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Roots in 'Revisionist Zionism'

"Each people will struggle against colonizers until the last
spark of hope that they can avoid the dangers of conquest
and colonization is extinguished. The Palestinians will struggle
in this way until there is hardly a spark of hope."

"We cannot give any compensation for Palestine, neither
to the Palestinians nor to other Arabs. Therefore, a voluntary
agreement is inconceivable. All colonization, even the most
restricted, must continue in defiance of the will of the native
population. Therefore, it can continue and develop only under the
shield of force which comprises an Iron Wall through which the local
population can never break through. This is our Arab policy.
To formulate it any other way would be hypocrisy."

Mid-East Realities - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - 23 July 2004:

When Ariel Sharon became Prime Minister of Israel, the picture on the wall was not that of Theodore Herzl, the secular and worldly European Jewish journalist whose book The Jewish State launched the movement to create a modern-day nation-state tied to historical Judaism. Rather the picture on the wall was that of Vladimir Jabotinsky, the Jewish militant who was for many years the arch-nemesis of the Zionist establishment led by David Ben-Gurion and the Labor Party.

Jabotinsky was in fact declared a fascist by his opponents for espousing what today can be easily recognized as a kind of racist 'ethnic-cleansing' philosophy. He was so controversial that the leaders of Israel refused to even let him be buried in the Jewish State until the late 1970s after the first victory of his followers when Manachem Begin became Prime Minister.

In 1923, a generation after Herzl wrote The Jewish State, Jabotinsky wrote The Iron Wall. The roots of what has become Israeli Apartheid and now the widely-condemned nearly 500 kilometer long "Wall" are in this approach to the Palestinians long known as "Revisionism Zionism" and long the underlying philosophy of those who today rule Israel and attempt to speak for American Jewry. This telling excerpt from Jabotinsky's The Iron Wall:

Vladimir Jabotinsky:

"There can be no discussion of voluntary reconciliation between us and the Arabs, not now, and not in the foreseeable future. All well-meaning people, with the exception of those blind from birth, understood long ago the complete impossibility of arriving at a voluntary agreement with the Arabs of Palestine for the transformation of Palestine from an Arab country to a country with a Jewish majority. Each of you has some general understanding of the history of colonization. Try to find even one example when the colonization of a country took place with the agreement of the native population. Such an event has never occurred.
The natives will always struggle obstinately against the colonists - and it is all the same whether they are cultured or uncultured. The comrades in arms of [Hernan] Cortez or [Francisco] Pizarro conducted themselves like brigands. The Redskins fought with uncompromising fervor against both evil and good-hearted colonizers. The natives struggled because any kind of colonization anywhere at anytime is inadmissible to any native people.

Any native people view their country as their national home, of which they will be complete masters. They will never voluntarily allow a new master. So it is for the Arabs. Compromisers among us try to convince us that the Arabs are some kind of fools who can be tricked with hidden formulations of our basic goals. I flatly refuse to accept this view of the Palestinian Arabs.

They have the precise psychology that we have. They look upon Palestine with the same instinctive love and true fervor that any Aztec looked upon his Mexico or any Sioux upon his prairie. Each people will struggle against colonizers until the last spark of hope that they can avoid the dangers of conquest and colonization is extinguished. The Palestinians will struggle in this way until there is hardly a spark of hope.

It matters not what kind of words we use to explain our colonization. Colonization has its own integral and inescapable meaning understood by every Jew and by every Arab. Colonization has only one goal. This is in the nature of things. To change that nature is impossible. It has been necessary to carry on colonization against the will of the Palestinian Arabs and the same condition exists now.

Even an agreement with non-Palestinians represents the same kind of fantasy. In order for Arab nationalists of Baghdad and Mecca and Damascus to agree to pay so serious a price they would have to refuse to maintain the Arab character of Palestine.

We cannot give any compensation for Palestine, neither to the Palestinians nor to other Arabs. Therefore, a voluntary agreement is inconceivable. All colonization, even the most restricted, must continue in defiance of the will of the native population. Therefore, it can continue and develop only under the shield of force which comprises an Iron Wall through which the local population can never break through. This is our Arab policy. To formulate it any other way would be hypocrisy."

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Source: http://www.middleeast.org/articles/2004/7/1027.htm