12 July 2005        Free

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MER - MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12 July:  As the Bush/Evangelical/Neocon regime weakens in Washington; as the poll numbers drop; the bloodletting mounts, and the dollars evaporate; the pressures are growing, not lessening, for further strikes to enforce the 'New World Order'.   Nothing like more 'terrorism', more appeals to no-nothing patriotism, and more 'defending the homeland' jingoism to rally the people around the flag, no matter what the long-term costs, no matter how much social polarization and opposition.
    Washington's current political/military domestic/international time-table goes something like this:  Get one or two right-wing appointees within a few months onto the Supreme Court, get the Israelis out of little imprisoned Gaza giving the false impression of 'progress' in the 'Middle East Peace Process', claim to be fast-track training Iraqi regime troops so the Iraqis can be blamed themselves for not 'stabilizing' their country and/or for the escalating civil war; and then be ready to strike one way or another, whenever the timing and excuses are suitable, against the remaining 'evils'... Iran, North Korea, Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas.
      Meanwhile, what's left in Washington of the serious 'political opposition' is looking for anything to weaken the Bush/Evangelical/Neocon regime pending the mid-term 2006 and then of course the 2008 election.  That's pretty much the only agenda the lost and bumbling Democrats can manage these days.  And this even though weakening the Bushies may well push their calculations to concluding it's better to lash out and try to climb back on top rather than to risk go down whimpering without having finished the mission. 
     And that is where this whole political firestorm, which we told you was brewing first before anyone else quite some days ago now, is all about.   These excerpts from yesterday and today's Salon.com.

Rove, Plame and the firing offense

George W. Bush and the Democrats in the Senate don't see eye to eye on much, a near-constant difference of opinion that may be underscored as the president sits down this morning to talk about the Supreme Court with Harry Reid and Patrick Leahy. But there's one matter on which Bush and the Democrats are in complete accord: Whoever leaked the identity of Valerie Plame to the press ought to be fired.

When White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan was asked about the Plame case at a press briefing in September 2003, he made it clear that Bush would fire anyone who was "involved" in leaking Plame's identity to the press. "The president has set high standards, the highest of standards for people in his administration," McClellan said then. "He's made it very clear to people in his administration that he expects them to adhere to the highest standards of conduct. If anyone in this administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this administration."

Bush seemed to reiterate that point when he talked to reporters in Chicago on Feb. 10, 2004. The president said that he wanted to know if anyone in his administration had leaked Plame's identity, and that "if the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of." Bush was asked again about the Plame case on June 10, 2004, at a press conference that followed that year's G8 summit, and he seemed to give the same answer: Asked by reporter whether he stood by his "pledge to fire anyone found" to have "leaked the agent's name," Bush said, "Yes."

Now that Karl Rove has been implicated in Plame's outing -- and really, "implicated" doesn't quite get it -- Democrats say they think Bush had it just about right all along. "I agree with the president when he said he expects the people who work for him to adhere to the highest standards of conduct," Harry Reid said in a statement issued Monday. "The White House promised if anyone was involved in the Valerie Plame affair, they would no longer be in this administration. I trust they will follow through on this pledge." John Kerry piled on, saying in an email to supporters: "Despite carefully worded denials, it is now apparent that Karl Rove discussed the identity of an undercover CIA agent with a reporter. His clear aim was to discredit that agent's husband who had dared to challenge the Administration in the buildup to the war. There appears to be no limit to the lengths to which Rove -- and this administration -- will go. But, there is a limit to the patience of the American people - and we have reached it. President Bush has a choice to make: Spend the months ahead focused on protecting Karl Rove's job security or spend them focused on protecting America's national security."

<>For Rove, the attacks of the Democrats are nothing new. What is new -- and what ought to have him concerned -- is the silence coming from his own party. Whatever affliction struck Scott McClellan at Monday's press briefing seems to have spread quickly through the ranks of Republican Washington. When Rove said last month that liberals wanted to respond to 9/11 with "therapy and understanding," Republicans stood in line to support him. Not anymore. The New York Times asked several Republican senators to comment on the Rove revelations Monday. It appears that not one of them was willing to speak on the record; some said they didn't know enough about the case or that they didn’t want to venture an opinion. One senior congressional Republican aide told the Times that most members of Congress are waiting to hear more about Rove's role in the Plame case before making any statements in public. "The only fear here is where does this go," the aide told the Times. "We can't know."

[08:27 EDT, July 12, 2005]

Why Karl Rove must go

There are still plenty of questions about Karl Rove's involvement in the Valerie Plame case, and we trust that special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald will eventually get to the bottom of them. But given what we know today, the very best that anyone can say of Karl Rove is that, on July 11, 2003, he broke the cover of a CIA analyst in order to discredit criticism of the way George W. Bush used intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war.

That's not partisan hyperbole; incredibly, it is Karl Rove's defense.

In order to show that Rove and his colleagues in the White House weren't engaged in a conspiracy to reveal Plame's identity, Rove's lawyer, Robert Luskin, says that Rove had another goal in mind when he told Time's Matthew Cooper that Joseph Wilson's wife was a CIA analyst: It was all about politics.

