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Keith Morrison - host of CANADA AM, now with Dateline NBC


Today and Yesterday at

Washington's 'New America' Foundation
Rita Hauser Blocks 'New America' from calling it straight on Israel & Jews

Fri - 21 Oct - Mentioning JEWS and ISRAEL Still OFF LIMITS at New America despite escalating Republican Civil War: Wednesday at the New America Foundation in downtown Washington was not the first time the Republican 'moderates' lashed out at the Republican neocon 'cabal' with special darts aimed at VP Cheney and Pentagon chief Rumsfeld. It was however the first time New Americamade such big news, largely thanks to the Financial Times which featured both the story, and the transcript, pushing the Washington Post and others to join in.
New America some time ago purposefully became a sounding board for those hoping to take back the Republican party from its far right-wing crusading ideologues. Like Brookings for liberals and AEI for neocons, New America has aspirations of power for its people in new administrations to come. And as activist think-tank holding-tanks go New America even enjoys mixing mainly conservative Democrats with mainly liberal Republicans -- a very centrist approach in polarized Washington.
BUT there is a big BUT to New America's self-professed allegiance to serious and open discussion about what's gone so wrong with the current America. Even though the key Washington neocons are intimately linked to the Israelis in general and Ariel Sharon specifically; you'd never know this from listening to New America forums. Even though the neocons are primarily Jewish by religion, right-wing Zionists by ideology, and intimately tied to a number of leading American Jewish lobbying and propaganda organizations by politics, you'd never know this from listening to New America discussions. These crucial subjects are off limits at New America just like at other corporate and foundation sponsored think-tanks in Washington. There's the considerable fear factor operating here; and of course the money factor as well.
One of the reasons for New America's blockage is a woman by the name of Rita Hauser (that's her in the picture at a Mayflower Hotel New America forum she helped sponsor and control last month). Hauser has long been part of a 'cabal' herself -- this one associated with a number of key Jewish organizations and tied to the Council on Foreign Relations which itself is now hooked big-time into Washington affairs. On the whole those associated with this other 'cabal' have long fronted in the U.S. for Israel's Labor-party; just as others provide a similar service for Israel's Likud party. With money grants coming from the Hauser Foundation among like-minded others New America has essentially allowed itself to be bought off when it comes to open and honest discussion about the Israeli and Jewish influences and connections that are a major aspect to how the U.S. got pushed into pursuing such disastrous policies. So even when New America's speakers and writers loudly castagate the crusading neocons -- as Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff did so boldly Wednesday at New America -- any serious and oh-so-needed focus on the Jewish and Israeli aspects to who is whom and who is behind what is off limits at New America. Not so different after all from the old America -- just a little more hypocritical and 'bi-partisan' and quasi-intellectual.

"Colin Powell, Have you no shame?"
- Univ Photographer, Univ of Buffalo yesterday
Thu - 20 Oct - SHAMELESS WASHINGTON FRACTURING AT THE TOP: With Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff at the State Department and long-time friend breaking ranks and viciously assaulting the Cheney/Rumsfeld/Bush 'cabal' in public yesterday, it's more clear then ever that we have a government exploding from within not witnessed here since the second-term Nixon days. Colonel Wilkenson unloaded on the 'cabal' at the New American Foundation in downtown Washington yesterday. Then Colin Powell himself raced forward to salute one more time last evening, once again trying to deflect the attacks on those he so dutifully served. As a black man there is the inescapable Uncle Tom ring to things, no matter how few dare to say so in public. Noteably Wilkenson did comment about how 'loyalty to country' should trump loyalty to government or personal career -- but apparently after all those years of Pentagon saluting and being a token black man at the highest levels of white power in Washington Powell just doesn't get it...even now (see 14 Oct).
Meanwhile Mahmoud Abbas is in town to get his marching orders, more money, more CIA help...and just about anything the Americans can think of to keep him in power against Hamas. But the more they embrace him the more there is fear about the 'kiss of death'...

SADDAM, SHARON, and the USA Flash! VP Cheney Out, Connie In?
Wed - 19 Oct - JUSTICE DENIED and IMPERIALISM ASSAULTED: In 1982 after an assassination attempt the brutal ruthless Saddam Hussein had maybe 150 Iraqi men and boys arrested, tortured and killed. For that today he finally goes on trial. In 1982 after very public American promises to protect Palestinian refugees in Israeli-invaded Lebanon, the brutal and ruthless Ariel Sharon coordinated the massacre of thousands of defenseless Palestinian woman and children by the Christian Lebanese Phalange fighting on Israel's side. READ MORE...

Meanwhile brigades are training in Venezuela, Iran, and Syria for anticipated U.S. attacks if further CIA 'regime-change' efforts fail, as they did in Iraq for more than a decade. Two days after he probably watched Louis Farakhan denounce U.S. imperialism in front of the U.S. capitol...

Tue - 18 Oct - Washington Smelling, Bumbling, Fearing: Everywhere there are so many forms of duplicity and corruption now in official as well as unofficial Washington. Finally Judith Miller is being exposed for what she really has been for some time -- an on-the-take and on-the-make.... READ MORE...

From Last Month:

Thu - 29 Sept - Royal Hashemites On Parade: The political hacks have taken over just about all the Washington international affairs centers and think-tanks.... Read More...

Wed - 28 Sept - Dan Rather's Chilling but Unheard and Unheeded Warning: Former CBS News Anchor Dan Rather, like his predecessor Walter Cronkite, is now free to speak his mind.... Read More...

Archives 2005: July Aug Sept

Washington, modern-day Rome, has evolved since World War II into an amazingly hubristic, nationalistic, militaristic, and politically incestuous corporate town. The two parties that control the capital continually hand out considerable favors and financial rewards to themselves and partners -- dealing ostracism, vilification, and punishment to everyone else who won't sing the same jingoistic tunes. When it comes to foreign policy issues the two parties can now be considered in reality a fairly unified Imperial Party pursuing with crusading zealotry a worldwide Manifest Destiny-inspired ideology. BlogWashington's daunting task is to dissect, unravel, and indeed just plain explain to non-Washingtonians crucial bits and pieces of what's really going on this world capital -- realities you certainly will not find dealt with candidly and honestly by the big corporate newspapers or commercial Television Networks.

Mark A. Bruzonsky
NYU Law School - JD, Root-Tilden Scholar /
Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs, Princeton Univ - MPA

Past Associations:
Washington Rep World Jewish Congress / Ed Worldview Magazine (New York) / Ed Middle East Magazine (London)
Middle East Consultant - Woodrow Wilson Inter Center for Scholars Smithsonian., National Geographic, Congressional Quarterly
Full bio and publication list 202 Number2 (202 686-2372)

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