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Test of Adding Title

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October 2003


Target IRAN! US and Israel Prepare
(October 28, 2003)
Armed with nuclear warheads, Israel's submarines have been fitted with US Harpoon Missiles capable of stiking Iran's nuclear facilities with little notice. At the same time the US is preparing to strike North Korea.

Zogby Dogby - The Arab-American Huslter in Washington
(October 21, 2003)
He's the biggest of the Arab-American hustlers in today's Washington -- much despised, well-funded by the Arab regimes and friends, useful to the establishment when a safe and controlled Arab-American talking head is needed...and he'll always come running.

(October 21, 2003)

Terrible Pogrom on the Palestinians by Israel and the US
(October 21, 2003)
It's an ongoing and terrible Pogrom on the Palestinians by Israel and the US. Relative to the size of the US population more than 150,000 Palestinians have been killed, about 10,000,000 injured in just the past few years of Intifada II.

Palestinians Target Kill American Officials for first time
(October 15, 2003)
The Israeli-designed and US-provoked 'Clash of Civilizations' is now well-underway. The American-Israeli crusade is escalating. The counterreaction is also now more visible every day. Today in Gaza:

Muslim Disaster in Washington - Khalid Turaani and the AMJ
(October 14, 2003)
Washington has in effect been 'cleansed' now of honorable and decent Muslim representatives. What is left is a small group of twisted and largely despised on-the-take and third-rate "representatives" who spend most of their time and inflated funds courting invitations by the FBI for meetings about 'discrimination' and ever-eagerly seeking any TV camera that will have them for a quick sound bite. Near the top of the list, Khalid Turaani of the American Muslims for Jerusalem, AMJ.

Test of Adding Title
(October 13, 2003)
test of HOME PAGE TEXT test line 2 of HOME PAGE TEXT

US + Israel Takeover of the Entire Middle East Region
(October 8, 2003)
"From the White House to the Pentagon, from Foggy Bottom (State Department) to Langley (CIA) to Ft. Meade (NSA), the Americans are intensely coordinating with the Israelis to take over the Middle East region as never before in modern history.... All of us now, not just the Arabs and the Muslims, have much to fear because of what this coalition of crazed Jewish and Christian fundamentalist imperialists have done in the past and even more because of what they are doing in the present."

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