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Einstein in 1948
(April 26, 2004)
Einstein speaking up in 1948 way before his time and not on relativity!

BUSH and BREMER of ARABIA - Lawrence of Arabia Redux
(April 25, 2004)
Today's "roaring anger at the American arrogance and ignorance" can now be heard far and wide, including on 9/11. And what has "led to the current nightmare" has not as yet consumed itself and now heralds a darker future still to come.

(April 26, 2004)
Earlier this month long-time Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak made a visit to the Bush Ranch. A few days later, after Sharon had visited the White House, Mubarak realized he'd been had once again, that he'd been used as a kind of cheap extra in a U.S.-Israeli political drama. Apparently Bush hadn't even told Mubarak of the about to be announced 'historic shift' in U.S. policies he was about to announce with Sharon. Mubarak left the U.S. and within days publicly proclaimed that 'Hatred for the United States had never been greater'. About the same time King Abdullah II canceled his White House visit, his jet flying directly from California back to Jordan pointedly bypassing even a stop in Washington. And these are two of America's closest allies in the Middle East, both kept in power by U.S. money, guns, and the still growing reach of the CIA. The hatreds the U.S. and Israel are creating today will reverberate throughout the Arab and the Muslim worlds for a long time into the future now with potentially cataclysmic results.

Aha...No Real Sovereignty After All
(April 24, 2004) now they even admit in public that all the hoopla about 'return of sovereignty' is hedged with all kinds of buts and ifs and tricky-sticky words that actually result in no such thing after all. Sovereignty by definition is control; and control is precisely what the Americans are intending to keep in their own hands, one way or another, for a very long time to come. In Washington senior political operatives have already uttered, and in public, "ten, to twenty, to thirty years."

Outrageous George and Bandar Bush
(April 23, 2004)
The only thing of late that Outrageous George keeps repeating ad naseum which appears to be definitely true is the new mantra "We are changing history". But opps again... if there were a free and 'democratic' vote of the citizens of our world, or for that matter of the members of the United Nations, is there any doubt of the outcome? Is there any doubt there would be an overwhelming consensus that these history charges of which Outrageous George -- the crusading evangelical Jesus-saved and born-again American President -- speaks are very dangerous, very hated, and very historically damned?

Einstein and other Jews condemn Sharon's Political Movement back in 1948
(April 21, 2004)
One other very important contemporary reality. Many of the 'neo-cons' who are now in the highest positions of the American government are among the supporters of Revisionist Zionism. The number three official at the Pentagon, Douglas Feith, whose role in Iraq is central, as well as the man put in charge of the Middle East at the National Security Council, Elliott Abrams, and many associated with them in the Bush Administration, are at the top of this list. Even Secretary of State Colin Powell has privately referred to Feith's office at the Pentagon as 'The Gestapo':

American Jews Collectively Now More Complicitous With Militant Zionism Than Ever
(April 22, 2004)
One of the most disturbing developments in the United States is how easily the leadership of the once liberal and progressive American Jewish community has been nearly completely co-opted into supporting the terribly militant, racist, and neo-apartheid policies of the 'Jewish State' of Israel. Of course there are many individual Americans who are Jewish who do speak and write in opposition to what the Israelis are doing; and in fact in opposition to what the 'organized' Jewish community is doing. But on the national stage there is no significant independent Jewish organization or spokesperson to turn to. Indeed those few that pretend to be such are actually front-organizations manipulating liberal American Jews in coordination with various political groups in Israel. Over the years the Israeli Labor Party when in opposition has used infiltrated and and funded front groups like 'Peace Now' and 'Tikkun' to support their own policies and to try to get 'liberal 'American Jews to harmlessly channel their money and energy to them. This additional tragic reality has substantially inhibited the growth of any truly independent movement among American Jews to take the one crucial step that the Israelis do fear: A clear call from credible American Jews to end the unprecedented U.S. arming and funding of Israel.

VANUNU RELEASED under Unprecedented Restrictions
(April 21, 2004)
In past years MERTV presented a multi-part series of programs specifically about Mordechai Vanunu and Israel's secret vast nuclear weapons program that Vanunu felt he must expose. Now with Vanunu's release after his kidnapping and imprisonment by Israel for 18 years -- under unprecedented restrictions -- there may be more international focus on how the Israelis came to possess vast stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction which in fact considerably stimulated the regional arms race leading to today's dangerous situation.

