Bush, Condi, Rummie, and the Generals all Speaketh Safely and Carefully
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29 June 2005        Free

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"...the applause appeared to have been 'triggered by members of the president's advance team' and once they began clapping, the soldiers joined in."


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From Washington:

Bush, Condi, Rummie, and the Generals all now Speaketh

MER - MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 29 June:
    Condi spoke a week ago behind the closed protection of 'The American University' in Cairo and a hand-picked audience, mostly of Americans of in fact.   She dared not speak before a real Arab audience even though she was in the heart of the Arab world, her subject was the Arab world, and her admission was that six decades of past U.S. policies were all wrong in the Arab world.  She said nothing of all the hatred, bloodshed, misery, and oppression caused and stimulated by all those years of such misguided policies, nothing of the hatreds and desires for revenge created by those policies, nothing of how those very policies lead to some of the most brutal wars, revolutions, and dictatorships to ever envelop the Arab world, and surely nothing of how those policies were the crucible in which what we now know as 9/11 was conceived and born.
    The American President spoke last night behind the closed protection of Fort Bragg with an audience of selected military.   He dared not speak in public to the American people; he dares not attempt to give his address before a university or civic audience, not even one carefully filtered for all signs of opposition, of which there is considerable, more than ever in fact.
    Rumsfeld and the Generals have been out rather incessantly it seems on the talking head circuit, carefully manipulating all the free air time the networks make so abundantly available to them while rarely giving any quality time to any serious independent expert critics.
    The propaganda campaign has been considerable in recent weeks, Bush and the Neocons knowing they have more than a little p.r. problem they have to deal with as they prepare, according to General McCaffrey, to kill 'at least 20,000' more 'insurgents' and to enforce the demands of the 'New World Order' from Korea to Iran, from Damascus to Arabia.   The 'Total War' campaign inspired by Israel's minions and the Imperialist Neocon legions slugs forward at huge cost in blood and treasure and credibility.   Future Secretary of States will one day have to say we were wrong again in the future; but then it may already be too late and even fewer will be willing to listen rather than tune-out in disgust or fight on in enraged rebellion.

     Last Sunday, by the way, the TV networks gave the Pentagon all the free air-time it could wish for.  Rarely did they follow any of the top Generals and Pentagon Chief Rumsfeld who kept popping up everywhere with any independent analysts to cut through all the whoppers.  The previous Sunday they did the same with Condi on her Middle East 'peace tour'.  
      It was all part of the huge propaganda built-up that attempted to set the stage for President Bush's prime time Iraq address last evening.   And it is all the result of Iraq exploding more than ever in an orgy of bloodshed and body parts, the bill for it all now anticipated to approach a whopping half trillion dollars, the military hemorraging recruits and credibility, and even so preparations for taking on, one way or another, Iran and North Korea -- as well as well as Syria, Hezbollah (Lebanon), and Hamas (Palestine) -- are for real...not just bluster.

                                       Mark Bruzonsky

P.S.  For a better understanding of the American President's speech about Iraq and war last evening, turn away fron the front pages and go to the Style section of the Washington Post for Tom Shales' take on it all:


Prime Time For the President

By Tom Shales
Wednesday, June 29, 2005; C01

Although President Bush's speech at Fort Bragg, N.C., was scheduled to last about 30 minutes, CNN anchor Paula Zahn told viewers last night it would "no doubt" run longer because of "interruptions by the supportive crowd" of men and women in uniform.

Well, yes and no. The speech -- a relatively brief status report on the war in Iraq -- may have run a tiny bit longer than was announced, but there was only one interruption from the "supportive crowd." In fact, since the military men and women were technically at attention, noted anchor Brian Williams of NBC News, they didn't even applaud when Bush walked onstage to deliver the address.

The sole supportive interruption followed a sequence in which Bush built to the line, "We will stay in the fight until the fight is won." NBC's Kelly O'Connell, reporting from Fort Bragg, told Williams afterward that the applause appeared to have been "triggered by members of the president's advance team" and that once they began clapping, the soldiers joined in.

Wolf Blitzer, co-anchoring with Zahn on CNN, told viewers there were"no rah-rah hooahs from this group," but no one had said there would be.

