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(202) 362-5266 3 August 2006 MER@MiddleEast.Org
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MER - MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 3 August 2006: Of course this headline is quite out of sync with the way the major news media are reporting what's happening. Yet the headline is quite on target.

The Americans have not only armed and fueled Israel's destruction of both Lebanon and Palestine. The Americans have not only thrown up great gobs of political smoke to obscure what is really happening and to give the Israelis still more time to rain death and misery on the peoples of the region.

Now the Christian Evangelical President, in tandem with the Zionist Neocon 'cabal' and the Israel Lobby in Washington, is actually attempting to manipulate the U.N. to send an armed 'multinational' force -- NOT a blue-helmet 'peace keeper' force mind you --' to take over the area of southern Lebanon nearest to Israel's northern border!

The role of this 'United Nations' military force will be not to keep a peace but in effect to impose a new political/military arrangement on the Lebanese, and on the Arabs and Muslims throughout the region -- to in effect get on the side of the Israelis and the Americans. They will in effect occupy part of Lebanon. They will in effect fight against Lebanese forces who remain at war with Israel. They will try to prevent arms and support from coming to Lebanon. And they will help train the Christians of Lebanon to control and oppose the Muslims of Lebanon. They will overall help make possible a new Lebanese geopolitical reality that the Israelis have been trying to manipulate for a generation -- a Lebanon in the Israeli/U.S. orbit rather than in the Arab/Muslim one.

Oh yes, there are also a list of things this thinly-disguised U.N. fighting force will not do. They will not protect the Palestinians in the occupied territories from the apartheid conditions and the military assaults of Israeli army. They will not be able to come into any part of Israel or occupied Palestine. They will not be authorized to fight against the war crimes being perpetrated by the Israeli army or to do anything at all about the occupation of the Palestinian people -- the root cause of the ongoing wars and hatreds in the Middle East which the U.N. itself is complicitous in bringing about since 1947!.

Meanwhile the bigger stage is now set: Syria and Iran are in the U.S.-Israeli target sites.

It's like watching two different wars

Julian Borger

2 August: The US and European media have always covered the Middle East from different perspectives, but flying back to Washington from a stay in London at the height of the Lebanese conflict made it clear to me how wide the gulf has become. Britons and Americans are watching two different wars.

The overwhelming emphasis of television and press coverage in the UK was the civilian casualties in Lebanon. Day after day, those were the "splash" stories. The smaller number of civilian casualties from Hizbullah rockets in northern Israel was also covered but rarely made the top headlines or front pages.

Back in DC, watching Lebanon through American camera lenses, the centre of the action seemed to be Haifa. CNN, for example, sent two of its top anchors, Miles O'Brien and Wolf Blitzer, to the Israeli port city. Much of the morning news was devoted to showing O'Brien scurrying in and out of shelters when the air raid sirens sounded. Another correspondent was sent on patrol with a Haifa ambulance crew to look for casualties. On the morning I was watching, the crew only came across a man who had a fatal heart attack as a result of the rockets. The paramedics' attempts to save him were shown.

This emphasis on Israeli casualties relative to Lebanese was taken to its breathtaking extreme by Charles Krauthammer, a conservative columnist on the Washington Post, who described the Hizbullah rocket attacks as "perhaps the most blatant terror campaign from the air since the London blitz."

From Haifa, the television news typically shifts to the border and to correspondents covering the Israeli army (CNN has another of its leading men, John Roberts, stationed there), who have supplied most of the news on the fighting in south Lebanon.

There have been reports out of Lebanon itself, but they have usually come further down the running order, and reports on civilian casualties there are almost always contextualised, emphasising the Hizbullah tactic of launching rockets from populated areas; in British reporting, that context has often been either missing or weighed separately in analytical pieces.

British journalism generally celebrates eyewitness accounts with a consistency in emotional tone that discourages cool asides to discuss mitigating circumstances; US television reporting out of Lebanon, by contrast, has occasionally been in danger of becoming all context, focusing on Hizbullah tactics to the exclusion of the humanitarian tragedy. Fox News, in particular, has sought to bolster Israeli public relations. An anchor at one point asked Ehud Barak what he would like the world to know about Hizbullah and Hamas.

