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If you don't get MER, you just don't get it!
(202) 362-5266 - 24 July 2004 - MER@MiddleEast.Org
News, Views, & Analysis Governments, Lobbies, & the
Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know
The most honest, most comprehensive, and most mobilizing news and analysis
on the Middle East always comes from MER. It is indispensable!"
Robert Silverman - Salamanca, Spain

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History has taken major turns since we began MER
many years ago. And while we are all bombarded
more and more with things to read and watch, the
easily available information has become more
suspect and more twisted than ever, and the
crucial analysis of what is really going on has
become more difficult to come by, to trust and
often to even understand.

Indeed even as there is more and more to read
and watch there are also more and more masked
lobbying organizations, pseudo-journalists, and
false "institutes" bought and controlled by
specific interest and pressure groups.

In addition, many news organizations and
publications are now in fact tied to either
corporate, political or lobbying interests that
are also usually disguised. More media
programs and the journalists they employ are at
the mercy of their corporate owners, pressure
groups, funders, and advertisers. When it comes
to the Middle East the Israeli/Jewish lobby and
various groups associated with some of the
wealthy Arab 'client-regimes', not to mention
all the propaganda that is funded and controlled
by the U.S. government in a growing variety of
ways, make it increasingly difficult to sort
through all the ubiquitous media noise and get a
clear-headed, no-nonsense, expert analysis of
what is really going on and why.

In recent months we have made special efforts to
try to reorganize MER for the long term and to
delivery more exclusive and unique information,
analysis and insights than ever before. And we
now have much more planned including the preview
of the new program for Windows computers,, now available at

Very sincerely it is now your financial support
that will determine what we can do, how quickly
and effectively, and with what outreach and
impact. For MER to continue and to become
better known there is simply no substitute for
independent financial contributions from those
of you who regularly read MER and have come
to know and appreciate MER best in recent years.

Please remember that for MER to be able to
sustain our efforts and move ahead as we are
planning we have to have completely independent
funding from those of you who really do
understand and appreciate the "News,
information, & Analysis That Governments,
Interest Groups, and the Corporate Media Don't
Want You To Know!"

Please today make your check to MER and send to:
POBox 4918
Washington, DC 20008

You can also use Paypal where MER@MiddleEast.Org is now verified.

Thank you very much.


COMMENTS From READERS Around The World
Received earlier this year and just now compiled

From Readers In:  France, Germany, UAE, USA, Canada, South Africa,
Bangladesh, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Armenia, UK, Lebanon

We would very much like to hear from you as well. Please email us at MER@MiddleEast.Org.

Subject: Comments to MER

Thank you MER for exposing news that was exclusive only to those in the corridors of power.

Omar Ahmad Bafagih
United Arab Emirates

Subject: Comments to MER


You're doing great work!
I think it's important to keep driving home the facts -- both historical and current.

Well thought out commentary is also very good.
Thank you for all the information your bring forward.

Joe Calomino
New York City

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Federico Guzzoni

Congratulations to your reorganized MER. It has become our first choice information source reg. what is really going on in the Middle East.

Hopfully you can continue for a long time!

Best regards from Germany where freedom of opinion is a farce and disinformation - especially regarding the Middle East - is the order of the day.

Federico Guzzoni

Subject: Comments to MER


Your articles are appreciated very much and is a learning experience for me. Live on the east coast of Fl., and retired last Dec. from the Air Force as a civilian employee. Keep up the good work.


Subject: Comments to MER
From: Lawrence Puren (HCG)

Hi ,
Thank u for the comprehensive and informative coverage of affairs in the Middle East which is of concern to all peace loving citizens world wide. Your news coverage is
vital in the interests of truth and justice as so much propaganda , lies and disinformation is spread by the U.S.A and Israel to deceive the world.

I am appalled, shocked, horrified and disgusted at what the Israelis are doing to the Palestinian people . It is incomprehensible that the United Nations are sitting back
idly and allowing such atrocities and human rights abuses to be perpetrated on a daily basis. Where is the conscience of the World ?

...Please continue to keep people informed and enlightened as to what is happening
and to dispel the lies which Israel is telling the world . Thank u for the work that u
are doing.

Lawrence Puren
Durban, South Africa

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Rima Mutreja


My name is Rima Mutreja and have been reading Middle East Realities for a while now. I live in Washington DC and am a media activist with Palestine Media Watch...

