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MIDDLEEAST.ORG - Washington - 11 December 2004 - From the heart of the Washington Republican 'National Security' establishment, Harlan Ullman warns that the U.S. has sailed into very dangerous times and appears like the TITANIC headed for disaster. The U.S. is in greater danger than at any time since World War II Ullman insists; and his Washington credentials for doing so are substantial. At present Ullman is associated with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), where many others including Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski also hang their hats. The dangers Ullman warns are in many ways as much from within as from without. The TITANIC metaphor is a powerful one, and Ullman repeats it a number of times for emphasis.

When it comes to situation with Israel Ullman treads very lightly. He hardly mentions Israel until near the end; and then he does so very much in the Kissinger/Brzezinski mold never even mentioning aid and arms to Israel or the Israeli/Jewish lobby; only hinting very obliquely at the need to bring Israel into line even with U.S. policies and interests while putting most of the burden on the occupied Palestinians and the Arab regimes to do what they are told and to accept whatever they are offered. Even so, between the lines, one can read much more into this than Ullman actually says; and he does admit that much of what has befallen the U.S. in the Middle East (with extension to 9/11) is because of the U.S./Israeli connection.

Ullman spoke at a downtown Washington think-tank on 9 Dec 2004. His talk and the Q and A period are about an hour.

The link to this article is: http://www.middleeast.org/articles/2004/11/1232.htm

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Source: http://www.middleeast.org/articles/2004/12/1232.htm