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"Israel’s special forces are...operating inside Iran in an urgent attempt
to locate the country’s secret uranium enrichment sites... They are
operating from a base in northern Iraq, guarded by Israeli soldiers
with the approval of the Americans.".

"The impeachment movement could quickly escalate at any time
now in view of all the scandals, trials, investigations, and leaks. And if
the Republicans get trounced in the mid-term election...impeachment
could in fact explode as the dominant issue."

MER - MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 5 March:
    The likelihood is President Bush has just used his very public visit to Indian, Pakistan and Afghanistan for very private preparations with these key regional countries for the coming attack on Iran. Other top U.S. and Israeli military and political officials have recently been in Turkey and other surrounding countries.  U.S. and Israeli preparations to take down Iran are proceeding quickly now, the so-called 'referral to the U.N.' just another public relations sideshow, and regardless of all the contradictions and hypocrisy involved, especially now that the Americans have blessed Nuclear India and unilaterally destroyed a generation of anti-nuclear-proliferation efforts and laws.

Washington is in a tizzy of the kind not really faced since the dangerous Nixon years.  Sinking Nixon himself tried to regain his balance and public support with a trip to the Middle East, this after the U.S. put the world on 'nuclear alert' at the time of the 1973 war, and as we learned only years later with the President too drunk one critical night to take an urgent call from the British PM. 

Gross abuse of Presidential powers on top of repeated deceit on matters of the greatest consequence and history are the bottom line.   Bush/Cheney credibility and poll numbers are now at an unheard of low point -- they have little more to lose on that front.  Getting anything major through the Congress, even though both branches are held by the same Republican Party as the White House, is increasingly unlikely. Indeed, the impeachment movement could quickly escalate at any time now in view of all the scandals, trials, investigations, and leaks. And if the Republicans get trounced in the mid-term election, now just a few months away in November, impeachment could in fact quickly explode as the dominant issue.

Worldwide the Americans are preparing friend and foe behind-the-scenes and manipulating public opinion out front.  The notion that somehow this is just all bluster all meant to somehow press the Iranians to cry uncle and cease and desist becomes less credible by the day. 

This article about NATO and Israeli preparations is from The Sunday Times today in the UK. Notice the dateline: Washington and Tel Aviv. And remember the previous other MER articles in recent months focusing on the coming 'Iranian Strike' and the extreme pressures coming from the Israelis as well as the powerful Jewish neocons and the organizations like JINSA and AIPAC, which in fact begins its major annual Washington meeting today with top target Iran.

Nato may help US airstrikes on Iran

The Sunday Times - 5 March: WHEN Major-General Axel Tüttelmann, the head of Nato’s Airborne Early Warning and Control Force, showed off an Awacs early warning surveillance plane in Israel a fortnight ago, he caused a flurry of concern back at headquarters in Brussels.

It was not his demonstration that raised eyebrows, but what he said about Nato’s possible involvement in any future military strike against Iran. “We would be the first to be called up if the Nato council decided we should be,” he said.

Nato would prefer the emphasis to remain on the “if”, but Tüttelmann’s comments revealed that the military alliance could play a supporting role if America launches airstrikes against Iranian nuclear targets.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will tomorrow confirm Iran’s referral to the United Nations Security Council for possible sanctions.

Iran insists it is developing peaceful nuclear energy, a claim regarded as bogus by America and Britain, France and Germany, which believe it wants to develop nuclear weapons. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks about wiping Israel “off the map” have added to fears.

America and Israel have warned that they will not tolerate a nuclear-armed Iran. If negotiations fail, both countries have plans of last resort for airstrikes against Iran’s widely dispersed nuclear facilities.

Porter Goss, the head of the CIA, visited Recep Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey, a Nato country, late last year and asked for political, logistical and intelligence support in the event of airstrikes, according to western intelligence sources quoted in the German media.

The news magazine Der Spiegel noted: “Washington appears to be dispatching high-level officials to prepare its allies for a possible attack.”

Nato would be likely to operate air defences in Turkey, according to Dan Goure, a Pentagon adviser and vice-president of the Lexington Institute, a military think tank.

A former senior Israeli defence official said he believed all Nato members had contingency plans.

John Pike, director of the US military studies group, said America had little to gain from Nato military help. “I think we are attempting to bring the alliance along politically so that when all diplomatic initiatives have been exhausted and we blow up their sites, we can say, ‘Look, we gave it our best shot’.”

A senior British defence official said plans to attack Iran were pure speculation. “I don’t think anybody has got that far yet,” he said. “We’re all too distracted by Iraq.”