Qana has changed the tone, at least for the time being. The account of families huddled together in a building in a doomed bid to keep their children safe and the sight of the small bodies being carried out of the rubble has had the emotional force to break through the usual rules of the game, and has mostly been given comprehensive coverage. But one Fox anchor still expressed concern that any pause in the Israeli offensive would allow Hizbullah to regroup.

There is a circular relationship between media coverage of the Middle East and public opinion. Correspondents and editors are often fearful of the avalanches of hate mail that can descend in a heartbeat on matters Middle Eastern, and their reports consequently serve to deepen entrenched points of view.

The difference between British and US polls on the current conflict are striking. Just over a fifth of Britons polled pre-Qana, compared with nearly half of the Americans questioned at about the same time, said they thought the Israeli use of force was proportionate; and another 9% of American respondents thought the Israelis were not being tough enough.

Some of that extraordinary divide must be attributable to the very different realities on British and American television screens.

Meanwhile, more Iraqi civilians are dying every day than Lebanese, but the horror of that war barely appears on television screens in either country any more. Lebanon is newer and much safer to cover. Anyway, Iraq fatigue set in long ago.

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August 2006


BUSH = CRAP - So Says Tony Blair's Deputy Prime Minister!
(August 17, 2006)
BUSH = CRAP Did You Say? OK, apparently the "Crap" reference had specifically to do with the so-called U.S. "Roadmap" and promises to the Brits and others regarding the disastrous Iraqi War. But you'll pardon us for expanding the context and suggesting it applies quite generally across the board. We think the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, would agree, if he could.

Pakistan's Musharaf Blackmailed by US?
(August 16, 2006)
Target Musharraf after years of blackmail? None of us can know for sure -- such things are closely held national secrets that few even in the intelligence services have access to. But there is a great deal of circumstantial 'evidence' that lends considerable possible veracity to what is discussed in this article which is written by an enterprising Pakistani journalist now exiled in Canada. And some years ago there was the demise of another strong-man Pakistani General, Zia al-Haq.

The Rise of Hezbollah in 'The New Middle East'
(August 13, 2006)
Just look at opinion polls around the world where even ordinary people are asked about the policies of the U.S. and Israel -- never ever so dangerously off the charts. Here is the origin of the disgust, the hatred, and the desire for revenge that is propelling so many to decide that they must themselves find ways to fight, to defend, to revenge. This substantial cover story comes from India, from the well-known magazine Frontline published by The Hindu.

(August 9, 2006)
So much for the far-too-late far-too-little Arab Foreign Ministers Summit a few days ago. Even as they pontificated in a 'safe' part of Beirut not far away the Israelis bombed away reducing the Arab States to a rag-tag collection of pathetically weak pseudo- governments and American-sponsored 'client regimes' going through the rituals and crying crocodile tears.

Damascus and Tehran - Next Stops on the Crusading Express
(August 7, 2006)
"...the neoconservative dream of making George W. Bush a modern-day Alexander conquering the major cities of the Middle East, one after another."

Hezbollah's al-Manar
(August 6, 2006)
Meanwhile the battle for Iran is still in the early phases, the war in Iraq is going very badly for the Americans, Lebanon has been destroyed again, the Palestinians are suffering far worse than apartheid, the credibility and resources of the American Empire are draining away at an accelerating pace, and the hatred for Israel is bubbling over.

Target IRAN!
(August 5, 2006)
And so the largely Jewish cabal of Neocons who so dominate Washington affairs in coordination with the Jewish/Israel Lobby -- and the new Evangelical/Israel Lobby which the Jewish one has greatly encouraged and helped -- now have the big target in sight: IRAN!

UN To Fight For Israel and US Against Arabs and Muslims!
(August 3, 2006)
Now the Christian Evangelical President, in tandem with the Zionist Neocon 'cabal' and the Israel Lobby in Washington, is actually attempting to manipulate the U.N. to send an armed 'multinational' force -- NOT a blue-helmet 'peace keeper' force mind you --' to take over the area of southern Lebanon nearest to Israel's northern border!

ON THE BRINK... At The Root...
(August 1, 2006)
The Neocons and the Israeli Lobby have been working for years now in crusading fashion to bring the world to the verge of what is now a potential slow-burn world war. That is what they have been planning for some time largely because it fits the Israeli geopolitical design for the Middle East region.

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