Zogby Dogby - The Arab-American Huslter in Washington
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Washington Scene:
Zogby Dogby - The Despised Arab-American Hustler in Washington


"Since the Arab American organizations can't compete in a
serious and professional way and are so badly co-opted and
marginalized from within (as well as from without), this putrid
stinking state of affairs persists in today's ignominious Washington."

[MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/20/2003]:     There he was at it again this weekend playing footsie with his good friend Joe Lieberman, the Senator from Connecticut and the representative of and apologist for Ariel Sharon and Israel.     It was once again non other than James Zogby, the Arab-American political hustler, at his best (tongue in cheek of course!).   And even after all the many millions he has pocketed and spent on self-promotion, Zogby could only manage to get a few hundred naive and confused Arab-Americans to join him for his latest little conference in Detroit -- the one his good friend Joe Lieberman exploited for his own gain rounding up the TV cameras to show him addressing his Arab-Americans "cousins"  and "telling it like it is".    Zogby is more pariah among in-the-know activist Arab-Americans than anything else; but even so official Washington and the corporate-media often trot him out when they want a safe and practiced 'Arab-American' talking head.    The following two   MER Flashback articles help put Zogby, as well as the overall state of Arab-American affairs in Washington, in clearer perspective.  And from nine years ago this two-page spoof DOGBY 'Illusions' Newsletter that Arab American students published and mailed out hoping to expose Zogby for what he really was then...and is even more now.

FlashBack - "Washington Scene" April 2001:

ADC Bumbles and Stumbles Leading to Nowhere

Arab Americans Terribly Weak and Co-opted

[MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 4/20/2001]:  Three things this week underscored the pathetically tragic state of affairs for the Arab American community which remains, well, politically retarded and as a result miserably weak...not to mention oh so co-opted and manipulated.

After weeks of "organizing" and, as usual, badly led to nowhere by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) and its third-rate group of long-time staffers in Washington, a rather bedraggled group of about 50 managed to turn out at the "demonstration" at the Israeli Embassy yesterday. The ADC has hardly any real grass-roots, no allies worth discusing, and over the years has squandered even the little credibility it once had, especially here in Washington where the realities of the ADC scene are much better understood then in other places around the country.

The ADC crowd is also responsible for another little fiasco this week, pushing their credibility with many into the minus category. After a variety of local Arab and Muslim groups around the country invited the iconoclastic Israeli writer Israeli Shamir to speak to them, ADC, in its usual underhanded way, launched a campaign actually trying to discredit Shamir as a racist and "anti-semite", urging groups to cancel his scheduled talks.   Apparently feeling threatened as usual that someone not under their thumb was speaking up and getting more attention then themselves, the ADC's Hussein Ibish and an associated Chicago super-charged activist with few credentials but much malicious misinformation, Ali Abunemah, started sending their rantings to the couple of incestuous Palestinian email groups they constantly try to manipulate (those groups are themselves another sadly pathetic tale of woe, but for another day).

So while the Israeli army was busy invading the Arafat-Authority areas of Gaza, still further trying to torture the Palestinians into submission, the ADC crowd was busy trying to defame one of the few Israeli writers loudly and publicly calling for total equality among Jews and Palestinians; and then wondering in a seemingly oblivious daze why their credibility is so marginal that even with staff, friends, and onlookers, they could only manage to get 50 people to come to their demonstration at the Israeli Embassy at such a critical time in history. What a tragic state of affairs.

Oh yes, and then there is Jim Zogby -- probably the most despised Arab American (if we are talking about other Arab Americans that is) but also the one whom the Saudis promote the most and who grabs for the limelight the most.  Zogby's model it seems is former mentor Jesse Jackson -- but at least in Jesse's case he has some actual following among fellow Blacks.

Zogby went on CNN's "Crossfire" program this week -- defender of the Palestinians he pretends to be.  In reality he is a kind of political whore funded and promoted by the Arab regimes to protect their own interests, front for the "peace process", slither platitudes in his articulate way, and considerably enrich himself as he goes (the "Builders For Peace" Scandal another sadly pathetic story, but also for another day).

The ridiculous but watched "Crossfire" program which promotes itself as representing all spectrums of opinion is actually a political masquerade program whenever the subject is the Middle East. "On the left" they had a host that day, Robert Shrum, former Clinton/Gore "strategist", who sounded like Ariel Sharon's campaign manager. "On the right" was the old Robert Novak, who kept telling everyone he was a great supporter of Israel like the Zionist leaders Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, and David Ben-Gurion!   And as guests they had the despised Zogby who actually represents the most right-wing and repressive regimes in the region and who also was promoting the Clinton/Israeli "peace plan" up against the fast-talking Sharon-appologist who is now Israeli Consul-General in New York. Yes, we did say "pathetic"...but actually that word is no longer sufficient in today's circumstances.

