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27 May 2006

News, Views, & Analysis Governments, Lobbies, & the
Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know

From Israel/Palestinian Conflict to 9/11 to the 'Clash of Civilizations'

MER - MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 27 May: What can be called 'The Israel Problem' has quite a long history for the Americans and indeed for the whole world. Had this problem been properly dealt with in decades past it is likely we would have a far better and far less confrontational world today. Indeed 'The Israel Problem' has terribly poisoned U.S. relations with the Arab and Muslim worlds for the past two generations, and it was for sure of the major factors leading to 9/11 and what has become today the 'Clash of Civilizations'.

While the Israelis are considerably responsible for what has happened; so are the Americans considerably culpable for allowing things to transpire as they have and indeed for facilitating Israel policies with great amounts of money, armaments, and political cover.

Today we learn from a just made public 1975 Henry Kissinger memo that thirty years ago the Americans were well aware of the dangers posed by Israeli policies and wanted to do something to essentially put the small Jewish State into a more normal and reasonably limited relationship in the overall scheme of world affairs.

But largely because of powerful 'Israel Lobby' efforts by Kissinger and subsequent Administrations have all failed and 'The Israel Problem' has not only horribly metasticized but is more negatively consequential and more dangerously out of control than ever.

'75 Kissinger memo discounted Israel

By Calvin Woodward
Published May 27, 2006

The United States reached out to hostile Arabs three decades ago with an offer to work toward making Israel a "small friendly country" of no threat to its neighbors and with an assurance to Iraq that the U.S. had stopped backing Kurdish rebels in the north.

"We can't negotiate about the existence of Israel," then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger told his Iraqi counterpart in a rare high-level meeting, "but we can reduce its size to historical proportions."
A December 1975 memo detailing Mr. Kissinger's probing conversation with Foreign Affairs Minister Saadoun Hammadi eight years after Iraq severed diplomatic relations with Washington is included in some 28,000 pages of Kissinger-era foreign policy papers published in an online collection yesterday.

George Washington University's National Security Archive released the collection, drawn from papers available at the government's National Archives and obtained through the group's Freedom of Information requests.

In it, Mr. Kissinger tells Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in June 1972 that the United States, mired in Vietnam, probably could live with a communist government in South Vietnam as long as that evolved peacefully. "If we can live with a communist government in China, we ought to be able to accept it in Indochina," he said.

He also hints that the United States, newly courting China, would consider a nuclear response if the Soviets were to overrun Asia with conventional forces.

At the time, Chinese-Soviet tensions were sharp and the United States was playing one communist state against the other as best it could while seeking detente with its main rival, Moscow.

The transcript of Mr. Kissinger's meeting with Mr. Hammadi in Paris sheds light on a little-known maneuver that spoke to America's broader effort to win friends in the Arab world even as it was giving military support to the Jewish state.

The meeting was frank and open -- diplomats' preferred description of any such meeting but in this case, true. And Mr. Hammadi, a friend of the Soviets, was a tough sell.

"We are on the other side of the fence," Mr. Hammadi asserted. "What the United States is doing is not to create peace but to create a situation dominated by Israel."

Mr. Kissinger pressed: "Our attitude is not unsympathetic to Iraq. Don't believe; watch it."

He said U.S. public opinion was turning more pro-Palestinian and U.S. aid to Israel could not be sustained for much longer at its massive levels. He predicted that in 10 or 15 years, "Israel will be like Lebanon -- struggling for existence, with no influence in the Arab world."

Mindful of Israel's nuclear capability, a skeptical Mr. Hammadi peppered Mr. Kissinger with questions, including whether Washington would recognize Palestinian identity and even a Palestinian state. "Is it in your power to create such a thing?"

Mr. Kissinger said he could not make recognition of Palestinian identity happen right away but, "No solution is possible without it."

"After a settlement, Israel will be a small friendly country," he said.

Mr. Kissinger said U.S. officials had believed Iraq was a Soviet satellite state but had come to a "more sophisticated understanding now. We think you are a friend of the Soviet Union but you act on your own principles."