Bush's speech aired on all the major broadcast networks, something of a surprise since as of mid-afternoon yesterday, neither NBC nor CBS had plans to cover it. They felt, correctly, that the speech contained nothing new or newsy and that it didn't merit a half-hour or more of prime time. But something changed as the day wore on, and Bush showed up on NBC and CBS as well as on ABC and the various cable news networks that previously had announced they would cover the speech.

In a time when some polls show the popularity of the news media to be even lower than the approval rating for Bush's conduct of the war, the managements of the networks may have feared hostile reaction if they didn't air the speech live. Political conservatives keep up a steady drumbeat of hostility against the media, something the Bush administration does nothing to discourage. Refusing to air the speech probably would have led to unpleasantness -- or at the least given the new subculture of bellicose bloggers another alleged media conspiracy to shriek about.

This was not a major speech by Bush, nor was it particularly well delivered until the end, when he seemed to be straining to hold back his emotions as he spoke of the U.S. troops fighting and dying in Iraq. He referred several times to violent insurgents who stage daily sneak attacks -- calling them "ruthless killers," among other things -- but at the end of the speech said, "They are no match for the men and women of the United States military."

Bush's voice seemed to crack as he spoke those final words. Now the crowd did applaud, but they weren't interrupting the speech, because it was over.

Earlier Bush tried to make it sound as if there were new ideas in the speech. He mentioned three initiatives designed to make the Iraqis more a part of the war, among them "partnering coalition units with Iraqi units" in combat situations. "As the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down," Bush promised, but he rejected setting a deadline for U.S. withdrawal because, he said, it would "send the wrong message" to the Iraqis, to U.S. troops who have fought or are now fighting the war, and to the enemy, who could be expected to just "wait us out" if a date for withdrawal were made public.

The president, wearing one of those baby-blue ties that he favors, made a media reference during the speech, saying the insurgents in Iraq "take innocent lives and create chaos for the cameras" to capture.

Having made the decision to carry the speech, NBC and CBS could hardly then come on the air and say it wasn't important. So, whatever they thought, anchors and reporters treated the speech as a news event. ABC, with Charles Gibson anchoring, and NBC both stayed on the air afterward for discussion. MSNBC, enterprisingly enough, did an impromptu town meeting on the speech from a Baptist church in Nashville, having already scheduled a special edition of the Chris Matthews "Hardball" show from that location to discuss, among other things, politics and religion.

Matthews led a post-speech discussion that included assembled experts, most of whom leaned to the right or far right, and an audience made up largely of military families. Matthews got giggles from the audience when he asked one soldier's wife about "IUDs" being used by terrorists in Iraq. He quickly corrected himself; he meant IEDs, he said -- "improvised explosive devices."

Two soldiers' wives interviewed said they were prepared for the war to last 10 or 12 years, which was more alarming than Matthews's tiny gaffe.

CBS was the first network to rush away from the speech. Its coverage, passively anchored by Bob Schieffer, ended abruptly so the network could return to regular commercial programming: a sitcom rerun. CBS boss Les Moonves is no friend to the news division, so it is not surprising that CBS hotfooted it. There was a time when it would have been able to boast of the most extensive and thorough coverage of such an event. That time is sadly over.

MID-EAST REALITIES  -  www.MiddleEast.Org
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Robert Silverman - Salamanca, Spain


June 2005


Bush Speak - Deceitful, Dishonest, Distasteful
(June 30, 2005)
Following are two very interesting articles about the latest Bush Speech and what it's really all about - both published yesterday, the day after the speech. The first comes from Australia where the World Socialist organization has a very active and outspoken organization; the second from Professor Juan Cole who has his own blog/commentary that is often of considerable interest.

the Mideast's political vista is bleak and depressing - MER FlashBack 5 Years
(June 29, 2005)
"There is not a single Arab regime that has authentic political legitimacy. All are kept in power by soldiers and secret police... From Morocco to Iraq, the Mideast's political vista is bleak and depressing."

Bush, Condi, Rummie, and the Generals all Speaketh Safely and Carefully
(June 29, 2005)
"...the applause appeared to have een 'triggered by members of the president's advance team' and once they began clapping, the soldiers joined in."