When Cooper called Rove on July 11, 2003, Wilson had just written an Op-Ed piece for the New York Times in which he said that his investigation into the allegation that Iraq had purchased uranium yellowcake from Niger had left him with "little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat." Cooper asked Rove about the Wilson report at the end of their telephone conversation. Rove's response? According to Cooper's e-mail message to his editor, Rove warned Cooper "not to get too far out" on Wilson's allegations because the source wasn't credible. Rove said that neither Vice President Dick Cheney nor CIA Director George Tenet had assigned Wilson to the Niger investigation. Rather, he said, the job came from Wilson's own wife, who was, Rove told Cooper, a CIA analyst working on WMD issues.

So you see, Luskin tells the New York Times, "A fair reading of the e-mail as well as the context in which the conversation took place makes it clear that the information conveyed was not part of an organized effort to disclose Plame's identity." Rather, Luskin tells the Washington Post: "What [Rove] was doing was discouraging Time from perpetuating some statements that had been made publicly and weren't true."

That defense may keep Karl Rove free from some sort of criminal conspiracy charge. And Rove's sometimes careful denials about his involvement -- "I didn't know her name. I didn't leak her name" -- may keep him out of prison on a perjury conviction. But none of that can change the fact that Karl Rove revealed the identity of a CIA agent in order to discredit criticism of the president's use of intelligence in the run-up to a war that has now claimed the lives of at least 1,755 Americans.

It's one thing to orchestrate nasty whispering campaigns about your political opponents when you're working as a private political consultant. There's plenty of evidence that Rove engaged in those kinds of tactics for Bush back in Texas and again for Bush during the South Carolina primary in 2000. We might not like it, but as Bush told John McCain during the 2000 campaign, "It's politics." This is different. Rove isn't a private political consultant anymore; he's a federal employee and the president's deputy chief of staff. And outing a CIA agent isn't just political hardball, or "fair game" as Rove once told Chris Matthews. As Bush himself said of the Plame case last February, "Leaks of classified information are bad things." How bad? So bad that Bush's press secretary said back in September 2003 that, "if anyone in this administration was involved" in the outing of Valerie Plame, that person would "no longer be in this administration."

The press secretary isn't saying much today. At today's White House press briefing, he repeatedly refused to answer questions about the president's deputy chief of staff. "There will be a time to talk about this," Scott McClellan said at one point, "but now is not the time to talk about it."

He's right -- there will be plenty of time for talking later. Now is a time for action. Karl Rove traded away the identity of a CIA agent and, arguably, some portion of the nation's security in order to discredit one of the president's critics on the question of war. Thus, whatever comes of the criminal investigation that keeps McClellan from answering questions, we know at a minimum that Rove has breached the trust of his office and failed to live up to the standards that Bush has set for his own administration. It is time for Rove to go. And if he can't see that yet, it is time for the president to tell him.

[16:02 EDT, July 11, 2005

On Rove, Scott McClellan is suddenly silent

The White House press corps is finally asking questions about Karl Rove's involvement in the outing of Valerie Plame. And all of a sudden, it's White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan who doesn't want to talk about the issue anymore.

Reporters peppered McClellan with questions about Rove and Plame at today's White House press briefing. Did Karl Rove commit a crime? Does the president still have confidence in Karl Rove? Is McClellan concerned that he misrepresented facts about Rove's involvement in the past? Has McClellan hired an attorney for himself? In a sign that things are getting just a little more serious at the White House, McClellan's answers were invariably -- and increasingly testy -- variations on one theme: There's an "ongoing investigation," and he's not saying anything about anything until it's over.

That's not a particularly unusual response for someone caught up in a legal tangle, but it's a striking departure from the way in which McClellan used to talk about the Plame case. In days gone by, the White House press secretary was downright loquacious about the matter.

On Sept. 29, 2003, McClellan told reporters that the president was certain that Karl Rove was not involved in leaking Plame's identity. When asked how he knew that the president knew, McClellan said: "Well, I've made it very clear that it was a ridiculous suggestion in the first place. I saw some comments this morning from the person who made that suggestion, backing away from that. And I said it is simply not true. So, I mean, it's public knowledge. I've said that it's not true. . . . [T]here is simply no truth to that suggestion. And I have spoken with Karl about it."

When McClellan was asked about Rove's involvement on Oct. 1, 2003, he said: "Let me make it very clear. As I said previously, he was not involved, and that allegation is not true in terms of leaking classified information, nor would he condone it. So let me be very clear."

And when McClellan was asked again about the case on Oct. 10, 2003, he said that he had talked with Rove and other White House officials and they'd all "assured me they were not involved in" the "leaking of classified information."

With the revelations of the weekend -- it's now clear that Rove told Time's Matthew Cooper that Joseph Wilson's wife was a CIA analyst -- those old denials must be sounding a little, well, quaint. McClellan might want to revise and extend some of his earlier statements about the case, and we're sure he will -- just as soon as the "ongoing investigation" is over.

-- Tim Grieve

[14:11 EDT, July 11, 2005]


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