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AuthorTopic: Abdullah of Jordan
topic by
peter smario
(1 posts)
Chico, ca
1/2/2002 (22:40)
I feel greatremove topic editreply top
Israel asks America to strike western Iraq first,
if it decides to fight Saddam
By Amir Oren

[Ha'aretz - 2 January 2001]:

In this article it says that any decision by President George W. Bush about when to attack Iraq depends on three main elements. The second element it mentions is identifying an alternative ruler to replace Saddam.

King Hussein of Jordan had made a vow to take the Hashimite throne back to it's rightful place in Iraq and now Abdullah has said he will fulfill is father's vow.

Don't you think the back room deal has been made to do just that when we topple Saddam? After all, who better to liberate his people and return to his rightful homeland.

......and in so doing, shouldn't we be getting ready to hear that Sharon's plan of giving the Palestinians back Jordan is the perfect trade off? Then everyone gets their homeland back: the Hashimite's get Iraq, the Palestinians get Jordan, and the Jews get Israel......
reply by
ozzie hooper
(1 posts)
acworth, ga
2/17/2002 (13:46)
I feel gooddelete editreply top
Lets give America back to the natives. Lets redistribute Europe to it's rightful owners. Better yet, lets go to the Far East and redraw their boundaries as they were in B.C.E.

Who is most virtuous and qualified for the endless redistribution of property and reparations other than the U.S. of A?.

When will this all stop. When will people stand up for what's right?
Are we living reality or a mere joke?

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