Israel’s special forces are said to be operating inside Iran in an urgent attempt to locate the country’s secret uranium enrichment sites. “We found several suspected sites last year but there must be more,” an Israeli intelligence source said. They are operating from a base in northern Iraq, guarded by Israeli soldiers with the approval of the Americans, according to Israeli sources.

The commander of Israel’s nuclear missile submarines warned Iran indirectly in a comment to an Israeli newspaper last week that “we are able to hit strategic targets in a foreign country”.

The Israelis fear Iran may reach the “point of no return” — at which it has the capacity to enrich uranium to bomb-grade purity — in the next few months. The Americans are more interested in the point at which Iran is close to developing an actual bomb, thought to be at least three years away.

Two Iranian opposition groups claimed this weekend that Iran had increased its production of Shahab 3 missiles, which have a range of 1,200 miles, sufficient to reach Israel.

Diplomatic efforts to contain Iran are likely to proceed slowly, given Russian and Chinese opposition to punitive action. A Foreign Office official said although the IAEA would refer Iran to the security council, any sanctions would be a “strictly step-by-step process”.

March 2006


More on the debate about 'The Israeli Lobby'
(March 27, 2006)
The Harvard Study, now sans the Harvard seal and with an extra disclaimer, has generated considerable debate and interest. The following exchanges have much useful and interesting information...

All About 9/11 And The Doubt, Skepticism, Disbelief
(March 25, 2006)
When Hollywood celebrity Charlie Sheen came out last week the events of 9/11 and since have come under a greater 'credibility gap' than ever. This review of all the doubt from the current issue of New York Magazine is a very useful and interesting article, even if the skepticism is considerable, some parts quite incomplete, and the focus not always clear. But it sure makes for good weekend reading! And if you missed it a few days ago read the MER Editorial and review in "The Mother of all Hoaxes? Part II."

Israel - Next Target of al-Qaida?
(March 23, 2006)
Major media stories are mushrooming, just in advance of the Israeli election, about: Israel Fears That It, and Palestinian Territories, Will Become al-Qaida's Next Jihad Battleground

The Mother of all Hoaxes? Part II
(March 22, 2006)
MER called for an unprecedented international media investigation of everything relating to 9/11 last summer. It took us too long to do so -- much too long we plead guilty. Here's the link to the MER Editorial "The Mother of All Hoaxes?" Earlier this year a new organization of academics picked up on that call after a meeting in Washington between of Professor James Fetzer, the organizer of Academics for 9/11 Truth, and MER Publisher Mark Bruzonsky. Now well-known actor Charlie Sheen is lending his voice to the call.

'The Israel Lobby' on the Haaretz Editorial Page
(March 22, 2006)
'The Israel Lobby' study published earlier this week compiled alot of information from diverse sources and provided an important measure of perspective as well. All in all a significant contribution to trying to finally, even so late in the historical day, expose and check the grossly excessive power of what is in effect what we have called it for many years now - 'The Jewish-Israeli Lobby'.

Rachel Corrie - Another New Tragedy
(March 21, 2006)
What a further tragedy that those who care so much about what Rachel Corrie stood for, and what she so sadly died for, lack the understanding and the courage themselves to prevent her political rape on top of all the other indecencies.

U.S. Domination Has Limits
(March 20, 2006)
From Noam Chomky on the implications of the new spirit of independence from the U.S. that is growing fast in both Latin America and Asia.

The Jewish-Israeli Lobby
(March 18, 2006)
This is a vital subject, The Jewish-Israel Lobby, but it is one rarely paid the attention it is due and one hardly ever discussed as openly and thoughtfully, and as honestly and 'candidly', as it should be. These two well-known American academics, one from the U of Chicago the other from Harvard, make a limited stab at doing so in this nevertheless quite important article. But they glose over far too much, almost totally overlook far more, and at the end of the day pull far too many punches in view of the unique sensitivities this subject arouses within American society and American Jewry.

EXPECT ANOTHER 9/11 - provoked or 'black oped'
(March 17, 2006)
"Another 9/11 event will prepare the ground for a nuclear attack on Iran. Some readers say that Bush, or Israel...with American complicity, will provoke a second attack on the US. Others say that Bush or the neoconservatives working with some 'black ops' group will orchestrate the attack."

(March 16, 2006)
Nothing less than ongoing subjugation and control of the region through a combination of military force, super technology, CIA ops, gigantic money expenditures, hated Arab 'client regimes', and Israel of course is currently underway more than ever -- all disguised from gullible Americans with simplistic and to say the least dishonest 'democracy' and 'freedom' rhetoric.