I have to commend your efforts on your brazen reports and incredibly interesting narratives. I was wondering if myself and another colleague of mine could speak with one your representatives on the media work that you do.... Thank you and I look forward to hearing from your organization.

Rima Mutreja


You beat the best sources in the USA and I am grateful for your work.

May we have more articlex or exerpts from Arab, Druz, Iranian , Muslim and selections of the range of views in the world of Jewish Press, pehaps like the old Atlas Magazine which I believe boasted of collecting fragments
of , " The Best of World's Press !"

Grateful for your work,

FIntan Dooley - Milwaukee, WI

Dear Sirs,

We are satisfied and thankful for the news, views and analysis that we receive from you and specially those that are hidden from us by the mainstream media. We also appreciate the efforts you are making to improve
your presentation constantly. We do feel bad that from here we are unable to contribute to your efforts except to wish you well.

Being in Bangladesh and not having many of us able to have or use computers we do share your despatches with others and everybody shares the thoughts on your positive and truthful works....

This is indeed a sad and brutal world despite all the glamour and material progresses achieved. In reality we have only become purely materialistic and greedy with hardly any matching development in outlook and values...

With warm regards and many many thanks,
I remain,
Yours sincerely,
M A Qader

Subject: Comments to MER

dear mer
you've done a fine job with mer.

the stories are factual, documented, pertinent and hard-hitting. and
much needed.

winkler, a contributor from ID in my 60s

Subject: Comments to MER
From: glenn mittelstadt

Great site. I only wish you offered for sale the new and realistic American Flag.
That would be our red and white bars set with a Star of David in a field of blue.

God Bless,


Organization: Editions Democrite
To: MER - Mid-East Realities - MiddleEast.Org

Dear Friends from Mid-East Realities
I wish to thank you for your contributions.
We are a small French language montly magazine.
We are translate your articles on occasions, but even when we dont your posts help us to get a better overview.
You can always do better, but you are nevertheless doing very well.
Alexander Moumbaris

Chief and only eidtor of "les dossiers du BIP"
Editions Démocrite, Paris France

Subject: Comments to MER

...I really do want to read EVERYTHING you send me.

Kind regards,

Subject: Comments to MER
From: doug :

Very informative news. You have a scary profile of Benny Morris, a so-called liberal. You have the facts, past and present. Now for a way to send a contribution...and remain out of trouble for publishing truth?

Sincerely, Doug Hohn, Sacramento

From: Hrand Kurkjian

I would like to subscribe to MER. I am the US Treasury Resident Budget and Financial Management Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Armenia. I have lived and worked in the Arab world for over 30 years and am
interested in developments in that part of the world.

Cheers, Hrand Kurkjian

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Sahel Durra

Dear Sirs;

Thank you for putting my name on your list of subscribers. I enjoy reading the articles contained daily in your site. It is a real enrichment for the information on the Middle East...

Wishing you success

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Adrian krieg

Great site good information. Thanks! enclosed is an article for you.

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Net Prophet
To: MER@MiddleEast.Org


I very much like MER!

Otherwise, I *LOVE* your service.

--- )

Konchok Penday

From: Nicolas Sayegh

Great and thank you for the valuable information!
Nicolas A. Sayegh

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Lee Cheney

MER is great and informative - the changes you made are very good -
keep up the good work

Lee Hobbs, New Mexico

From: Antonietta Wheeler

I Like as it is now. I get news that I could not find in the west media. Thanks
Antonietta Wheeler

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Dr. James J. Diehl

Your improved website is first class...what more can one say?

James J. Diehl, M.D.

Subject: Comments to MER
From: Federico Allodi

Quite gfood. I read your messages asiduosly. Please continue
With many thanks

Federico Allodi, MD
Vice-President, NECEF
Toronto, Canada

From: Dave Sanders
To: MER - Mid-East Realities - MiddleEast.Org

I really value what you are doing. When I can think of positive suggestions,
I will certainly send them along.

Keep up the great work!

Dave Sanders

From: Mimi Adams

Thank you for your on-going presentations of critical and current Mideast issues...

Mimi Adams

Subject: Re: Members of the Jury - Saddam's Future
From: Debra Sperry
To: MER - Mid-East Realities - MiddleEast.Org

This is the most important thing I could be reading today...
Your stuff is too good to delete because it is literally a pain in the neck to read.

