. Photograph: Charles Dharapak/APFri - 7 Oct - God, Bush, American Hubris Extraordinaire: "Imagination run amok" says one federal official about the latest NYC "subway alert" that began last night with a prime-time press conference. Sooner or later of course something somewhere will happen, whether in a subway or movie theatre or restaurant, and they will say "we told you so". Meanwhile a huge expenditure of manpower and money is draining American resources for "security" and causing growing alarm and confusion from the public. When the next blowup does come after all the steps taken and money spent to prevent it, the public's confidence will be further eroded and the cycle will start all over again at an even more heightened level.

George Bush 2003: 'I am driven with a mission from God'. God would tell me, 'George go and
fight these terrorists in Afghanistan'. And I did. And then God would tell me
'George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq'. And I did...
And now, again, I
feel God's words coming to me, 'Go get the Palestinians their state and
get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East'.
And, by God, I'm gonna do it."

George Bush 2005: "We're facing a radical ideology with unalterable objectives:
to enslave whole nations and intimidate the world."

Meanwhile the BBC is once again exposing for the world the realities of the Bush/Cheney/Neocon/Evangelical regime -- this time it's the Bush-God connection. Of course the Bush White House quickly jumped in to say oh no...but then we all have known for a long time now that something basic is quite wrong with the psyche of GB and with the purist crusading zealotry of his confounding regime, haven't we? Meanwhile GB's big speech yesterday
at what is called the National Endowment or Democracy -- one of the original Reagan-Era Neocon creations funded by Congress -- didn't talk directly about God personally...but from what we can tell he was definitely thought to be there in spirit if not in person.
Actually though you've got to sympathize a bit with this particular American President, a man so limited in so many ways yet a man holding such power for eight long years. First of all he did in fact tell us more than once as he campaigned for the office that he had personally found Jesus Christ and been 'saved' by him. And then, in rare moments of reflection, surely GW must continually wonder how in the world he could ever have become the President of the American Empire were it not for special devine intervention on his behalf.

Thu - 6 Oct - WAR Industry Propaganda: If we had a really mature and more honorably decent country in world affairs the war industries (yes let's call them what they really are) would be prevented from propagandizing like a 'Ministry of Information and Thought Control' -- at least they would be prevented from deducting their considerable and growing 'public affairs advertising' expenses from their taxable income and double-dipping, not to mention double-dupping, the citizens of this terribly misguided quasi-partial-democracy.
But then we have a very different kind of country in reality than is self-image; not to mention the great reluctance by so many to talk about in public what is really going on. Not to mention further how fewer and fewer serious big-media ways there are for those who do understand what is happening and who are willing/able to speak up about it have even in this age of the internet -- with the major news media itself now largely owned and controlled by the same big multinational conglomerates, including many of the same big war industries.
For instance just turn on Washington's biggest talk radio WTOP like at drive time and its a non-stop barrage of war industry advertising/sloganeering. "Defending freedom and safegarding our nation" rants Raytheon; and a few minutes later "Controlling the skies, Defining the future" comes Northrupt Grumman.
Oh yes, a few weeks ago I just happened to notice at the Washington Convention Center that even the Congressional Black Caucus was enlisted at their annual convention this year -- Northrupt Grumman provided customized backpacks, complete with both CBC and NG logos.

"You will have stories to cover -- Iraqi elections and suicide bombers, biological threats
and the Iranian nuclear program. Out West, where you vacation, the aspens will already
be turning. They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them. Come back to work -- and life."
- Neocon Scooter from Cheney's Office to Neocon Judy of the NYTimes

Wed - 5 Oct - Neocon Washington Journalists - The Strange Case of Judy Miller:
Everything about the Judy Miller case gets stranger and stranger -- with the letter from VP Cheney's Chief of Staff Lewis Libby to Judy now topping the cake. Seems Scooter is at pains to remind Judy -- and to do so in such a public however confusing and deniable way -- that their roots are all intertwined. Might he be suggesting that if he and his go down she and hers do so as well? Whatever, the really big thing about Miller and her NYTimes is not really what's so much in the news at the moment; rather it is so much what is not. In the built-up to the Iraqi invasion/occupation the big issue was WMD. And now we are just learning how buddy-close was the Miller relationship to the top Washington neocons, how much they used her, and she them, to propagate the false information about WMDs that made the war possible and which hood-winked the U.N., and how much her editors at the NYTimes, along with the publisher most recently seen arm and arm with Judy departing from jaill, did nothing to step in and prevent this egregious violation of journalistic standards and integrity for which they have yet to explain not to mention atone in a serious way. As for the official Washington take on all this read this punches pulled take from David Ignatius on the Op Ed pages of the Washington Post today.