Christian and Jewish Fundamentalism Fomenting More Muslim Radicalism
(March 14, 2006)
What is now known as 'The Clash of Civilizations' is now underway and the ramifications will grow in significance and are potentially catastrophic. Christian Fundamentalism and a pecular modern-day form of Jewish Zionist Fundamentalism underlie what has already happened and are primarily responsible for bringing it about through policies that have continually affronted, embarrassed, insulted, and enraged many in Arab and Muslims countries

NYTimes Top Reporter Back from Baghdad Predicts U.S. will 'fail' in Iraq
(March 12, 2006)
A day after returning to the U.S., after another long term as bureau chief in Baghdad, John F. Burns of The New York Times said on Bill Maher's live Friday night HBO program that he now feels, for the first time, that the American effort in Iraq will likely "fail."

Princeton University Forum Transcript - Anne-Marie Slaughter, Cornell West, Mark Bruzonsky
(March 11, 2006)
This is the full transcript of the Princeton University Forum: "Intellectuals and the Institution: What's in the Service of the Nation?". This forum was held at Princeton University on February 7, 2006. Panelists were Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dean of the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs; Cornell West, Professor; Mark Bruzonsky, Journalist. The forum was moderated by Sean Wilentz, Director of the Program in American Studies.

Major CRISIS Now Ahead Predicts Fisk
(March 9, 2006)
Robert Fisk says that in his three decades of reporting from the Middle East he's never seen it more dangerous, and that he's certain another major crisis, possibly even another September 11, is coming.

India-U.S.-Turkey-Israel Alliance as U.S. Bulks Up For Further Middle East War
(March 8, 2006)
"If this nuclear deal [with India] stands, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is going to fall. The president has just blasted a huge hole through the framework that his predecessors worked for over 30, 40 years to help build up."

Dispossessing, Controlling, and Permanently Subjugating the PALESTINIAN PEOPLE
(March 7, 2006)
The Israeli-inspired mention of 'Palestinian Territories' at the Oscar's Sunday night in a sense telecasts the new language far and wide -- no real state, no real homeland, nothing even close to self-determination but rather permanent dispossession and in effect imprisonment on the now scattered, divided, controlled and individually cut-off 'territories'.

JEWISH HOLLYWOOD - Paradise Now and Munich both lost and 'minimized'
(March 6, 2006)
Not only does the powerful American Jewish community enjoy wielding its power on both coasts in the USA these days but it has a closer than ever working alliance with Israel's leading newspaper, Ha'aretz, as well. And that's where this take on what happened last night was nearly instantly published -- clearly with advance understanding and preparations for what happened just a few hours ago in considerably Jewish Hollywood.

(March 5, 2006)
"Israel’s special forces are...operating inside Iran in an urgent attempt to locate the country’s secret uranium enrichment sites... They are operating from a base in northern Iraq, guarded by Israeli soldiers with the approval of the Americans."

Chechnya - Horror and Pogrom with U.S. and Israel support
(March 4, 2006)
This is just one story from the terribly bleeding and crying land of Chechnya that has been so forgotten and so sold-out to big-power 'politics' and geo-political 'realities' by so many for so long, including by the the increasingly discredited United Nations as well.

'Jordan Is Palestine' Rebirthing
(March 3, 2006)
The Israelis won't say it in public, but the realities of their actual geopolitical strategy, as well as their 'Revisionist Zionist' ideology, are that when the day comes that they can manage it they will manuever world events, U.S. policies, and through the Americans at least the Europeans and the U.N., so that what was once called 'Transjordan' will become known as the 'Palestinian State'.

New America Sets The New Middle East Negotiations Date On-The-Make
(March 1, 2006)
To put things in perspective, the New America Foundation moved in to town a few years ago after the Bush/Cheney takeover trying to establish a kind of new centrist block in modern-day Rome. On the whole New America types are too smart and internationalist to be Bush/Cheney/Neocons, too patriotic to want to be part of an American super-nova eclipse which they fear is underway, yet too compromised, power hungry, and on-the-make to be trusted by the rest of us.

For persons in Florida and California
(March 1, 2006)
West Palm Beach, Ft. Lauderdale, and Naples FLORIDA - Santa Barbara and Los Angeles CALIFORNIA - If you are in or near any of these cities and would like to meet in person with MER Publisher Mark Bruzonsky soon please email to MER@MiddleEast.Org with your name and phone numbers(including cellphone) and with brief information about yourself. .

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