Triumphant Sharon

"His speech (Ed. - referring to President Bush giving the 'State of the Union' address) reads like a blueprint for U.S. policy designed by Ariel Sharon, the Israeli Prime Minister." The Financial Times, 4 Feb

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/07/2002: Ariel Sharon has arrived in Washington triumphant as many never believed could or would happen in their worst political nightmares. He may well be the single man who has had more influence on the Arab-Israeli conflict, and on the history of the entire region, than any other. Indeed, had it not been for the Sharon-led invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and all that has flowed from it including the rise of Hezbollah and the ongoing Intifada, many experts believe the events of 11 September would never have happened as they did and we would be living in a very different, and much better, world. (And let's not forget Iraq at the time was a close American ally being financed and armed in an attempt to bring down the Iranian revolution and provide a new powerful U.S. client regime in the region).

But such are the ways of history and the world. And such is the power and danger of the little "Jewish State of Israel" and its powerful Israeli/Jewish lobby in Washington.... Ever so triumphant now; but at such a terrible cost....already.

Oh yes, none other than Richard Cheney, the Vice-President and former Pentagon chief, has just scheduled a whirlwind visit to eight Middle East countries next month in advance of the spreading war and chaos that is now scheduled for the "phases" ahead. He will not be taking Sharon with him physically, only his Machiavellian advice, his bloodthirsty ways, and his glazed-over contemptuous spirit.

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