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6 December 2004 - MiddleEast.Org - MER is Free
News, Views, & Analysis Governments, Lobbies, & the
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The latest Washington Israeli Spy Scandal is really about Iran


America's #2 Arab "Client Regime" in the M E

Why didn't Egypt demand the release of Marwan Barghouti
for the spy Ariel Sharon wanted so much?

MIDDLEEAST.ORG - MER - Washington - 6 December: When it comes to oil and money, the #1 American "Client Regime" in the Middle East has been for some time, and remains today, Saudi Arabia. With Iraq exploding and Iran targeted, just as ordered the Saudis are racing at the moment to increase their oil supplies by about 15%; and as we noted months ago they dutifully did all they could behind-the-scenes to work for the Bush/Cheney victory now history.

But when it comes to politics and geostrategic considerations, the largest Arab country of Egypt and the Mubarak regime is often the place to which the Americans turn. After all, in a very real sense, they own it. It's American billions yearly, on top of all kinds of CIA support and assistance, that keeps the regime in place. Indeed it is because of the Americans that the client-regime of Hosni Mubarak, along with his long-time foreign affairs guru, Osama El-Baz, has been able to stay in power since the assassination of Anwar Sadat by soldiers within the Egyptian military.

Mubarak was also in the reviewing stand that fateful day in 1981 but escaped alive to rule Egypt as a kind of new-age American protectorate ever since. And just like the client-regime police state of Saudi Arabia was the crucible for Osama Bin Laden, so the client-regime police state of Egypt was the crucible for Al-Qaeda's #2 Dr. Ayman Zawahri.

In recent days, doing just what the Americans want him to, Mubarak's Egypt has dutifully endorsed not only Ariel Sharon's duplicitous 'Gaza withdrawal' scheme, but the old Israeli General personally as -- to quote George Bush -- "a man of peace"!

Moreover Mubarak is cooperating with the Israeli-American plan to now bring in Egyptian military forces to guard Gaza's southern border and help police the Palestinians into submission. If allowed to proceed by the Palestinians they can expect European and/or U.N. forces to be forced on them in the future in the deceptive guise of an expanded 'roadmap peace plan' to control the West Bank if the new Palestinian regime isn't up to the job.

In addition this past weekend the Egyptians agreed to release an important Israeli spy, Azam Azam, whom the Israelis had been working hard to get ever since 1997. It was another bonanza for Sharon. But instead of demanding in return the release of key Palestinian prisoners, most especially Marwan Barghouti, the Egyptians went along with the pretense that in return the Israelis were releasing a few unknown Egyptian students whom the Israelis arrested last year quite possibly with this very kind of trade in mind.

This from the front page of The Washington Times this weekend:

Mubarak: Best bet is Sharon

By Joshua Mitnick

TEL AVIV -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak told Palestinians yesterday that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon represents the best hope for peace, a rare note of praise by an Arab leader for an Israeli leader reviled in much of the Arab world.
"I think if [the Palestinians] can't achieve progress in the time of the current [Israeli] prime minister, it will be very difficult to make any progress in peace," Mr. Mubarak told reporters at the opening of Egypt's Port Said Harbor, the Associated Press reported.
Mr. Mubarak's remarks came just days after Egyptian intelligence chief Omar Suleiman visited Jerusalem to discuss Mr. Sharon's plan to pull all Israeli settlers out of the Gaza Strip and parts of the West Bank and to discuss plans for upcoming Palestinian elections.
The fragile, but warming, ties this year between the two countries have proven resilient after being tested in the past two months.
In October, terrorists bombed Egyptian Red Sea resorts in the Sinai Peninsula that are popular with Israelis, killing at least 34 persons.
Then, two weeks ago, three Egyptian soldiers were killed by mistake by Israeli tank fire on the border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.
That forced a postponement of a previously scheduled visit by Mr. Suleiman, but it finally took place on Thursday.
"[Mubarak] didn't have to do that,'' said Scott Lasensky, a Middle East expert at the United States Institute of Peace, commenting on the Egyptian president's statement.
"Egypt rarely goes out on a limb to praise an Israeli government, or tell the Palestinians what they should or should not do. They usually leave their admonishments behind close doors."
Israel and Egypt have had chilly relations since the outbreak of the Palestinian intifada in September 2000. Within weeks Egypt recalled its ambassador from Tel Aviv and has yet to return a top-ranking diplomat.
The improvement began earlier this year, as Mr. Sharon first introduced an initiative to unilaterally withdraw from the Gaza Strip and evacuate Jewish settlements there.
Egypt indicated months ago its willingness to send security advisers to Gaza to train a new Palestinian police force that would boost law enforcement after an Israeli withdrawal.
On Thursday, Egypt reportedly agreed to deploying 750 soldiers along its border with the Gaza Strip flash-point town of Rafah to block weapons shipments to Palestinian militants.
With improved prospects for negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians after the death of leader Yasser Arafat, Mr. Mubarak's comment served to "prepare the hearts" of Israelis to Egypt's continued activism in the peace process, wrote Zvi Barel, an Arab affairs commentator for Israel's Ha'aretz newspaper.
"These comments contain an important strategic assumption, which is that Egypt believes in the willingness of Sharon and in his ability to carry out the disengagement plan," Mr. Barel wrote. "He reached the conclusion that Sharon is serious."
In 2002, President Bush was widely criticized throughout the Arab world for calling Mr. Sharon a "man of peace."
Mr. Mubarak also made an unusual foray yesterday in the Palestinian presidential election campaign, helping the candidacy of Mahmoud Abbas, the chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
The Egyptian president criticized Fatah militant Marwan Barghouti for his decision to enter the race from an Israeli prison, where he is serving two successive life sentences.
The decision, Mr. Mubarak warned, is liable to fracture the Palestinian public.
"We call on the Palestinian public to preserve their unity, and not involve itself in internal disagreements," Mr. Mubarak said.