Saddam Hussein was then vice president, in control of internal security and oil.

When Mr. Hammadi persisted with complaints about U.S. support for the Kurds, Mr. Kissinger brushed them off by saying, "One can do nothing about the past."

"Not always," Mr. Hammadi countered as the meeting closed and he escorted Mr. Kissinger to the door.

Washington and Baghdad renewed relations after the start of the Iran-Iraq war; Mr. Hammadi became prime minister in the Saddam era.

The collection, also available in microfiche, consists of some 2,100 memorandums of Mr. Kissinger's secret conversations with senior officials abroad and at home from 1969 to 1977, serving under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.

William Burr, senior analyst for the research group, said the papers are the most extensive published record of Mr. Kissinger's work, in many instances offering insight into matters that the diplomat ignored or merely touched on in his prolific memoirs.

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May 2006


(May 31, 2006)
BUT using the newest high-tech precision bombing to destroy Iran's growing capabilities and subverting/infiltrating the country to either take it over or neutralize it one way or that's another matter. And that in fact is what Bush/Cheney and the Neocon/Evangelicals have the Pentagon and CIA working overtime to undertake. And that is why the Israeli Ambassador at the United Nations actually proclaimed in public yesterday that World War III has already started.

The Neoconization of America
(May 30, 2006)
This column from the pages of the LATimes over the weekend at least begins to examine what has happened to the collective USA and both of the major parties in what let's charitably call 'world outlook'. And those with an all-important Washington memory can recall that the 'Prince of Darkness' himsself, Richard Perle, got his start on Capitol Hill as foreign policy assistant to one of the most prominent Democrats of yesteryear, 'Scoop' Jackson.

Apocalypse Now - 2006
(May 29, 2006)
How appropriate on the American Memorial Day to loudly and eloquently be warned that all so many have fought and died for is now terribly endangered -- put at risk in fact as never before by the very officials with the flags in their lapels ad nauseum proclaiming their patriotism while more than ever endangering their countries future and indeed the entire world.

Pushing and Preparing the Palestinians for Civil War
(May 28, 2006)
The goal now is Plan B -- to foment a Palestinian civil war attempting to mask the imposition of worse-than-Apartheid realities on the now seriously fragmented and far more destitute Palestinians. In the process the Hamas Palestinians have been pushed into alignment with Iran and Syria along with the Arab nationalist and Islamic forces that continue to hold out against U.S.-Israeli hegemony -- the 'new world order' promoted by the Zionist Neocon minions who still hold Washington in their grip, albeit less firmly than before the Iraqi debacle.

'The Israel Problem' - Dangerously Out Of Control More Than Ever
(May 27, 2006)
Largely because of powerful 'Israel Lobby' efforts by Kissinger and subsequent Administrations have all failed and 'The Israel Problem' has not only horribly metasticized but is more negatively consequential and more dangerously out of control than ever.

ISRAELIS Further Expand, Wall In, Divide and Rule
(May 23, 2006)
This is the map experts now believe the Israelis are trying to create. By doing so they not only expand considerably beyond the 1967 boundaries but they keep and fortify the bulk of settlements built since '67 and at the same time they institutionalize a novel kind of Middle East militarily-controlled apartheid upon the Palestinians -- a situation unknown anywhere else in the Middle East or indeed in the world.

Propaganda War - US and Israel still far in lead
(May 20, 2006)
The PROPAGANDA WAR is a major aspect of what may yet prove to be only the opening phases of the 'Clash of Civilizations' -- one the Israelis are more responsible for than any other party other than the Americans.

Palestinian Civil War Looms Closer Than Ever
(May 18, 2006)
Mahmoud Abbas is traveling here and there around the world essentially lining up money, guns, and clandestine support his largely corrupt and discredited 'Fateh' faction of the Palestinian movement. This as the Israelis, always of course with considerable American help and involvement, are pushing hard for the Palestinian civil war they have wanted, but failed until now, to be able to ignite.

