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  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know

To receive MER regularly email to INFOMER@MiddleEast.Org

For MER to be more effective and have more impact we need your involvement
and your support.  We have greatly improved MER in the past year, and we are now
beginning to put some of the past MERTV programs and documentaries at our
associated website --  www.MERTV.Org -- for persons to watch worldwide.
But as a totally independent organization we are very much limited in what we
can do to the resources we have available to us.  Your help could make a
considerable difference especially at this critical time.

If you would like to see MER grow and have greater impact please join us now
and support us.   Email first to MER@MiddleEast.Org telling us a bit about
yourself, what suggestions you have, what help you can provide, and giving us you
name, address and phone number.  We will then have the appropriate person
give you a call or schedule a time when you can speak with MER's
Publisher Mark Bruzonsky.

Financial Contributions to MER:
You can now do so online by credit card simply and easily.
  Just email to with your name  MER@MiddleEast.Org with your name, phone
number, and how much you would like to contribute and we will email
you an on-line invoice so you can use your credit card securely and easily.

If you prefer to send a check please make the check out to MER and
send to:  MER; POBox 4918; Washington, DC 20008

© 2004 Mid-East Realities, All rights reserved