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News, Views, & Analysis Governments, Lobbies, & the
Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know
  15 April 2005   MiddleEast.Org    MER@MiddleEast.Org   (202) 362-5266

  MER Information
            "Up until the 4th April I'd been receiving your articles on a
            daily basis, then they suddenly stopped. I've unsubscribed
            and re-subscribed to no avail.  I...would appreciate you
            letting me know what is happening your end as I'm missing
            very much reading your articles."       -E.S., United States

            "I have not received any articles from MER for a couple
            of weeks... ?   Please keep up the good work."  - D.R., Australia

            "What!!!  Don't you dare close!  Who is closing you and
            why?  What is happening that you are going to close?"
                                                       - Retired Teacher, Nevada

            "May I put on record my appreciation, respect and admiration
             to MER.   Yes, it is coming as the Most Honest, Comprehensive
             and analytical movement towards reality..."  
  - N.G, UAE

            "Your articles have been absolutely dynamite..."
                                                   -Former Harvard Professor

As many of you have been in touch to inquire this is just a brief note to let you
know that MER has been partially and we hope only temporarily suspended
for financial and equipment reasons.  We know that many of you are concerned
and though we have not been able to reply individually we do want you to know
what is happening.

Whether or not MER will be able to continue and with what impact is now
largely a matter of whether we will have sufficient funds to do so.  As we have
noted before there is a kind of Catch-22 involved.  The more fiercely independent,
the more hard-hitting, the more unique and valuable MER is, the more the usual
sources of funding are not available and the more difficulties and roadblocks are
put in our way.  We did successfully reorganize MER last year and we were
operating better than ever in fact until funds expected did not materialize.

For MER to continue it will have to be supported and funded by all of us, by
seriously concerned persons who appreciate the uniqueness and importance of
MER, more than ever at this critical time.   In a very real sense it's now up to all
of us working together to build on the important foundation that we already have.   Not only do we need to keep MER alive, we need to make it possible for MER to have a serious and continually growing impact.  

Soon we will be deciding what we will be able to do based on what financial
support we have received.    So please do not delay, your support is needed now.

                                        Mark Bruzonsky
                                        MER Publisher

Should you wish to contact me personally this weekend call anytime to 202 362-5266 or email  to Mark@MiddleEast.Org.     Also see http://www.MiddleEast.Org/demo    

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P.O. Box 4918
Washington, DC 20008

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MID-EAST REALITIES  -  www.MiddleEast.Org
Phone: (202) 362-5266     Fax: (815) 366-0800     
Email: MER@MiddleEast.Org
Copyright © 2005 Mid-East Realities, All rights reserved

April 2005


MER FlashBack - Wiping Out Palestinian Nationalism
(April 27, 2005)
MER FLASHBACK - Five Long Years Ago: Finally even Arafat's own Fateh is beginning to put into print what has long been suspected and whispered -- the Palestinian people have been tricked and duped and snookered.

Fahd and Reagan - MEI FlashBack 20 Long Years Ago
(April 26, 2005)
As for Arab dignity, after meeting yesterday with Bush-Cheney-Rice to plot the next steps in the 'New World Order' crusade, the Saudi Crown Prince was taken by his handlers and advisers to a local American diner where this man of the people had a photo op with some common folk looking more foolish and more out-of-place than ever.

Stealth Assassination of Yasser Arafat Resurfaces
(April 25, 2005)
As has become the usual when it comes to matters relating to Israel and the Middle East nearly all the mass corporate media in the U.S. and Europe allow themselves to be manipulated by governments, lobby-groups, and on-the-take commentators and pundits in ways that severely distort or cover up major events. Such was the case with what MER termed even as it unfolded last November the 'Stealth Assassination' of Yasser Arafat.

Saudi Ruler summoned to Texas for pre-war summit
(April 25, 2005)
Today on his Texas ranch the current Evangelical Christian American President has summoned the functioning Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques in Mecca, the acting King of Saudi Arabia. It is a meeting whose origins go back to an American battleship at the end of World War II - the story of which follows.

Information about this new MiddleEast.Org program
(April 25, 2005)

Please Contribute to MER Today
(April 24, 2005)

Interview with Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1979 - Considerable Historical Insights
(April 23, 2005)

Interview with Boutros Boutros-Ghali in 1979 - Considerable Historical Insights
(April 22, 2005)

For Those Now Using the New MIDDLEEAST.ORG Program
(April 22, 2005)

FlashBack - 5 Very Long Years Ago
(April 16, 2005)

Information about MER
(April 15, 2005)
As many of you have been in touch to inquire this is just a brief note to let you know that MER has been partially and we hope only temporarily suspended for financial and equipment reasons. We know that many of you are concerned and though we have not been able to reply individually we do want you to know what is happening.

IRAQ AUTOPSY - FlashBack 2 Years
(April 2, 2005)
"The United States has embarked on an imperial adventure in the Middle East. This is the true meaning of the war against Iraq... Washington is intoxicated by the vision of imposing a Pax Americana on the Arab world... The fatal flaw is that this is not a purely American project. Rather it must be seen as the culmination of America's strategic partnership with Israel..." - Patrick Seale

U.S. Behind Original Iranian Nuclear Program
(April 1, 2005)
Hard as it may be for most Americans to understand, contemporary Iran is far more democratic than the regime of the Shah it replaced against great American support for the tyrant. Hard as it may be for most Americans to appreciate as well, contemporary Iran is in reality more democratic than many of the key U.S. client-regimes in the region -- including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt and Jordan. The hypocrisy and deceitfulness of those in control of the power of the American Empire seems never-ending. But only once and awhile do exposés of the following kind appear in the corporate mass media; and in this case it was buried away on page 15 with a meek headline even though preparations to attack Iran are well-underway and the Bush-Sharon War Summit is about to take place.

© 2004 Mid-East Realities, All rights reserved