Tue - 4 Oct - Regime Change Fever in 'Titanic' Washington: Even as the U.S. and Israel feverishly conspire to 'regime change' in Damascus and Tehran and Beirut -- the predicament of the Bush/Cheney regime grows more precarious in Washington all the time. Some think this lessens the chance of escalating warfare in the Middle East; others like myself conclude that the weaker and more troubled the Neocons and Evangelicals feel the greater the likelihood that soon after the 2006 mid-term election the Pentagon and CIA will be further unleashed to enforce the 'New World Order' that still eludes the American Empire and the Israeli interlocutors. Last year no less an establishment figure than Harlan Ullman, now at CSIS, put forth the Titanic analogy, warning that those in power are heading toward a major crash and maybe sinking -- for Titanic here is not in reference to great strength but rather to the super-ship thought to be invinceable until in sunk in hours Just yesterday in fact no less a figure than the former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan years, and a former editor of the Wall Street Journal, had the following to say about the Bush/Cheney White House:

[according to] one White House aide: "It’s like working in an insane asylum. People walk around like they’re
in a trance. We’re the dance band on the Titanic, playing out our last songs to people who know the ship is
sinking and none of us are going to make it.
If POTUS [that's President of The United States for non-insiders]
is on the road, you can breathe a little easier," says an aide. Otherwise it is one temper tantrum after another
from Bush, whose "cakewalk war" has turned into interminable conflict, whose idiocy in diverting funding for
New Orleans’ levees to war in Iraq was disastrous for the famous city, and whose Social Security privatization
has been rejected by the electorate.

Mon - 3 Oct - U.S. Twists Occupied Iraq and Palestine Toward Greater Civil War: One has to say 'greater' at this point because the civil wars the Americans have brought through their invade-and-occupy, divide-and-rule, kill-and-rebuild imperialistic adventures are already well underway. Soon they may erupt into still far more bloody affairs even as the crusading Americans carefully prepare their next conquests -- Iran, Syria, North Korea, Lebanon (Hezbollah), and Palestine (Hamas). Read about breaking developments in Palestine -- where the Israelis and Americans are doing all they can to crush Hamas and promote the P.A. -- then about Iraq -- where the latest geremandering of the political process may yet cause both a Sunni and a Shi'ite revolt -- then about what is being planned -- as the big prize, Iran, is manuevered into the Pentagon/CIA target-sites. Fearing their imposed constitution may collapse, and even at the risk of igniting an even more brutal civil war, the U.S. pro-consul Ambassador in Baghdad, Zalmay Khalilzad, has now pushed further to ensure his Constitution will not be defeated in the electoral ruse his own country the U.S. devised and imposed. And while we're at it add a little extra context as India is drawn in to American designs in the subcontinent area and Japan is pushed to re-arm and prepare for military conflict in the Asian theatre.
Meanwhile Washington prepares for a major escalation of its own political warfare that still has the potential to sidetrack the Neocon determination to pursue their 'New World Order', and even the potential to bring the Bush/Cheney/Neocon/Evangelical regime to its knees. It is quite possible now that this month one or both of the highest officials, Karl Rove at Bush's side and Lewis Libby at Cheney's, may be indicted in CIAgate, pushing this scandal to a greater danger level than Contragate and Irangate ever reached in the Reagan second term. Then, if just one branch of the Congress should pass into Democratic hands next year the political blood-letting could start spilling over the rampart floodgates of Washington just as the waters poured over the faulty New Orleans levees.

The propaganda blitz expanded today on the corporate network talk shows, with very little, hardly any, serious counter-analysis. General George Casey, the top dog 4-star, was featured on ABC's "This Week", and General John Abizaid, another 4-star was featured on NBC's "Meet The Press". The White House is worried more than ever with all the political crises they already face and new ones still likely soon -- so the Commander-In-Chief has ordered the senior Generals onto TV to spread the good news -- including General Petraeus and his "we're doing so much so well" slide-show at Princeton yesterday.

Washington Meltdown
Delay, Bush, Frisk, FEMA Brown
Unshown: Rove, Libby, Cheney

Sat - 1 Oct - Princeton Bows Bigtime to Washington:
With a big public relations blitz underway Washington's most presentable senior imperialist neocons found a suitable Ivy League university interlocutor at Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School this weekend; and they cashed in big time. The school's new dean, Anne- Marie Slaughter, is herself a kind of smiling stealth neocon -- though considerably more accomplished than former SAIS Johns Hopkins Dean Paul Wolfowitz at pretending otherwise. Slaughter orchestrated and choreographed this Washington political rape of Princeton; and she did so so successfully that few of the gathered alumni even understood what was happening right in front of their eyes. In less than 24-hours Princeton provided a major P.R. coup to no less than Secretary of State Condi Rice, Homeland Security Secretary Mike Certoff, and top General
David Petraeus -- recently of Fallajuh infamy -- each of whom spewed forth big-time with more polished than ever verbage and none of whom were challenged in any serious way, Slaughter personally making sure of that. Worst of all, at one of America's major universities at this crucial time in history, not a single significant independent academic, journalist or historian -- or even a serious political analyst for that matter -- not one, was invited to speak at the Wilson School's 75th anniversary which featured this Rice-Chertoff-Petraeus trio. Said one of Princeton's tenured Professors about the intellectually sordid affair - "Slaughter is hopeless and what has happened to the Woodrow Wilson School is terribly tragic and maddening." One long-time astute journalist commented upon hearing the line up: "There's no other major university in the country, certainly not Harvard or Stanford or Berkeley, that would have allowed this kind of thing to happen as Princeton did - how shameful!".

Thu - 29 Sept - Royal Hashemites On Parade: The political hacks have taken over just about all the Washington international affairs centers and think-tanks.... Read More...

Wed - 28 Sept - Dan Rather's Chilling but Unheard and Unheeded Warning: Former CBS News Anchor Dan Rather, like his predecessor Walter Cronkite, is now free to speak his mind.... Read More...

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Mark A. Bruzonsky
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