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20 July 2005        Free

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Mr. Livingstone told BBC radio on Wednesday that the attacks would not have taken place if Western powers left Arab states free to decide their own fate after World War I.

"You've just had 80 years of western intervention into predominantly Arab lands because of the western need for oil...."

"And I think the particular problem we have at the moment is that in the 1980s... the Americans recruited and trained Osama Bin Laden, taught him how to kill, to make bombs, and set him off to kill the Russians and drive them out of Afghanistan."

It's the Policies Stupid!



MER - MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 20 July:
    Wouldn't it be oh so refreshing if the Mayor of Washington, or just about any public official willing to be a little candid and courageous, were to even mention wrongful U.S. policies over the years as at least partly responsible for 9/11 and so much more.     Not much truth-telling from the politicians or the 'mainstream' corporate media on our side of the ocean, that's for sure.
     Across the Atlantic though it is not just the Mayor of London who is speaking up.   No less an important think-tank than Chatham House, and no less an important personality than the former British Ambassador to the United Nations, have been pointing the finger of blame at their Prime Minister as well as at decades of wrongful U.S. and British policies in dealing with the countries and peoples of the Middle East.   The big bad political dam of ignorance and self-righteousness and false innocence is at least leaking.
      Long-time MER readers will not find all this a total surprise.  We've been 'preaching' for some time that what is happening today can in fact be traced back to what has happened ever since the end of World War I in the Middle East, to Western policies ever since the carve-up of the old Ottoman Empire.  It was then, at the so-called 'Paris Peace Conference', that the Turkish Muslim Empire of old was ended by force of arms and the Arab peoples tricked once again by those who professed 'self-determination' (the 'freedom' slogan of that era) but were in fact determined to deny the Arabs their independence and any semblance of democracy.   Indeed, though Condoleeza Rice admitted to 'six decades' of wrong policies in her speech behind the security walls of American University in Cairo last month; she refused any form of atonement, contritition, compensation or guilt; not to mention her country continues these same imperial, militant, and blood-letting policies today simply having redressed them all with new rhetorical slights of hand.
     As the great historian David Fromkin has pointed out, that historic 'Paris Peace Conference' of 1918 was in reality 'The Peace To End All Peace'.  And ever since there have been oh so many other duplicitous 'Peace Conferences' in Western capitals from Paris to London to Oslo to Geneva to Washington.

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       It's time to thank the Mayor of London -- for this is not the first time he has spoken up thoughtfully and forcefully.  And if he won't be stopped at the gates for 'not being with us' and thus 'supporting terrorism' one wishes Mr. Livingston would come visit Washington where his knowledge, sanity, and courage are desperately in short supply.

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Livingstone blames UK policy, defends Muslim cleric

London Mayor Ken Livingstone, left, seen with Sheikh Youssef al-Qardawi

Western "double standards" as well as decades of British and American interference in the oil-rich Middle East led to July 7 bombings, London Mayor Ken Livingstone said.

Mr. Livingstone told BBC radio on Wednesday that the attacks would not have taken place if Western powers left Arab states free to decide their own fate after World War I.

While denouncing the London attacks that left at least 56 killed, Mr. Livingstone said that Western countries have been interfering in the Middle East over fears of losing their fuel supplies.

"I think you've just had 80 years of western intervention into predominantly Arab lands because of the western need for oil. We've propped up unsavory governments, we've overthrown ones we didn't consider sympathetic.

"And I think the particular problem we have at the moment is that in the 1980s... the Americans recruited and trained Osama Bin Laden, taught him how to kill, to make bombs, and set him off to kill the Russians and drive them out of Afghanistan.

"They didn't give any thought to the fact that once he'd done that he might turn on his creators," he said.

The London Mayor also criticized the "double standards" by Western powers. "A lot of young people see the double standards, they see what happens in Guantanamo Bay, and they just think that there isn't a just foreign policy," he said.

"Totally unrepresentative"

Mr. Livingstone also criticized news agencies that represent British Muslims in a "totally unrepresentative" manner.

He also defended a leading Muslim cleric whom he invited to speak at a conference in Manchester next month.

Some people have alleged that Sheikh Youssef al-Qardawi encouraged "suicide bombings" and manipulated the minds of the suspected London bombers.

"What Sheikh al-Qaradawi pointed out was, given that the Palestinians do not have jet fighters and do not have tanks, they only have their bodies to use. I do not think he is actually urging people to go out and become suicide bombers," Mr. Livingstone said.

"All information I have received is that [he has] condemned the London bombings unequivocally as wholly incompatible with Islam."

Sheikh Qaradawi, also a trustee of the Oxford University Center for Islamic Studies, had strongly denounced the attacks. “We were dumbfounded by the grave news of the London bombings which killed tens and wounded hundreds of innocent people who committed no crime,Ehe said after the bombings.

On the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he said that it is unacceptable that Israel goes on “indiscriminately destroying homes simply because a [Palestinian] bomber came from that area. I don't believe in an eye for an eye. I don't believe in that punishment.E/P>

Sheikh Qradawi also called for distinguishing between the Israeli occupation and the Jews themselves. “We do not fight Israelis because they are Jews, but because they took our land, killed our children and profaned our holy places,Ehe said.   AlJazeera - 20 July


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The most honest, most comprehensive, and most mobilizing news and
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Source: http://www.middleeast.org/articles/2005/7/5.htm