(May 17, 2006)
U.S. and Israeli military 'exercises' have been underway, both announced and no doubt unannounced. Clandestine U.S. and Israel special forces, along with CIA and Mossad operatives, are on both sides of Iran in Afghanistan and Iraq, and probably operating clandestinely in Iran as well. Top Jewish American Neocons long associated with Israel have publicly proclaimed Iran could be successful bombed 'in just one night'. Last week Israel's senior 'statesman', Shimon Peres, proclaimed that 'Iran too can be wiped off the map'. And yesterday this from The Herald in Scotland:

(May 16, 2006)
"An impending world jihad 'tsunami'... may soon descend on the entire Middle East."

US Readies for Iran
(May 13, 2006)
"Let us face the truth, Just like Iraq, all the talk about Iranian nuclear activities is a smoke screen for something else. The most likely answer is a combination of the United States strategic interest in oil, containment of China and Israeli interest. But in 2006 governments are understandably shy about mentioning neo-colonialism and greed as the reasons for invading other countries."

Jewish-Israeli Lobby Nervous in Washington
(May 12, 2006)
The Jewish-Israel Lobby is showing increased signs of nervousness and insecurity in Washington, as this article from THE FORWARD demonstrates. This in the aftermath of the spy scandal in which two of the most senior AIPAC personnel are no trial and 'The Israel Lobby' paper published by Professors John Mearshimer at the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt at Harvard in The London Review of Books.

Israeli-Jewish Lobby Increasingly Nervous in Washington
(May 12, 2006)
The Jewish-Israel Lobby is showing increased signs of nervousness and insecurity in Washington, as this article from THE FORWARD demonstrates. This in the aftermath of the spy scandal in which two of the most senior AIPAC personnel are no trial and 'The Israel Lobby' paper published by Professors John Mearshimer at the University of Chicago and Stephen Walt at Harvard in The London Review of Books.

Israelis With U.S. Help Slaughter Hundreds of Iraqi Scientists and Professors
(May 10, 2006)
Numerous reports for many months have stated that with collaboration from American occupation forces, Israel’s espionage apparatus, Mossad, slaughtered at least 530 Iraqi scientists and academic professors.

Assassination Plot of Palestinian President Say Israelis
(May 7, 2006)
Whether true or not, the Israelis have long wanted to provoke a Palestinian civil war, and now they are closer to their goal than ever, especially with the White House and Congress on board in the USA more than ever, and the confused and insecure CIA in chaos. This report should be taken with extra skepticism in view of how quickly the Israelis rushed it into the headlines.

'The Israel Lobby' - Part II
(May 5, 2006)
They unleashed a most unusual political, as well as academic and intellectual, firestory with their 'The Israel Lobby' article published in March in The London Review of Books. And we now know that the article was actually commissioned by and then rejected for publication in New York by The Atlantic -- formerly The Atlantic Monthly before the cut-back in publishing schedule. Rather hypocritically for a magazine supposed to stand for serious journalism, open debate and freedom of the press The Atlantic has nevertheless clamped a 'No Comment Top Secret' stamp on this whole episode and somehow convinced the Professors to do so as well. But the issue and the debate, so vital actually to Americans, does non-the-less continue in The London Review of Books where this follow-up letter appears in the current just published issue:

Israel's Disaster - Past and Present
(May 4, 2006)
Finally top American academics from leading American universities have joined the contemporary political scene. If their insights and concerns are brushed aside -- as the politicians and the special interest groups keep attempting -- the perils we all now face partly because of their long past absence from the real-time policy debate will only increase. Credit the Iraq war for stirring things up a backlash against the hardline Zionist Neocons and the far-out Christian a new sense of involvement and 'activisim' from segments of the intellectual community. But whether this is truly a new day is yet to be seen.

"Saudi Arabia could topple tonight..."
(May 1, 2006)
"Saudi Arabia could topple tonight and we wouldn't be surprised."

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