Washington, DC - 13 April 2007                To receive MER regularly

By Mark Bruzonsky*

Wolfowitz has been ordering people to do this and that far
beyond the matter of his"girlfriend". He has been using his
power at the Bank to vigorously pursue the policies of the
zealotous Neocons, the Bush/Cheney crowd, and his many
Zionist and Israeli buddies, all of whom conspired to put him
in the job in the first place. Right from the start Wolfowitz
has in fact been busily manipulating bank policies and funds
to overlap with American and Israeli policies far too much
and in far too many ways."

For the good of our world it's time for Paul Wolfowitz to go!

For the good of our country it's time for Paul Wolfowitz to go!

Truth be told. I've felt this way about Wolfowitz from the start and said so; and for very good reasons. Much of the corporate media however has let the actual record and legacy of Wolfowitz fade from view. So let's recall what's now so important to remember.

Yes, it's gratifying now to see others echoing the same conclusion about Wolwitz -- lets call it a kind of Citizens Verdict in fact. Just yesterday the Financial Times chimed in calling for Wolfowitz to resign. And many staffers at the World Bank have finally arisen -- it was yesterday as well that they were actually shouting in the hallways at Wolfowitz to "Resign, Resign!"

But right now nearly the entire focus is about Wolfowitz and his "girlfriend" who got some whopping raises and promotions...and on how it was all done at Wolfowitz's behind-the-scene orders.

But there are other critical considerations of far greater and far more lasting consequence.

Indeed Wolfowitz never should have been appointed as President of the "World Bank" in the first place. He only got the job because the notoriously stodgy institution a few blocks from the White House isn't really a "World Bank" at all...it remains far too much an American dominated and controlled agency. And of that much more needs to be said and many more changes, for the good of the world, need to be made.

Right now we need simply point out that Wolfowitz has been ordering people to do this and that far beyond the matter of his "girlfriend". He has been using his power at the Bank to vigorously pursue the policies of the Neocons, the Bush/Cheney crowd, and yes his many Jewish and Israeli buddies, all of whom conspired to put him in the job in the first place.

Right from the start Wolfowitz has in fact been busily manipulating bank policies and funds to overlap with American and Israeli policies far too much and in far too many ways.

And lets not forget Paul Wolfowitz's terribly mistaken judgements, his extraordinarily conflicted past, and the dastardly results of what Wolfowitz did and advocated in years past. As a result there are large numbers of dead, huge amounts of wasted and missing multi-billions, and a world on the edge of an even greater "Clash of Civilizations" -- all the result of policies Wolfowitz personally lead in conceiving, inspiring, and carrying through.

The saga of how Wolfowitz manipulated
money and rewards for his "girlfriend" is
just one relatively small and petty example
of the kinds of things Wolfowitz and his
cronies have been doing in Washington
and in the Middle East for years.

Very harsh language, yes, but this is the record of a man who should be indicted by his fellow Americans for gross deception and by his fellow citizens of the world for war crimes.

Right now just a quick and dirty review of some of the most memorable and most catastrophic policies and their results for which Paul Wolfowitz can and should be forever tarred.

Just days after 9/11 there was Deputy Secretary of Defense Wolfowitz at Camp David with President Bush quite vociferously insisting the U.S. should immediately blanket bomb Iraq as well as Afghanistan. Not immediately getting his way entirely Wolfowitz set in motion the terrible policies and the dastardly lies that led to the Iraqi invasion/occupation a year and
a half later. It was Wolfowitz who insisted the war would be short, cheap, and "we'll be welcomed as 'liberators'." It was Wolfowitz who insisted that all those troops the uniformed military said would be needed were far too many.
Indeed, on just about every major policy matter Wolfowitz was wrong, wrong, and more wrong.-- and with catastrophic results.

It was Wolfowitz, #2 at the Pentagon under the now-discredited Donald Rumsfeld, who hired as his top Deputy Douglas Feith. At his direction Feith then became the prime architect of all the 'intelligence' lies that lead to the Iraqi debacle. Other appointments and friends of Wolfowitz were brought into the Pentagon in the most senior and critical positions, Richard Perle and Dov Zahkeim to name just a few. And it was Doug Feith who then hired Larry Franklin who then got arrested by the FBI for passing classified secrets to the top officials of the Jewish Lobby (AIPAC) who themselves are now facing trial for passing it all on to the Israelis.

Wolfowitz, Feith, Perle, Zakheim, et. al. -- all of course in closest coordination with Donald Rumself and Richard Cheney -- then proceeded to make the unpardonable decisions that laid the foundation for the worst foreign policy blunders in modern American history. They were the ones behind sending General Gardner, and then Paul Bremmer, as pro-consuls to Baghdad -- with disastrous consequences. They were the ones who hired an Orthodox Jewish Zionist Professor to pen the "new Iraqi Constitution" -- with more disastrous consequences. They even tried to change the Iraqi flag to a new one that included the colors and a kind of look of the Israeli flag (no joke this).
They are also the ones responsible for the tens of billions of dollars that have gone missing and unaccounted for; and for the half-trillion dollars that this unconscionable war has already cost Americans, plus of course so much more revulsion worldwide.

For those who think otherwise, and for
those who have doubts, let the serious
and detailed investigations begin...both
in the media and in the Congress.

Most of all they are the "policy-makers" who should now be held responsible and accountable for the million+ dead, for the rape and looting of Iraq, for the millions of refugees who have had to flee their homes, and for a disaster of historical proportions that now threatens to escalate even further. Like ideological pyromaniacs they have set our world on fire, flames which are consumming more and more and threaten to become unextinguishable for decades if not generations to come.

At the most critical time Paul Wolfowitz was the day-to-day civilian commander, enabled by Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld, and he should be held accountable. As their policies imploded and the resultant blood-letting became too horrendos Feith, Perle, Zakheim, et. al., all began scampering out of the line of fine finding ways to line their own pockets with multiple forms of multi-million dollar payoffs and pay-outs.

Congress should in fact now be investigating not only what happened when this cabal held power in Washington but how they have cashed-in in multiple ways since.

As for Wolfowitz he and his allies felt he could continue to do their bidding at the so-called "World Bank." The saga of how Wolfowitz manipulated money and rewards for his "girlfriend" is just one relatively small and petty example of the kinds of things Wolfowitz and his cronies have been doing in Washington and in the Middle East for years.

Yes very straight talk and harsh words here. Unusual for today's Washington where there is so much hesitancy, so much fear, and so many on one kind of gravy train or another. But after considerable experience, investigation and reflection this is the appropriate and needed talk. For those who think otherwise, and for those who have doubts, let the serious and detailed investigations begin...both in the media and in the Congress.

And meanwhile, it's beyond time, far beyond time, for Paul Wolfowitz to go!

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