But then, it's the same old story really. Since the Arab American "leadership" is afraid to protest Zogby's grotesque grandstanding (not to mention whom he represents and how) and allows him to carry on as he does, since the Arab American organizations can't compete in a serious and professional way anyway and are so badly co-opted and marginalized from within (as well as from without), this putrid rotten stinking state of affairs persists in today's ignominious Washington.

FlashBack - "Washington Scene" January 2003:

                   Zogby Miserably Exploits All Once Again

Near Total Collapse of Arab American Organizations in US

[MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 1/08/2003]:    For years now Jim Zogby has been politically scaming everyone he can in Washington and the Middle East. Zogby has become known as something of a political parasite constantly feeding off the Palestinian conflict from all sides; always to his own personal benefit and actually causing far more harm than help for the Palestinians. Just a few years ago in the Clinton "Peace Process" years it was the "Builders For Peace" project -- resulting in millions to Zogby and friends but in the end not one single completed project to benefit the Palestinians! Now in the Bush years Zogby has come up with some new sordid tricks.

Heavily promoted by the Saudis Zogby is actually quite widely despised, even hated, by many Arab Americans -- especially the most active and knowledgeable grass-roots.

Zogby's latest scam is taking place soon this month in Washington. Using a guillible simple-minded post-student Palestinian from Ramallah as his front man Zogby is once again miserably exploiting the vacuum caused by the near-total collapse of Arab American organizations in Washington.

This latest political scam -- complete with another help-them-out photo visit to the White House -- is being called the "1st Annual National Arab-American Professional Conference". Anyone with any dignity and smarts will stay away...far away; but there are always those eager to cash in for themselves, as well as those who just don't know whom they are dealing with and how tragic the whole predicament in Washington has become. Indeed a variety of corrupt and slippery Arab American business-types are now expected to attend as usual. But because Zogby and chums can't manage to get enough bodies to come -- even with the financial subsidies they've arranged and advertised far and wide -- it's being combined with what is called by Zogby side-kick Hanna Hanania the "5th Annual Arab-American Conference. While the Palestinians back home are being shot, starved, and bombed, the Zogby/Hanania crowd is going to wined, dined and screwed -- complete with live band, DJ, and a couple each of nearly-free breakfasts, lunches, dinners plus a "grand party" and banquet hoopla!

What a despicable (yes, we come back to that word) travesty it all is, with Jim Zogby personally (along with one of his key patrons, Saudi Ambassador 'Prince' Bandar) surely the most despicable character in the charade. It's a fitting time to recall this spoof newsletter that was distributed by Arab American students a few years ago hoping to expose and embarrass Mr. Jim...but sadly to little avail.

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October 2003


Target IRAN! US and Israel Prepare
(October 28, 2003)
Armed with nuclear warheads, Israel's submarines have been fitted with US Harpoon Missiles capable of stiking Iran's nuclear facilities with little notice. At the same time the US is preparing to strike North Korea.

Zogby Dogby - The Arab-American Huslter in Washington
(October 21, 2003)
He's the biggest of the Arab-American hustlers in today's Washington -- much despised, well-funded by the Arab regimes and friends, useful to the establishment when a safe and controlled Arab-American talking head is needed...and he'll always come running.

(October 21, 2003)

Terrible Pogrom on the Palestinians by Israel and the US
(October 21, 2003)
It's an ongoing and terrible Pogrom on the Palestinians by Israel and the US. Relative to the size of the US population more than 150,000 Palestinians have been killed, about 10,000,000 injured in just the past few years of Intifada II.

Palestinians Target Kill American Officials for first time
(October 15, 2003)
The Israeli-designed and US-provoked 'Clash of Civilizations' is now well-underway. The American-Israeli crusade is escalating. The counterreaction is also now more visible every day. Today in Gaza:

Muslim Disaster in Washington - Khalid Turaani and the AMJ
(October 14, 2003)
Washington has in effect been 'cleansed' now of honorable and decent Muslim representatives. What is left is a small group of twisted and largely despised on-the-take and third-rate "representatives" who spend most of their time and inflated funds courting invitations by the FBI for meetings about 'discrimination' and ever-eagerly seeking any TV camera that will have them for a quick sound bite. Near the top of the list, Khalid Turaani of the American Muslims for Jerusalem, AMJ.

Test of Adding Title
(October 13, 2003)
test of HOME PAGE TEXT test line 2 of HOME PAGE TEXT

US + Israel Takeover of the Entire Middle East Region
(October 8, 2003)
"From the White House to the Pentagon, from Foggy Bottom (State Department) to Langley (CIA) to Ft. Meade (NSA), the Americans are intensely coordinating with the Israelis to take over the Middle East region as never before in modern history.... All of us now, not just the Arabs and the Muslims, have much to fear because of what this coalition of crazed Jewish and Christian fundamentalist imperialists have done in the past and even more because of what they are doing in the present."

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