TOTAL WAR Preached by Washington Extremists
(June 28, 2005)
"On no issue is the JINSA/CSP hard line more evident than in its relentless campaign for war--not just with Iraq, but "total war".... For this crew, "regime change" by any means necessary in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and the Palestinian Authority is an urgent imperative. Anyone who dissents...is committing heresy against articles of faith that effectively hold there is no difference between US and Israeli national security interests, and that the only way to assure continued safety and prosperity for both countries is through hegemony in the Middle East.

(June 27, 2005)
"The lack of public discussion about the role of Israel in the thinking of 'President Bush' is easier to understand, but weird nevertheless. It is the proverbial elephant in the room: Everybody sees it, no one mentions it." - Michael Kinsley - 24 Oct 2002(Today Editorial Page Editor, LATimes)

Hitler and Nazi Germany compared to Bush and Evangelical/Neocon America? By whom did you say?
(June 25, 2005)
"They (neo cons) are making such fatalistic mistakes and are about as insane as Hitler and the Nazi Party when they invaded Russia in the dead of the winter... It’s like the Nazis removing dissent without using the Gestapo." - former Senior Reagan Admin official with impressive credentials

(June 15, 2005)
MER has never before published this story, this 'conspiracy theory' if you will. Though under much pressure over the years to do so we always held back and never published anything about this 'possibility'...until today that is. But now the fact that a ranking former Bush Administration official, in fact the man who was the top government economist in the Labor Department on 11 September 2001, has now gone public saying 9/11 may have been a historic hoax and the World Trade Towers were 'most likely' destroyed by a 'controlled demolition', causes us to reconsider.

Avi Shlaim and 'Liberal' Jewish Israeli Apologetica
(June 24, 2005)
"For when it comes to pointing fingers in their own direction for so many awful mistakes for so long, for such Israeli apologetica that at the very least played into the crafty and bloody designs of those they claim to so oppose, there is such a deafening silence from the likes of Avi Shlaim, Henry Siegman, Joel Beinin, Aaron Miller and the chicanerous Peace Now-B'rit Tzedek 'peace' propagandists."

Letter to MER from Israel...and Reply
(June 23, 2005)
"Truly informing people of the often tragic and enraging realities in which we are all now interwoven in today's 'modern' world is indeed what MER is all about. It is a daunting difficult sometimes distasteful task. But it is oh-so-important whether we be discussing the realities in the U.S., the Arab countries, today's United Nations, the Palestinian Authority, or Israel. Indeed, we badly and urgently need a new kind of worldwide alliance among dedicated and knowledgeable and independent people of conscience and conviction, whether they be Israelis or Arabs or Americans, Jews or Muslims or Christians."

Fingers Pointing At Israeli Complicity
(June 22, 2005)
As for the crucial charge that Israel was at least partly behind it all coming from such a ranking former CIA official who use to brief non other than George Bush the Senior at the White House -- well...that is buried in the story and not presented in a very serious way as it surely deserves to be.

IRAN War Already Underway
(June 21, 2005)
The Secretary of State's crafty remarks in Cairo yesterday actually denouncing U.S. policies since World War II in the region were in reality part of the carefully conceived rhetorical facade, a thinly disguised veneer of 'freedom' and 'democracy' sound-bites, all actually designed to obfuscate and smoke-screen these larger realities.

Controlling the Middle East in the 21st Century
(June 20, 2005)
"...the Secretary of State attempted to articulate a simplistic sound-bite veneer to the crusading neocon/Evangelical/Zionist vision of the new Middle East the U.S... is using the Pentagon and the CIA to force into being against considerable resistance and at tremendous cost."

'Death Camp' and 'Gulag' Charges Finally Ring Out in Washington
(June 17, 2005)
The Senate's No. 2 Democrat has compared the U.S. military's treatment of a suspected al Qaeda terrorist at the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay with the regimes of Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Pol Pot, three of history's most heinous dictators, whose regimes killed millions.

KILLING IRAQ - MER FlashBack 5 Long Years Ago
(June 8, 2005)

America's Little Gulag - MER FlashBack
(June 6, 2005)

MER Has Been Suspended
(June 2, 2005)

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