Zogby Miserably Exploits All Once Again
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Zogby Miserably Exploits All Once Again

Near Total Collapse of Arab American Organizations in US

For years now Jim Zogby has been politically scaming everyone he can in Washington and the Middle East. Zogby has become known as something of a political parasite constantly feeding off the Palestinian conflict from all sides; always to his own personal benefit and actually causing far more harm than help for the Palestinians. Just a few years ago in the Clinton "Peace Process" years it was the "Builders For Peace" project -- resulting in millions to Zogby and friends but in the end not one single completed project to benefit the Palestinians! Now in the Bush years Zogby has come up with some new sordid tricks.

Heavily promoted by the Saudis Zogby is actually quite widely despised, even hated, by many Arab Americans -- especially the most active and knowledgeable grass-roots.

Zogby's latest scam is taking place soon this month in Washington. Using a guillible simple-minded post-student Palestinian from Ramallah as his front man Zogby is once again miserably exploiting the vacuum caused by the near-total collapse of Arab American organizations in Washington.

This latest political scam -- complete with another help-them-out photo visit to the White House -- is being called the "1st Annual National Arab-American Professional Conference". Anyone with any dignity and smarts will stay away...far away; but there are always those eager to cash in for themselves, as well as those who just don't know whom they are dealing with and how tragic the whole predicament in Washington has become. Indeed a variety of corrupt and slippery Arab American business-types are now expected to attend as usual. But because Zogby and chums can't manage to get enough bodies to come -- even with the financial subsidies they've arranged and advertised far and wide -- it's being combined with what is called by Zogby side-kick Hanna Hanania the "5th Annual Arab-American Conference. While the Palestinians back home are being shot, starved, and bombed, the Zogby/Hanania crowd is going to wined, dined and screwed -- complete with live band, DJ, and a couple each of nearly-free breakfasts, lunches, dinners plus a "grand party" and banquet hoopla!

What a despicable (yes, we come back to that word) travesty it all is, with Jim Zogby personally (along with one of his key patrons, Saudi Ambassador 'Prince' Bandar) surely the most despicable character in the charade. It's a fitting time to recall this spoof newsletter that was distributed by Arab American students a few years ago hoping to expose and embarrass Mr. Jim...but sadly to little avail.

January 2003


Gloom and Desperation in Israel
(January 29, 2003)
Sharon and the Israeli right-wing may have won the election bigger than ever, the Apartheid Wall may be going up reminiscent of concentration camps of times past, and the US-Israeli alliance may be tighter than ever; but even so there is much gloom and despair in today's Israel and the heavy price for the policies Israel's has been pursuing may be paid in future years.

Israel to kill enemies in U.S., Europe, as well as Middle East
(January 15, 2003)

Biggest Anti-War Demo Since Vietnam Expected Sat in Washington
(January 15, 2003)
Those in charge of Saturday's demonstration have already specifically foresworn use of the one major grassroots 'weapon' which could have a chance at blocking the coming orgy of war and death which will itself then lead to further future hate, revenge and destruction -- peaceful legal civil disobedience in an ongoing and sustained manner in cities throughout the country. They are profoundly wrong in having done so. Others should now urgently come forward to truly lead the way and bring about a really serious coalition combining both counter-culture groups and establishment personalities into a truly powerful and effective anti-war coalition.

The United States of America has gone mad - John le Carré
(January 15, 2003)
How true and frigtening le Carré's analysis. How important and timely le Carré's warnings. "America has entered one of its periods of historical madness, but this is the worst I can remember: worse than McCarthyism, worse than the Bay of Pigs and in the long term potentially more disastrous than the Vietnam War."

'We are not the doctors. We are the disease'
(January 12, 2003)

The Return of Imperialism
(January 12, 2003)

Zogby and Arab-Americans in Washington
(January 8, 2003)

Zogby and Arab-Americans in Washington
(January 8, 20030)

Zogby and Arab-Americans in Washington
(January 8, 2003)

Zogby Miserably Exploits All Once Again
(January 8, 2003)

Israel's Apartheid 'Wall of Separation'
(January 6, 2003)
While the world is so distracted with other events, while the U.N. is controlled and co-opted by Washington, and while the Americans are fronting for the Israelis more than ever in history, Israel's relentless crusade to crush and vanquish the Palestinians continues to escalate. This story about the new 'Apartheid' Wall is an important part of the overall realities on the ground in occupied Palestine as the US, Israel, and UK attept to still further control the entire Middle East region. Jerry Levin, author of this insightful report, is a courageous and principled man, and a special journalist.

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