Kind regards,

From: Betty

I would like to receive your articles on the Middle East freely if possible .
I find them very interesting and ull of information.
Regards, Betty - Saudi Arabia


Dear Mark

i enjoy very much readind your news and articles and would love to come to your sunday brunch, but i am living in Beirut lebanon and it is somehow a bit far to join in. i am sure it is going to be interresting i wish we have something like this in Beirut !!

have fun
Best regards
Daria Brasseler

Phone: (202) 362-5266
Fax: (815) 366-0800
Copyright © 2004 Mid-East Realities, All rights reserved

If you don't get MER,
you just don't get it!

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July 2004


Target IRAN
(July 31, 2004)
But regardless of outcome, just as soon as the U.S. election contest is decided, if not before, this huge historic issue looms large for the world. And it may well explain why the Israelis are moving toward a 'National Unity Government' again, something they traditionally do in times of war. Indeed, as these articles suggest, much is already happening to push public opinion, and no doubt behind-the-scenes where the political and military planners really operate there is much planning and anxiety underway.

Bush on Drugs for depression and paranoia?
(July 30, 2004)
"President George W. Bush is taking powerful anti-depressant drugs to control his erratic behavior, depression and paranoia."

Israel expands West Bank settlements and grab still more land
(July 29, 2004)
Months after Ariel Sharon announced his dramatic plan to pull Jewish settlers out of Gaza, portraying it as a sacrifice for peace, the government is grabbing more land for West Bank settlements.

The last 10 exclusive MER articles and FlashBacks.
(July 28, 2004)
These are the last 10 exclusive MER articles and FlashBacks as of 28 July 2004

Arafat's Pickle + Barak's Choking
(July 28, 2004)
Professor Edward Said: "It really doesn't matter whether he declares a Palestinian state or not, because he'll have a state without real borders -- they're controlled by the Israelis -- no real sovereignty, no real country -- it will be cut up into cantons and he won't have east Jerusalem. He won't be able to get rid of the settlers and won't have control over the water, air or sea. Aside from all that, he'll have a state of sorts... [It's] a sign of both exasperation and weakness.'' July 2000

Saudi Money and Influence in Washington
(July 27, 2004)
In the 1980s and 1990s the Saudi Royals and their associated business cronies and oil companies were extra busy throwing around, and in most cases grossly overpaying or wasting, their money in the United States, especially in Washington. The main goal of course was to purchase both influence and protection. The secondary goal was to purchase good 'public relations' by having a cabal of those on the take they could count on for everything from some pro-Saudi spin, to a good Op Ed, to some behind-the-scenes fixes.

Please support MER now
(July 23, 2004)

Roots of Israeli Apartheid
(July 23, 2004)
The roots of what has become Israeli Apartheid and now the widely-condemned nearly 500 kilometer long "Wall" are in this approach to the Palestinians long known as "Revisionism Zionism" and long the underlying philosophy of those who today rule Israel and attempt to speak for American Jewry.

U.S. Presbyterian Church Acts To Divest from Israel
(July 22, 2004)
Finally, one of the Christian denominations in the United States has acted in a principled and courageous way. Will this "most censorious decision ever embraced by any Christian denomination in the United States against Israel" just taken by the American Presbyterian Church now open the door for others to follow?

Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction
(July 20, 2004)
True to character in contemporary Washington, not one word about how it is Israel's possession of a vast arsenal of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, including submarines to deliver these weapons by missile throughout the greater Middle Eastern and south Asian regions, that has greatly fueled the race for such weapons in past decades.

Kerry Pledges More for CIA, Pentagon, Israel
(July 19, 2004)
The Democratic Candidate for President and his top surrogates has not only called for more troops for Iraq Kerry has now called for doubling again the number of CIA agents and spies worldwide. And he's sent his Jewish brother Cam to Israel and American Jews pledging more support for Israel as well.

Allawi shot inmates in cold blood, say witnesses
(July 17, 2004)
Iyad Allawi, the new Prime Minister of Iraq, pulled a pistol and executed as many as six suspected insurgents at a Baghdad police station, just days before Washington handed control of the country to his interim government, according to two people who allege they witnessed the killings.