(April 21, 2004)
TONY Blair last night took on the full-time job of cheerleader for George Bush in his bid to be re-elected president of the USA. It was embarrassing. More than that, it should disgust every voter in the United Kingdom where - if Blair has his way - our destiny is tied ineluctably to the murderous bully boys in Washington. At least Dumbo Dubya admitted that he could not remember the whys and wherefores of this great international crisis. He stumbled about like a Cub Scout who has lost his woggle.

The American/Israeli Crusade - Passover in the 'new' Iraq
(April 19, 2004)
The Christian Evangelical American President is clearly now on a worldwide rampaging Crusade -- his language, not to mention his deeds, make this central reality of our times more and more evident all the time. The group of thirty or more Jewish Zionist neo-conservatives positioned at the highest levels of the Bush Administration, and who in fact instigated the invasion/occupation of Iraq in coordination with and on behalf of the Israelis, are cleverly manipulated the man of limited faculties in the White House in a variety of ways, including through the hard-line zealot ally who is the Vice-President. Even the Secretary of State has been known to talk about the 'right-wing extremists' in charge at the Pentagon, actually using the word "Gestapo" to make his point! And the new talk-of-the-town book by Bob Woodward now being serialized in the pages of The Washington Post and on talk-shows everywhere makes it more evident than before that if there ever was a 'rogue regime' it is now ensconced in the American capital everywhere using deception, duplicity, and mass propaganda to pursue its destructive course come what what may.

ISRAEL'S Formula for Unending Occupation and War
(April 19, 2004)
Meanwhile Ariel Sharon the Bulldozer and George Bush the Crusader march on.

Bush: A Clear and Present Danger to the World
(April 16, 2004)
"He is the most dangerous man in the world. A warmonger. A crackpot fundamentalist. A fanatic and a fool... His name is George W Bush and his main battle plan is to set the world on fire... In Israel, Bush has blazed a purposeless trail of destruction and multiplied the dangers of terrorism a thousand-fold... Bush has overnight primed the entire region for a new cycle of slaughter by backing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's illegal land-grab of Palestinian territory..." The Daily Mirror in London today

What the Palestinians Could Do
(April 16, 2004)
The beleaguered and essentially surrounded and town imprisoned Palestinian people are today paying the price for decades of political incompetence and corruption, an entire era of miserably inept leadership that never understood the world arena and grossly squandered a huge unprecedented reservoir of international good will, sympathy, and funds made available to the PLO leadership for so long by so many.

The Battle for Najaf and Sadr Awaits
(April 15, 2004)
The Washington bumbling and stumbling we've spoken of seems unending. Hence the evacuations now underway in Iraq of many Russians, Europeans, and other foreign nationals as few believe the U.S. has either much control or much good sense to deal with the predicaments of their own making.

History to the Rescue
(April 15, 2004)
At this time of such utter despair not only because of the policies of the United States and Israel in the Middle East, but because of the crusading-like zeal and arrogance, as well as the increasingly apparent ignorance, of the American President, remembering what others of far greater stature, vision, and courage have said over the years is heartening. Here are of few such historic quotes -- some profound, some courageous, some truth-telling -- all from the "Famous Quotes in History" section of MER.

The U.S. and Israel have set Iraq on Fire
(April 12, 2004)
"Today the hated Redcoats wantonly killing and destroying are the Americans. The ragtag militias fighting the occupiers are Palestinian and Iraqi and Muslim. And the pompous, self-righteous, arrogant types fill U.S. T.V. screens with their cries for more troops and more killing until the natives comply with the Empire's demands. The other evening, on NBC News, the 'consultant' 'explaining' developments in Iraq ended with 'God Bless the American Marine Corps!" MER

U.S. to declare Israel won't have to return to 1949 border
(April 11, 2004)
"Israeli officials believe the section of this letter from Bush referring to final status borders is highly significant. They believe it constitutes U.S. recognition of Israel's future annexation of West Bank settlement blocs and the negation of a right of Palestinian refugee return to Israel."