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December 2004


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(December 18, 2004)
Unique and Exclusive: News, Views, & Analysis Governments, Lobbies, & the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know. MiddleEast.Org

MER Article Causes Conf Cancellation as Palestinian Speaker Abruptly Backs Out
(December 17, 2004)
The organization it seems then quickly changed the homepage of it's elaborate website, removing the main lead picture at the top which showed members of the organization posing with senior National Security Council neocon Elliot Abrams. Also removed quickly was the picture of Khalidi. Additionally all information about the phone conference which was advertised to feature Khalidi at 8pm Thursday evening simply disappeared; all mention of something that had previously been prominently promoted simply vanished without explanation or comment as if it never was to be.

Prof Rashid Khalidi helps Israeli and American Jewish Zionist groups
(December 16, 2004)
While courageous Israeli academics like Tanya Reinhart at Tel Aviv University, long time Israeli writers like Uri Avneri, and brilliant journalists like Robert Fisk are in fact speaking up loudly warning about what Sharon and Peres and their armies of propaganda agents and client organizations are up to; tragically Palestinian academics like Rashid Khalidi are cowering more than ever even to the extent of allowing themselves to be more blatantly used by the Zionist organizations than ever before.

Egypt pushed and bribed to Economic 'Intercourse' with Israel
(December 15, 2004)
Since the first Camp David Middle East summit estimates are that overall, including economic, military, CIA, and AID American monies, Egypt has received in one way or another approaching $100 billion for agreeing to the American-pushed 'peace agreement'... The once proud though poor greatest of the Arab countries, Egypt, constantly feels the stain of historic political prostitution.

ABBAS/ALA/SHAATH Regime Running Fast - Half Palestinian People Not Allowed to Vote
(December 14, 2004)
In a few weeks the U.S. and Israeli approved and financed 'election' will take place. The most credible and respected Palestinian leaders are gone. The widely supported Hamas organization is boycotting. 'Israeli Palestinians' are not allowed to vote. 'Jerusalem Palestinians' will have to vote absentee. And forgotten most of all are the majority of Palestinians -- most of them still living in refugee camps throughout the region from Jordan to Syria to Lebanon -- who will have no vote at all thanks to the policies of Israel, the United States, and the 'new Palestinian leadership'.

Latest Washington Israeli Spy Scandal Escalating
(December 13, 2004)
There are some in Washington who think that the current spy investigations, possibly now expanding further, can be used to put a little pressure on the Israelis when it comes to the political deal making that may lie ahead both in the region and with the Palestinians. But there are others who think the Israelis are far better at this game than the Americans and that their list of Washington skunks and scandals involving many senior government officials now and past is considerably more extensive than what the Americans can pin on them should it ever come to that.

MER Track Record and the Assassination/Coverup of Yasser Arafat
(December 13, 2004)
Looking ahead, the historical stakes have become much higher, the costs in bloodshed and treasure already far greater, and the new 'peace process' already considerably more convoluted with even greater ominous implications for all in the international community of nations.

(December 11, 2004)
From the heart of the Washington Republican 'National Security' establishment, Harlan Ullman warns that the U.S. has sailed into very dangerous times and appears like the TITANIC headed for disaster. The dangers Ullman warns are in many ways as much from within as from without. The TITANIC metaphor is a powerful one, and Ullman repeats it a number of times for emphasis.

Palestinian Push - Over and Under
(December 10, 2004)
The big U.S. and Israeli Palestinian push is on. Put in place a new 'moderate' under control Palestinian regime, pump in some money for bribes and payoffs, train more regime 'security police', declare an end to the uprising against occupation (the Intifada), hard repress any and all opposition, kill and arrest those who continue to fight, and presto maybe you have a new police-state client-regime dutifully labled 'moderate' and 'democracy' however quisling in reality.

CHENEY Did It! Smoking Gun Court Case About WMD Scandal
(December 9, 2004)
In this eye-opening story today about a very unusual court case brought by a former senior CIA analysis which could serve as the smoking gun that the Bush/Cheney administration purposefully cooked the WMD books there's not a single mention of the unprecedented 9 or more once secret visits to the CIA of VP Cheney or the real potential significance of this legal political bombshell.

Ghosts of Vietnam and the 'Evil Empire'
(December 8, 2004)
More and more even in Washington circles these days one hears...but in spoken whispers certainly not in the corporate print or TV media..."police state", "fascism", "Good Germans". As for Capitol Hill, it looks more like a "no-go-zone" these days -- beyond being 'Occupied Israeli territory' -- than the Congress of a free and brave democracy.