Iraqi's Uniting in 'War of Liberation' Against American Occupiers
(July 17, 2004)
...a combining of the Iraqi nationalist populations and religious groups in an escalating 'war of liberation' against the U.S. occupying forces of the Pentagon and CIA. This is now the greatest challenge not only to the American occupation but to the essentially puppet government installed with a fast secret hand-shake by Paul Bremer (who then ran even faster to the airport) and now run by disguised remote control by Ambassador Negroponte.

Senior Sunni Cleric Calls for Holy War Against U.S. Occupation Forces
(July 16, 2004)
Of course they'll never say so in the open, but the Americans and the Israelis prefer an Iraqi civil war, or at least the further breakdown of the country into distinct Kurdish, Shiite, and Sunni areas, rather than a combining of the nationalist Shiite and Sunni groups in an escalating war against the U.S. occupying forces of the Pentagon and CIA.

NewsFlash! US-chosen-protected 'Interim Iraqi PM' personally executed six
(July 16, 2004)
The explosive claims in tomorrow's Sydney Morning Herald and Age newspapers allege that the prisoners were handcuffed and blindfolded, lined up against a courtyard wall and shot by the Iraqi Prime Minister. Dr Allawi is alleged to have told those around him that he wanted to send a clear message to the police on how to deal with insurgents. Two people allege they witnessed the killings and there are also claims the Iraqi Interior Minister was present as well as four American security men in civilian dress.

Hitler Name Resurfaces In Washington
(July 16, 2004)
"In a way that occurred before but is rare in the United States...somebody came to power as a result of the illegitimate acts of a legitimate institution that had the right to put somebody in power. That is what the Supreme Court did in Bush versus Gore. It put somebody in power.... That is what happened when Hindenburg put Hitler in." Judge of Second Circuit Court of Appeals

Iraq Teeters
(July 15, 2004)
"The war was fought to weaken Iraq permanently, and if possible to break it up into separate 'statelets', so as to prevent it ever again challenging Israel or US oil and strategic interests in the Gulf."

'What's his accomplishment? That he's no longer an abnoxious drunk?' -Reagan on Bush
(July 14, 2004)
At an unprecedented early stage in the political campaign George Bush has in effect been forced to become his own attack dog. That's because his Vice-President and his Secretary of Defense are already damaged goods...

Emergency U.N. Session Maybe Friday
(July 13, 2004)
The issue is whether the Arabs and those who truly care about justice and international law are finally going to have the guts -- which they have never had in the past in view of threats from the U.S. and Israel what would be done if they dared -- to confront the U.S. in the Security Council and then to demand the General Assembly take the one major action that is within its power, suspension of the G.A. membership of Israel.

Osama Strikes Again
(July 12, 2004)
And now...the truly 'unthinkable' for Americans. From his hideing place whereever that may be Osama Bin Laden has U.S. officials, and now the American people, actually contemplating and chatting about 'postponing' The American election...if... We're now on an 'unthinkable' roll; and much more 'unthinkable' can now be expected in the months and years ahead.

New Version MiddleEast.Org now available
(July 11, 2004)

Covering Up The Truth - The "Intelligence", WMDs, and 9/11 Coverups All Proceed.
(July 11, 2004)
COVERING UP the TRUTH -- The "Intelligence", WMDs, and 9/11 Coverups All Proceed.... "And fourth the U.S. government knew then, and knows now, of the unprecedented level of Israeli-Jewish lobby penetration of key government positions in a way that seriously skews perceived U.S. national interests and security concerns to align with those of Israel."

Israel - Sanctions Now
(July 10, 2004)
But the General Assembly does have a kind of super moral power. It was exercised against South Africa in the days of apartheid. It now should be exercised against Israel. Until there is a real and sovereign Palestinian State, and until Israel's apartheid policies are ended once and for all, the U.N. General Assembly should now act to remove the credentials of the Israeli delegation and suspend Israel from the General Assembly.

CDA - Central Disinformation Agency
(July 9, 2004)
If there is regime change in the U.S., one can bet that much of the most incriminating actual evident, the crucial paper trails, are already being hidden and in the days right after the election will be taken, shredded, and 'disappeared' in one way or another. The top ranging neocons at the Pentagon and the White House, and the Vice-President and his top aides, have the most to fear and no doubt are working overtime to protect their asses.