(April 11, 2004)
Even as Americans get ready to revisit THE ALAMO at their local movie theatres they have little ability it seems to understand the connections in history. For just as they still remember the 'heroic' but suicidal stand at The Alamo of their own history they do not seem able to collectively appreciate at all that others today are fanatically fighting for their own country. But this time the armies of 'ruthless' General Santa Ana are uniformed with the American flag of red, white, and blue and commanded by a former Texas Governor. Like the Alamo of old, the cities of Iraq and occupied Palestine may fall to the superior forces attacking them. But the memories of what is happening today will live on for a long time to come with future ramifications. After all "Remember the Alamo!" still reverberates passionately in the American psyche.

Iraqi Battalion Trained and Paid by U.S. Refuses to Fight in Falluja
(April 11, 2004)
"It was the first time U.S. commanders had sought to involve the postwar Iraqi army in major combat operations, and the battalion's refusal came as large parts of Iraqi security forces have stopped carrying out their duties."

Oil, Power, Israel, and World Domination
(April 10, 2004)
It's the old 'new world order' of George Bush I recast and renamed as the 'war against terrorism' and the promotion of 'freedom and democracy' of George Bush II. This is a very insightful and thoughtful article from Mother Jones Magazine. But it's imcomplete in one key regard by ommitting the very substantial role Israel has played in pushing and nurturing the policies now being pursued as well as in promoting a key group of persons, the "neoconservatives", about half of whom are Jewish and nearly all of whom have a long history of Israeli involvements. More on this from MER in the weeks and months ahead. Meanwhile, check MER much more often now that we've substantially reorganized and improved everything . And please, tell your friends and family about Mid-East Realities -

The 9/11 Cover-Up Continues Under Growing Pressure
(April 7, 2004)
There is a long history of using such "Bi-Partisan" Commissions, White House selected, not so much to uncover all the facts and point fingers in the right direction, but rather to cover-up that which the powers that be do not want to be known. This Commission too, which the public has only focused upon in recent days because of the controversy surrounding Condoleeza Rice's testimony and the President flipflop, fits into this pattern. Selected by the White House which resisted long and hard setting it up at all, the Executive Director a long-time friend of non other than Condoleeza Rice as well as Richard Perle and many of the neocons, and agreeing to first submit its report to the White House for 'clearance', this is anything but a truly 'independent' commission.

NO Palestinian State, 'Roadmap' Dead, Iraq Exploding
(April 5, 2004)
While Bush is now being likened to Nixon, and Iraq to Vietnam, in a major speech by Senator Ted Kennedy, all the lies and deceptions about what the U.S. is doing in Iraq, as well as about the 'roadmap' and the 'peace process' in the areas of increasingly brutally occupied Palestine are being rendered more naked for all to see.

Bloody Weekend in Iraq! 60+ killed in 3 days
(April 5, 2004)
Last week Iraqi ruler Paul Bremer ordered the U.S. military storming of a newspaper office and shut it down with a lock marked "USA Made " in the name of "freedom and democracy". For many it was a metaphor for the whole country, in some ways much of the whole region. A few days later he ordered the storming of a home at 3am arresting the top aide to Islamic cleric Muqtada Sadr who could have easily been picked up any time. This weekend major demonstrations broke out in many Iraqi cities and before the weekend ended 24 Iraqis were shot dead, many hundreds injured, and at least eight U.S. troops killed. And this was just in the Shiite areas. With the Sunnis in Fallujah Bremer has order that city surrounding and blockaded; some 5000 troops preparing for a kind of city-invasion with 'overwhelming force' in the days now ahead. Images of the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinians continue multiplying.

White House, NSC, FBI Cover-Up!
(April 3, 2004)
There's already the scent of blood in the political waters here in Washington now. The President and the National Security Adviser are already wounded. The Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State are wearing political band-aids.

White House, NSC, FBI Cover-Up!
(April 3, 2004)
There's already the scent of blood in the political waters here in Washington now. The President and the National Security Adviser are already wounded. The Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State are wearing political band-aids.

Great Big White House Cover-Up!
(April 2, 2004)
The claim by the National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice, that there was no such information was "an outrageous lie". Sibel Edmonds said she spent more than three hours in a closed session with the commission's investigators providing information that was circulating within the FBI in the spring and summer of 2001 suggesting that an attack using aircraft was just months away and the terrorists were in place. The Bush administration, meanwhile, has sought to silence her and has obtained a gagging order from a court by citing the rarely used "state secrets privilege".


(April, 2004)

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