Iraq and Palestine - Gloomy Predictions
(December 7, 2004)
Whether the further explosions and greater yet bloodshed and civil war will erupt in weeks, or months, or years, the course is now far more clear than the corporate media usually deals with. But today the New York Times is used for major leaks from the under-purge under-blame CIA about what to really expect in occupied Iraq, and recently the brilliant British journalist Robert Fisk wrote in The Independent about what to really expect in occupied Palestine.

America's Mubarak Regime
(December 6, 2004)
Moreover Mubarak is cooperating with the Israeli-American plan to now bring in Egyptian military forces to guard Gaza's southern border and help police the Palestinians into submission. If allowed to proceed by the Palestinians they can expect European and/or U.N. forces to be forced on them in the future in the deceptive guise of an expanded 'roadmap peace plan' to control the West Bank if the new Palestinian regime isn't up to the job.

Anti-Semitism? Rubbish!
(December 4, 2004)
Now what's going on with the Presbyterians is not at all "anti-semitism" as that term has been known over the years. It is anti-Israel, and many of the American Jewish Zionist organizations will insist it is anti-Jewish -- which in a sense is true if the positions these Jewish organizations take are fair game for protest, which indeed they are.

Ziad Asali - Latest Washington Palestinian Quisling
(December 3, 2004)
One of the many reasons the Palestinian people are in the terrible predicament they find themselves has been the extraordinarily co-opted quisling persons that so tragically have been allowed to represent them in Washington and to the American media for so many years. For those wondering about this choice of words, the definition of 'quisling', admittedly very pointed and harsh, does not give the full explanation of what has happened in Washington but it will have to do for now. During the German ooccupation of Norway in World War II the head of the Nazi-installed regime was Vidkun Quisling. His very name has since come to mean: A traitor who serves as the puppet of the enemy occupying his or her country.

9/11 was foreseeable one way or another
(December 3, 2004)
What has happened in recent years, indeed what happened on 9/11 and then it's aftermath, were in general quite foreseeable, no matter how much official Washington keeps pretending otherwise. The aggressive, imperialistic, self-righteous, deceptive, and oh-so-arrogant policies of the United States and Israel were at work for decades provoking and creating a kind of historical blowback that the whole world is now forced to live with. The following MER Editorial was published on Thanksgiving day in November 1997.

To Book Publishers and Literary Agents
(December 3, 2004)
MER is now looking for a literary agent and a publishing house. With events in the Middle East now gripping the headlines, with another round in the Israeli-Palestinian 'Peace Process' now at hand, and with the crusading 'neocons' firmly empowered in Washington, serious book publication on these subjects is more timely and more needed than ever. We have a unique compendium of exclusive MER articles, plus program and speech transcriptions, in addition to a number of highly qualified individual expert authors, which we are now interested in publishing.

FBI and Israeli-Jewish Lobby Square Off
(December 2, 2004)
You'd think that when the Capitol Hill offices of the most important foreign policy/Middle East 'lobby' are invaded by the FBI, computers and files seized and subpoenas served against top officials, this would be important news in Washington.

War Crimes Escalating - From Guernica to Fallujah
(December 2, 2004)
The new American-Israeli crusade, masquerading as the bringing of 'democracy and freedom' to the Muslim and Arab peoples, is marching on with new targets now in sight: Iran, Hezbollah, Syria, Hamas, N. Korea, Pakistan (if, or is it when, Musharraf falls)...and who knows who else as all are being coerced or forced to march into the bleak unknown. Fallujah is not meant to be an end for the coalition of fundamentalist and Zionist Neocons who now have Washington firmly in their grip; it is rather another new escalating beginning.

NewsFlash - Barghouti IN! After All
(December 1, 2004)
Now with Barghouti's entrance into the Palestinian election race and with Hamas in part threatening to 'boycot' if their own interests are not met -- and with Iraq exploding in greater hatred and violence against the Americans -- the entire U.S.-Israeli strategy for January 'elections' in both occupied Palestine and Iraq is very much in doubt.

Sharon - Past and Future - MER FLASHBACK
(December 1, 2004)
"Sharon was a killer obsessed with hatred of Palestinians. I had promised Arafat that his people would not get any harm. Sharon, however, ignored this commitment entirely. Sharon's word is worth nil." -Ambassador Philip Habib, Ronald Reagan's Special Middle East Envoy*

America's 'GUERNICA'
(December 1, 2004)
Pablo Picasso's haunting painting, 'Guernica', has immortalized that Spanish city whose brutal destruction was a precursor to all the horrendous death and suffering of World War II, now a finally fading generation ago. It was on Thanksgiving Day that we published detailed foreign reports about what has been done this month by what many in the world now consider to be the imperial crusading forces of the United States and Great Britain, 'on our watch', to the Iraqi city of 'Falluja' -- Falluja in Memoriam on Thanksgiving. Now this haunting essay, "Fallujah: America's Guernica", suggests a historical twist in time and fate we all should be pondering.

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