Top US 'Peace Negotiator' Now Works Directly for Israelis
(July 8, 2004)
Remember now, this is the very same 'Ambassador' Dennis Ross whom the 'even-handed' Americans insisted be the top 'peace process negotiator' for a decade or so between Israel and the Palestinians. Remember as well that the much flaunted and constantly lied about 'peace process' Ross directed erupted in recent years -- as MER had predicted all along by the way -- into the worst mayhem and bloodshed ever. It also has brought worse than apartheid conditions to the Palestinian people and a great escalation in hatred and what the Americans love to simply call 'terrorism' regardless of causes, distinctions, places, and realities.

Amb Dennis Ross, 'Peace Process Chief
(July 8, 2004)
Remember now, this is the very same 'Ambassador' Dennis Ross whom the 'even-handed' Americans insisted be the top 'peace process negotiator' for a decade or so between Israel and the Palestinians. Remember as well that the much flaunted and constantly lied about 'peace process' Ross directed erupted in recent years -- as MER had predicted all along by the way -- into the worst mayhem and bloodshed ever. It also has brought worse than apartheid conditions to the Palestinian people and a great escalation in hatred and what the Americans love to simply call 'terrorism' regardless of causes, distinctions, places, and realities.

Top U.S. 'Peace Process Negotiator' Now Works for Israelis
(July 7, 2004)
Remember now, this is the very same 'Ambassador' Dennis Ross whom the 'even-handed' Americans insisted be the top 'peace process' 'negotiator' for a decade or so between Israel and the Palestinians. Remember as well that the much flaunted and constantly lied about 'peace process' erupted in recent years (as MER had predicted all along by the way) into the worst mayhem and bloodshed ever as well as today's worse than apartheid conditions for the Palestinian people.

Pentagon Neocon Corruption and Israeli-Connections
(July 7, 2004)
The American media, especially the Washington-based American media, isn't going to take on this one about the neocons and the Israeli-Jewish lobby. There will be no Washington Post exposee of this quite possibly worse than Watergate situation. The major foreign media with the resources and manpower now should.

Debacle Looms in both Afghanistan and Iraq
(July 6, 2004)
Everywhere the Bush Administration is proclaiming success and courting disaster. Both the economic and political policies pursued by the U.S. in recent years are heavily mortagaging the future and will make American leadership and supremacy in world affairs far more difficult and costly in the not so distant future. The real price to be paid for all the excesses, all the lies, all the deceptions, all the unprecedented overpaying and overpromising, is not now...but some years ahead for the American Empire.

Saddam's Huge Statue - More Lies and Deceptions
(July 5, 2004)
But now read how this made-for-TV drama was conceived, carried out, and orchestrated by U.S. Marines with, in all likelihood, the advance planning and assistance of the CIA which now has its largest operations station in the world not far from Firdos Square where the huge statue once stood.

"Independence Day" - In the US and Iraq
(July 4, 2004)
It's Independence Day in the USA. But that's little consolidation to the Iraqis, to the Palestinians, or to the Chechnyans or Afghanis and so many other miserably oppressed peoples -- politically, economically, militarily, and culturally -- throughout today's troubled bleeding world.

Amira Hass Speech in Stockholm
(July 3, 2004)
Amira Hass is an extraordinarily courageous Israeli journalist who has lived with and boldly reported about the Palestinian people and Israel's increasingly severe repression and dispossession of them. The above poem by Swedish poet Helga Henschen was chosen to highlight the award.

From Vietnam to Iraq and Abu Ghraib
(July 2, 2004)
Few in Washington these days have time or interest or reason to connect these historical dots. Bbut they are in reality crucial to a full understanding of how things have gotten to where they are...and the direction things are still heading.

Bremer and his 'Israeli Flag' Gone from Iraq
(July 1, 2004)
If these guys have been making policies and decisions about the future of Iraq and the Middle East in the same way they did about a new Iraqi flag....well then the chaos, incompetence, corruption, and miserable failures all need be underscored even more that we had previously realized. And that is saying a lot!

How Bremer Slinked Away on Monday
(July 1, 2004)
But judge for yourself after a little more insight. For real journalism these days is often not what you find on the front-page... Read this inside the paper analysis story about what actually happened in Baghdad on Monday -- not about the tag lines and rhetorical hyperbole the Americans love to sucker the media with. And after doing so it's even harder than ever to imagine this is all going to have a happy ending.

© 2004 Mid-East Realities, All rights reserved