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MERMER Forum To Receive MER Regularly •  MER@MiddleEast.Org  •  (202) 362-5266  •  14 December 2003

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No pictures of now U.S. Vice-President, then U.S. Pentagon Secretary, Dick Cheney officially meeting with him in years past...years and meetings they now wish forgotten.

No interview on any TV channels here or anywhere with American Ambassador April Glaspie, instructed by the former Bush President to pay a special visit to Saddam in one of his largest Baghdad palaces of yesteryear to inform him how important an Arab leader the Americans considered him to be.

No reminders from the American media that when in fact he did use chemical weapons of mass destruction in 1988 he was one of the top U.S. allies with his weapons supplied and paid for by the U.S. and Britain.

Saddam the tyrant, Saddam the meglamaniac, Saddam the President, Saddam the dictator, Saddam the wanabe captured disheveled hiding in a hole lacking even the courage of his own long-professed and repeatedly-expressed convictions.  

This said, Saddam Hussein, dethroned Arab leader of yesterday, was captured by the imperial occupying military forces of the Pengaton and CIA.   He was hunted down by an Anglo-American Judeo-Christian alliance that is primarily between the U.S., Great Britain, and Israel.    He was captured after a terribly expensive multi-month crusade, a hunt that itself was proceeded by a terribly expensive multi-year miserably-failed CIA covert campaign to bring him down.   And it all was announced by the current victors, how historically ironic, from the nearly Saladin Palace.

So far, as this modern-day crusading undertaking continues to escalate, millions of Muslims and Arabs, and thousands of Americans and Israelis are already dead.   The end however is not really in sight; no matter how 'triumphant' the Americans are boasting today.

Meanwhile, the 'Clash of Civilizations' is now well underway and Osama bin-Laden remains out of control. 

Meanwhile, the neo-apartheid occupation of the Palestinians has escalated to a point of probably no return.

Meanwhile, the occupations of both Afghanistan and Iraq are actually going quite badly, costing the Empire a tremendous amount in blood, treasure, and credibility.

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