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20 April 2004
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Ayatollah Bush

MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 4/20/04:
Secretary of State Colin Powell did what he was told and used his personal stature to try to sell the world the very Cheney-Neocon policies he personally vehemently opposed.    And British Prime Minister Tony Blair has continued to line up with the Bush/Cheney/neocon Administration in the U.S. even though Europeans, including his wife, are quite aghast at what the Americans are both doing and saying.   And then there are American Jewish columnists like Richard Cohen so belatedly writing about Ayatollah Bush in The Washington Post.  Yet though he wrote the day following the Ariel Sharon - George Bush meeting, not a single world about how Ayatollah Bush is as wrong about what he is doing with Israel as he is about Iraq - not to mention about the close interconnections of the two!     The basic lesson to be learned is simple.  Because of the twisted and corrupted system in which they operate most of our top politicians, as well as most of our leading corporate-media writers, are simply not to be fully believed and certainly not to be fully trusted!


By Mirror chief political commentator Paul Routledge
THE DAILY MIRROR - UK - 17 April 2004:   TONY Blair last night took on the full-time job of cheerleader for George Bush in his bid to be re-elected president of the USA.

It was embarrassing. More than that, it should disgust every voter in the United Kingdom where - if Blair has his way - our destiny is tied ineluctably to the murderous bully boys in Washington.

At least Dumbo Dubya admitted that he could not remember the whys and wherefores of this great international crisis. He stumbled about like a Cub Scout who has lost his woggle.

The job of presenting America's case fell to Tony Blair. He did it with his usual skill. It sounded right. It was professional. But it was not the role of the Prime Minister of my country, locked as he is into the dirty politics of an American presidential election.

Last night, Blair bought totally into the Campaign for the Re-Election of the President. He emerged as the true CREEP to George Bush.

Bush called him "a stand up kind of guy". Standing up for what? The perpetuation of hard-line Right-wing Republican politics that crooked its way through the last presidential election and now aims to buy its way into future power?

Can it really be right that a Labour Prime Minister should articulate the scumbag direction of politics represented by George Dubya Bush? Say what you like, but I think not.

BLAIR stood behind the lies of the USA yesterday. When he could. When he could hang on to the mike when the Great Stumblebum did not steal it from him with idiot soundbites.

Tony likes being on the Bush stage, despite the humiliation regularly heaped on him by the Texan eejit. It makes him feel good. Just try being somebody under the heel of that American firepower. Agree - or die.

But we are not simply junior partners in this exercise. We are big payers towards US world domination. We have more than 10,000 troops in theatre, costing the British taxpayer untold billions.

Yet our humiliation at the hands of the Yanks is real. Yesterday, it began as it continued. Our Prime Minister stumbled out of a plane at Andrews Airbase, and there was nobody of consequence there to meet him.

Tony Blair naffed about on the runway, looking for a friendly face but not finding one until he was bundled into a waiting motor hanging around on the tarmac.

It was not a pretty sight - but a wholly predictable one.

America was determined to put Britain in its place. The televised humiliation of our Prime Minister fits perfectly with what followed.

President Bush hogged the limelight with his inane remarks.

The idea that this man is the most powerful military commander on earth should fill the heart of every mature, right-thinking person with fear.

For the Americans to fall for this junk is one thing. For Tony Blair to seek to con us is quite another. The plain fact is this: The USA will not "sub-contract" its power to anyone. America rules, OK?

Bush has no intention of handing over real power in Baghdad on June 30. This is a fake exercise in transference of sovereignty.

The Pentagon will still have more than 100,000 troops in Iraq, and the new "rulers" will not have the power to require the Americans to leave.

The US military, having given up bases in Saudi Arabia, intends to stay in Iraq for years, if not decades. And a country compelled to accept foreign troops on its soil is not free.

America's Ayatollah
By Richard Cohen

Washington Post - Thursday, April 15, 2004; Page A25:     The term of the moment in Washington is "the wall." This is the legal barrier that once separated the CIA and its investigators from the FBI and its investigators, and which may have contributed to the confusion that enabled the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. A more interesting wall, however, was on view Tuesday evening in President Bush's prime-time news conference. It's the one between him and reality.

Never mind that even for Bush, this was a poor performance -- answers that resembled a frantic scavenger hunt for the right (or any) word or, too often, a thought. Never mind that he really had very little to say -- no exit plan for Iraq, no second thoughts about Sept. 11, no wonderment, even, at the apparent disappearance of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction and how that might have happened. Like a kid who has been told otherwise, Bush persists in believing in his own version of Santa Claus. The weapons are there, somewhere -- in a North Pole of his mind.

What matters more is the phrase Bush used five times in one way or another: "We're changing the world." He used it always in reference to the war in Iraq and he used it in ways that would make even Woodrow Wilson, that presidential personification of naive morality, shake his head in bemusement. In Bush's rhetoric, a war to rid Hussein of his weapons of mass destruction, a war to ensure that Condoleezza Rice's "mushroom cloud" did not appear over an American city, has mutated into an effort to reorder the world.

"I also know that there's an historic opportunity here to change the world," Bush said of the effort in Iraq. But the next sentence was even more disquieting. "And it's very important for the loved ones of our troops to understand that the mission is an important, vital mission for the security of America and for the ability to change the world for the better." It is one thing to die to defend your country. It is quite another to do that for a single man's impossible dream. What Bush wants is admirable. It is not, however, attainable.

Shortly after Sept. 11, Bush used the word "crusade" to characterize his response to the attacks. The Islamic world, remembering countless crusades on behalf of Christianity, protested, and Bush quickly interred the word in the National Archives or someplace. Nonetheless, that is pretty much what Bush described in his news conference -- not a crusade for Christ and not one to oust the Muslims from Jerusalem but an American one that would eradicate terrorism and, in short, "change the world." The United States, the president said, had been "called" for that task.

Some people might consider this religious drivel and others might find it stirring, but whatever it is, it cannot be the basis for foreign policy, not to mention a war. Yet it explains, as nothing else can, just why Bush is so adamantly steadfast about Iraq and why he simply asserts what is not proved or just plain untrue -- the purported connection between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, for instance, or why Hussein was such a threat, when we have it on the word of David Kay and countless weapons inspectors that he manifestly was not. Bush talks as if only an atheist would demand proof when faith alone more than suffices. He is America's own ayatollah.

Several investigative commissions are now meeting in Washington, looking into intelligence failures -- everything from the failure to detect and intercept the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 to the assertion that Iraq was armed to the teeth with all sorts of awful stuff. But what really has to be examined is how a single man, the president, took the nation and part of the world to war because, as he essentially put it Tuesday night, he was "called" to do it.

If that is the case, and it sure seems so at the moment, then this commission has to ask us all -- and I don't exclude myself -- how much of Congress and the press went to war with an air of juvenile glee. The Commission on Credulous Stupidity may call me as its first witness, but after that it has to examine how, despite our vaunted separation of powers, a barely elected president opted for a war that need not have been fought. This is Bush's cause, a noble but irrational effort much like the one that set off for Jerusalem in the year 1212. It was known as the Children's Crusade.

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