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Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know

The most honest, most comprehensive, and most mobilizing news and
analysis on the Middle East always comes from MER. It is indispensable!"
Robert Silverman - Salamanca, Spain

MER - MER@MiddleEast.Org - (202) 362-5266 - Fax (815) 366-0800

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Following are just a few of the many applauding Readers' Comments and new subscribers from throughout the world:

People and Organizations...
Americans, Arabs, Europeans, Asians...
Left, Right, and Center...
All are now reading MER
All around the world

Maine, Texas, Washington, Kuwait, Palestine, Israel, Germany
Great Britain, Australia, Oman, Canada, Australia, New York...

Your new MER Report is absolutely extraordinary. While I don't agree with all of your views I think you're doing one hell of a job. Keep up the good work.
James Algrant
Maine World News Service

Your reporting is a breath of fresh air. I look forward daily to receive your impartial, insightful and honest articles. You are indeed an “Oasis of Truth” for those who are trying to make sense out of the confusion in Middle East Politics.
Thank You,
Joe Mugannam
West Bank, Palestine

I often read your articles and admire their strength and courage. However, this time I had to respond to your piece on Arafat because each and every point it made - especially about the King interview - were absolutely true, and beautifully articulated. The political sclerosis of 'Palestinian' leadership is not particular to Palestine, but most of the Arab world. As I winced from embarrassment as I saw Chairman Arafat stutter and puff himself like a teddy bear the American air waves, I moved from channel to channel not bearing to see the entire interview. God help the Palestinians!
Aymen M. Khalifa,
Visiting Fellow International Republican Institute - Washington

Dear Mer Staff:
The Last paragraph of part II made tears well up in my eyes. . .Mr. Arafat, was a man liken unto Moses. He fought the good fight, and he was despised by people who think nothing of real freedom; and the right to all life.
His tragic end. . .and the many that preceded him will be remembered into eternity. . .He, they, and Our Loving God, will always be watching to see how far real human being will take their courage. . .and their dignity. . .to truly be free. . . God Help Us All. . .Amen Respectfully, <>
Dan J. Jovanovic,
Citizen-Patriot Of The United States

I would like to be added to your list of subscribers. I need more truth...less lies.
Monica Lomeli

I highly value your reports...
I'm retired, from the NYS Dept. of Labor, as a workforce/social planner, & have been studying the Israel-Palestrine issue all my life. Now, I'm President of the NYS Capital Region Chapter, United Nations Association (UNA-USA).

Howard Cort Ghent, NY

I just recently started reading your website, MER, and I must say I learn more from you than anyone else...ironically I was about to send this email, when I pulled up your biographical information...and the statement at the top of the page was identical to what I wanted to say about the clarity with which you write on this issue.
Your writing is needed now, more than ever.
Thank you,
Theresa Robinson

Reference to:
"I've never heard anyone who has made this stuff as clear as you...
It was like somebody had just opened the windows and
the light came pouring in."
- Keith Morrison, "CANADA AM" Host (now Dateline NBC)
commenting on guest Mark Bruzonsky

And just a few of the new subscribers to MER
already this month of November 2004

Subject: Subscribe
Heribert Adam, FRSC
Jennifer Simons Chair
Department of Sociology & Anthropology
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, Canada

Subject: Subscribe

Ibrahim Adel
MTC Vodafone
Investor Relations Manager
Safat, Kuwait

<>I would like to be added to your subscribers. I am a retired USAF Reserve colonel with 37 plus years in intelligence, etc. Concerning the UN Sanctions team, I wrote many reports.
Doug Rankin


Benjamin jon MacQueen
School of Social and International Studies
Faculty of Arts
Victoria, Australia, 3125


Dave Haigler
Abilene, Texas


Johan M. Viljoen
Chief Marketing Officer
Oman Airports Management Company

Mashhour Pharaon
Kraft Foods Middle East & Africa Ltd.

15 November 2004 - MiddleEast.Org - MER is Free

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone: (202) 362-5266 Fax: (815) 366-0800
Email: MER@MiddleEast.Org
Copyright © 2004 Mid-East Realities, All rights reserved

Mid-East Realitieswww.middleeast.org

Source: http://www.middleeast.org/articles/2004/11/1198.htm